Sony Sacrificed the PlayStation 4 Camera to Beat Microsoft on Price


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
I'm aware of all this breh. In the PS3, it was up to the devs to implement, hence why is wasn't really utilized.

but my point it's been a hardware based feature since before they decided to not bundle the camera. so I don't see how that decision changed anything with Vita remote play


Jun 8, 2012
Good!!!!!! I can save money at launch, than buy the camera at a later date if necessary.

I don't even know why this is newsworthy, I thought this was obvious. I even mentioned a month ago that there was rumor on NeoGAF (from a respected poster that has sources with Sony) that the PS4 Camera would be dropped to keep the price down, and that's exactly what happened.

But I do think in the future when the price of the Hardware in the PS4 comes down enough, the PS4 Camera will be bundled with all PS4s.
i see yall cant read.

pay attention. its not about if YOU or I want the accessory later or never.

its the fact that developers will be hardpressed to really put in work to develop for it if they are not sure everyone has one. so it would be a waste of time for them to program a game that has PS EYE functionality not knowing who will actually use it. so this means most developers will just skip it, until enough of these eyes get into homes.

thats why the kinect 2.0 is with the new xbox. it tells developers. if you can think of anything you would want to use that kinect for, go right ahead cause you already know it will be used since EVERYONE has one.

i told yall this when the price was announced why the box was higher then the ps4. it was the kinect 2.0.


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
Great call, Kaz.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
I just want a console, controller, my physical copy of my game and no worries brehs :to:.

By the time I'm 26 there ain't gon' be no market for me in gaming if consoles keep on with all of this other useless sh!t. Dafuq i need a camera and media subscriptions for tv and sh!t on my console for? :dwillhuh:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
It's a photoshop of Kaz's (allegedly, doesn't look like him there tho, lol) face over Christian Bale's from a scene in American Pyscho when he's banging a prostitute.

oh ok, I see it's a leg now

The Phoenix

All Star
Jun 8, 2012
i see yall cant read.

pay attention. its not about if YOU or I want the accessory later or never.

its the fact that developers will be hardpressed to really put in work to develop for it if they are not sure everyone has one. so it would be a waste of time for them to program a game that has PS EYE functionality not knowing who will actually use it. so this means most developers will just skip it, until enough of these eyes get into homes.

thats why the kinect 2.0 is with the new xbox. it tells developers. if you can think of anything you would want to use that kinect for, go right ahead cause you already know it will be used since EVERYONE has one.

i told yall this when the price was announced why the box was higher then the ps4. it was the kinect 2.0.
It sounds like you are trying to have the chicken and the egg argument. Some are saying, and you are in agreement with them, that MS has to include the Kinect with every system so that devs will be able to add features into games to enhance said game and be confident that those features will be utilized because everyone has access to the hardware, just like they do with a controller. OR so they can make games for it altogether and not just "features".

I stand on the other side of that argument. I feel that with the popularity that the Kinect version 1 experienced, it should have and would have had a killer app if the devs were serious about it to begin with. The fact that I didn't see said killer app, NOR did I see any any Kinect game worth mentioning at E3 shows me that devs arent sold on it or the Move. Between those two devices, if there was a dollar to be made by making games for them, these guys would be making them. But they aren't. It doesn't seem to me that forcing everyone to use it is going to change that. Yes, there will be an uptick in "features" that utilize the Kinect, but the Kinect will not be this generations equivalent of the analog stick.

Now I could be wrong. As a matter of fact, I hope that I'm wrong. But in order for me to be, MS and to a lesser degree Sony has to show us just what these killer apps are or at least give us a hint. I do think that being able to recognize faces and assign controllers to the proper people and all that is cool. I just don't think it's worth an extra 100 dollars. That kind of novelty is better suited as optional. But hey, I'm just a guy posting on a message board and I've never worked in the gaming industry so.....take it for what its worth. I do think its a valid opinion though.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
It sounds like you are trying to have the chicken and the egg argument. Some are saying, and you are in agreement with them, that MS has to include the Kinect with every system so that devs will be able to add features into games to enhance said game and be confident that those features will be utilized because everyone has access to the hardware, just like they do with a controller. OR so they can make games for it altogether and not just "features".

I stand on the other side of that argument. I feel that with the popularity that the Kinect version 1 experienced, it should have and would have had a killer app if the devs were serious about it to begin with. The fact that I didn't see said killer app, NOR did I see any any Kinect game worth mentioning at E3 shows me that devs arent sold on it or the Move. Between those two devices, if there was a dollar to be made by making games for them, these guys would be making them. But they aren't. It doesn't seem to me that forcing everyone to use it is going to change that. Yes, there will be an uptick in "features" that utilize the Kinect, but the Kinect will not be this generations equivalent of the analog stick.

Now I could be wrong. As a matter of fact, I hope that I'm wrong. But in order for me to be, MS and to a lesser degree Sony has to show us just what these killer apps are or at least give us a hint. I do think that being able to recognize faces and assign controllers to the proper people and all that is cool. I just don't think it's worth an extra 100 dollars. That kind of novelty is better suited as optional. But hey, I'm just a guy posting on a message board and I've never worked in the gaming industry so.....take it for what its worth. I do think its a valid opinion though.

Great post.

I feel the same way. Until I see a reason to want to play games with a camera, I'm not going to miss not having one.


