blathering blatherskite!
They still haven’t bought an AAA studio so I’m confusedBut here is what you said...
I'm not even gonna add one of my patented soliloquies, I'm gonna let you talk![]()
They still haven’t bought an AAA studio so I’m confusedBut here is what you said...
I'm not even gonna add one of my patented soliloquies, I'm gonna let you talk![]()
It’s the equivalent to wifing a girl after dating her 10 years. The name changes but the relationship was already there and the title change gets legal benefits but personally you still just getting what you had.Even if they eventually buy them it’s still a studio they built and gave the option to be bought. Thats pretty much the biggest difference
It’s the equivalent to wifing a girl after dating her 10 years. The name changes but the relationship was already there and the title change gets legal benefits but personally you still just getting what you had.
They still haven’t bought an AAA studio so I’m confused
wow he has a contradictive post for every shyt he say
yall are weird, where is the contradiction? Housemarque and Bluepoint were literally no different from these new studios. They were fully funded smaller independent studios that had the option of selling to anyone. There is no contradiction here.
Sony didn’t just go out and buy Konami or something
This should be applauded. They are funding the creation of bunch of brand new AAA studios without the intention of owning them and consolidating them into sony game factories. This is good business...and even better for the industry as a whole
Yes long time funding and working relationships is vastly different than acquiring successful AAA studios. It’s y’all who are blinded by standomSony just did the complete opposite of what you championed in the opening post with this latest purchase. If you don't see the contradiction its almost pointless to discuss anything with you because clearly you are blinded by standom
Most if not all these purchases from microsoft and sony haven't been hostiles takeovers. They have the option to not sell, so that's a non factor, but for most why wouldn't they sell. The ones that aren't up for selling haven't sold and probably wont because they don't really get any benefit out of it and the money doesn't add up. Square, capcom, EA, ubi, take two etc etc..
It use to take awhile for the backfires now a couple months at best
Since when was Nixxes a AAA studio? Seems like you guys are grasping at straws trying to equivalate Sony buying a PC port studio to an entire publisher of games.It use to take awhile for the backfires now a couple months at best
OkSince when was Nixxes a AAA studio? Seems like you guys are grasping at straws trying to equivalate Sony buying a PC port studio to an entire publisher of games.
Since when was Nixxes a AAA studio? Seems like you guys are grasping at straws trying to equivalate Sony buying a PC port studio to an entire publisher of games.