Jun 8, 2012
It sounds like you are trying to have the chicken and the egg argument. Some are saying, and you are in agreement with them, that MS has to include the Kinect with every system so that devs will be able to add features into games to enhance said game and be confident that those features will be utilized because everyone has access to the hardware, just like they do with a controller. OR so they can make games for it altogether and not just "features".

I stand on the other side of that argument. I feel that with the popularity that the Kinect version 1 experienced, it should have and would have had a killer app if the devs were serious about it to begin with. The fact that I didn't see said killer app, NOR did I see any any Kinect game worth mentioning at E3 shows me that devs arent sold on it or the Move. Between those two devices, if there was a dollar to be made by making games for them, these guys would be making them. But they aren't. It doesn't seem to me that forcing everyone to use it is going to change that. Yes, there will be an uptick in "features" that utilize the Kinect, but the Kinect will not be this generations equivalent of the analog stick.

Now I could be wrong. As a matter of fact, I hope that I'm wrong. But in order for me to be, MS and to a lesser degree Sony has to show us just what these killer apps are or at least give us a hint. I do think that being able to recognize faces and assign controllers to the proper people and all that is cool. I just don't think it's worth an extra 100 dollars. That kind of novelty is better suited as optional. But hey, I'm just a guy posting on a message board and I've never worked in the gaming industry so.....take it for what its worth. I do think its a valid opinion though.
you still dont get it.

if we take it back. we use to play with JOYSTICKS. devs would develop games based on joysticks that had one button.

so that would be all the functionality of a game.

then someone came with the bright idea to get rid of the stick and use the Plus sign controller, with two buttons, + start and select.

then devs programmed for that.

then someone said naw, lets add 1 more button, 3 buttons + start, select, with a plus sign controller instead of a stick.

then someone said you know what, lets bring back the stick just make it shorter ,and leave the plus sign controller, and have even more buttons.

different systems had different controllers. at some point someone in both camps said, forget it. i'm making my controller the exact same basic setup as the next big console. so we all, computer controllers, baby game controllers included. we all have a plus sign controller, 2 analog sticks, two triggers and two bumpers. and they are all setup up the exact same way, just different letters on the buttons. thats all.

then someone said lets make the analog sticks PUSHABLE as buttons as well.

then someone said lets add the vibration. then someone said, lets take that to the next level. and here we are with the new controllers we have today.

Wii controller came with the wii. so every game made with the wii was made for that movement controller.

Sony and xbox 360 had regular consoles with no movement controllers. so devs didnt develop for them. then we extended the cycles for both systems and added movement controllers PS move, and the kinect 1.0. devs barely jumped on it. why? because it was so late in the console development cycle. why would all the big name games go all in on kinect or the move controllers when they knew good and well the new consoles were about to drop in a couple of years?

on top of the fact they knew those two controllers were better then the wii but still had serious issues recognizing movement properly. which would make a dev say no thank you. if its a big time game we're talking about.

lets say for arguments sake. that madden knew for a fact that the kinect and move controls would be 99.5% accurate to a persons movement. are you telling me, the DEVS wouldnt look into at minimum allowing people to move with the quarter back and throw?

sure couch potatoes dont want to work out when they are playing games. they want to get their potatoe on. i aint mad. but there are some as well as new kids that wouldnt no any better. once something like that is implemented. you would have some playing with the controller and others thru their move controllers. let the old fashion controller only gamers find out that my qb passing with the same QB is more accurate then there's because i use kinect or ps move. then you would see the old school players slowly adopt it, which would force the devs for other games to create more move/kinect content.

right now these devs want to see how good these move controllers are. if they're accurace is that good and latency is that low. they will start to give you killer apps.

and the truth is, you did get a killer app with the kinect. a lot of those fitness games were killer in the grand scheme of things.

i have that NIKE+ and your shape fitness evolved 2012 as we speak.
i know for a fact that nike + was the most accurate out of any of those other games cause i've seen user reviews admitting as such. i also know that this kinect 2.0 could be used with the old games i just mentioned and work 5 times better purely based off the accuracy factor and the fact the cam wont lose focus on you like it use to due to weird lighting in your home.

if its completely optional the devs for the "BIG NAME" games wont use it like they need to. now its there. its there for the devs to get use to, to know its in everyones house. in addition its there fore the old fashion "i hate kinect" users to be forced into it. sure you can turn it off and never use it. but whats going to happen is this. the first time you're at a friends house or the first time you say "xbox on" and the first time you change channels or your TV while waiting for an online match, all with your voice. you will start to soften up on the kinect. if ANY developer with a big name game comes thru with a legit use of it. and you find out its very accurate. you even the "i dont want that crap" user will start to use it. some things have to be forced on the people in order for them to change. this is one of them. this is the next level of gaming. time to come on board.


May 2, 2012
i see yall cant read.

pay attention. its not about if YOU or I want the accessory later or never.

its the fact that developers will be hardpressed to really put in work to develop for it if they are not sure everyone has one. so it would be a waste of time for them to program a game that has PS EYE functionality not knowing who will actually use it. so this means most developers will just skip it, until enough of these eyes get into homes.

thats why the kinect 2.0 is with the new xbox. it tells developers. if you can think of anything you would want to use that kinect for, go right ahead cause you already know it will be used since EVERYONE has one.

i told yall this when the price was announced why the box was higher then the ps4. it was the kinect 2.0.

whatever tricks the kinect 2.0 could implement in games isn't worth sacrificing privacy.