Sony introduces the world to Next Gen

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Sweeney isn't the only developer singing the praises of the PS5 and saying it's more technically impressive than the Xbox Series X.
Okay? And I can point out many other devs singing praise for the Xbox Series X. Matter fact here is what a former Playstation dev said.
PS5 will be crushed by Xbox Series X power, says ex-Sony developer
PS5 will be crushed by Xbox Series X power, says ex-Sony developer | Tom's Guide

And he worked at Guerilla Games.

Like I said, where there's smoke there's fire. It is clear that Microsoft gambled on teraflops and fukked up.
Once, again where did they fukk up? It seems to be only YOU saying that.... I've seen many devs and gaming journalist praise the Xbox One's spec. And how the heck is GPU and CPU power(which I insider much more important) not a good gamble? CPU which are important for performance. Which games these days badly need?

The PS5's visuals are going to be amazing. That's never been in dispute. But, we also know, thanks to Sony's own information and word from those developing for their system, that the access speed on the PS5 is unprecedented and will lend to a entire new concept of game design. The CPU and GPU of the Xbox Series X is negligibly better than the PS5's, and the access speed of the PS5 renders that marginal difference moot.
And yet you forget the Series X also had SSDs? While not as much as the PS5 but still has them nonetheless? And how will it be moot? The Series X will preform better. I have even gotten into the PHYSICS of a game and you're telling me MS fukked up on investing in that?
Who cares if the demo was 30fps and not 4k. It still looked amazing. Look at the reactions across the web. Microsoft fukked up.


Yea, they fukked up in only YOUR words. Meanwhile throughout this entire year tech analyst have only been saying good things about the hardware. And the demo would probably look 10x better in 4k. Especially an engine that Xbox studios already use consistently and have mastered(the Coalition).
Oct 22, 2017
Okay? And I can point out many other devs singing praise for the Xbox Series X. Matter fact here is what a former Playstation dev said.
PS5 will be crushed by Xbox Series X power, says ex-Sony developer
PS5 will be crushed by Xbox Series X power, says ex-Sony developer | Tom's Guide

And he worked at Guerilla Games.

Once, again where did they fukk up? It seems to be only YOU saying that.... I've seen many devs and gaming journalist praise the Xbox One's spec. And how the heck is GPU and CPU power(which I insider much more important) not a good gamble? CPU which are important for performance. Which games these days badly need?

And yet you forget the Series X also had SSDs? While not as much as the PS5 but still has them nonetheless? And how will it be moot? The Series X will preform better. I have even gotten into the PHYSICS of a game and you're telling me MS fukked up on investing in that?

Yea, they fukked up in only YOUR words. Meanwhile throughout this entire year tech analyst have only been saying good things about the hardware. And the demo would probably look 10x better in 4k. Especially an engine that Xbox studios already use consistently and have mastered(the Coalition).

:mjlol: Come on, bruh. It's not just the SSD. The PS5's IO throughput is far superior to the Xbox Series X'. And, far more developers are impressed with the PS5. This is what we know NOW, with both companies revealing details of their respective next-gen offerings. Before Sony unveiled the details, going off scant details, developers might have sided with Microsoft, but the _vast_ majority of developers are now saying that the PS5 is the true next-gen system.

Believe what you want. It's obvious the PS5 is the true next-gen leap we need.


Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Come on, bruh. It's not just the SSD. The PS5's IO throughput is far superior to the Xbox Series X'. And, far more developers are impressed with the PS5. This is what we know NOW, with both companies revealing details of their respective next-gen offerings. Before Sony unveiled the details, going off scant details, developers might have sided with Microsoft, but the _vast_ majority of developers are now saying that the PS5 is the true next-gen system.

Believe what you want. It's obvious the PS5 is the true next-gen leap we need.


You keep telling us more developers are impressed by the PS5 over the Series X yet have not name any developers outside of Tim meanwhile I named a former ex-Playstation developer. But lets get back to SSD as I been doing some research on it. If I remember correctly there is no more RAM pool in a PS5 than NVME. Yes. SSD can do some impressive stuff but Sweeney has some of you guys going overboard.

It depends what you mean by 'performance.' If you're having framerate issues, a solid state drive isn't what you need. Your GPU is is the key component there, and upgrading to an SSD will not make a difference. The point of installing games on an SSD is the drastic reduction in load times, which occurs because the data transfer speed of SSDs (over 400 MB/s) is significantly higher than that of HDDs, which generally deliver under 170 MB/s.

SSDs can also reduce 'hitching' in open world games. As our friends at Maximum PC reported back in 2010, 'hitching' is what Intel's Adam Lake calls brief pauses in games when they can't pull assets from the hard drive fast enough to keep up with the player.
How do SSDs affect gaming performance? | PC Gamer

Nowhere does Epic state that the Series X can't do the things that the demo did. More importantly SSDs dont do what you think they do. SSDs are mainly for filling memory. Nothing more nothing less. Here's how SSDs work(and what Epic really meant), in that you can load data fast enough to not need intense "level of details" as developers have mainly worked with forever. Meaning no random popups and everything is loaded before the character model reaches an area. Which is impressive. But again not what you and everyone else is thinking. So a world will load faster compared to on a traditional harddrive. So yea, maybe you'll be able to see draw distance better or drive much faster in a game. But that's about it. Either way the difference between the PS5 vs Xbox Series X will not even be that huge of a difference but the PS5 being able to load things quicker. Also the PS5 SSD can not be directly used as vram and the PS5 will always be limited by how much memory will be available after OS and features are loaded. And even if PC/Xbox Series X has a lower IO than the PS5 then all developers have to do is load more of the game assets into ram instead of streaming(not rendering) in assets like this demo did. But lets talk about GPU power because this is the most important part and the silliest area of your argument. Even if PS5 has a faster SSD(which it does), the Series X has the more powerful GPU. And it will still be able to RENDER(not stream) large worlds.... What you thought GPUs were just for resolutions? lol....

The geometry pipe starts the process. The GPU begins assembling 3D models – that'd be characters, buildings, and other object assets – with polys and triangles, building the geometry that comprises the object. You've heard us talk about poly count before, like with Chris Roberts of the Star Citizen team, and this is precisely where that comes into play. We've also used terms like “geometric complexity,” which refers to objects and models which are densely-populated with polygons and sculpted detail.
GPU Rendering & Game Graphics Pipeline Explained with nVidia

Are you serious? This is tech 101. And the two have around the SAME Ram... Again, no Microsoft did not "fukk up." Both consoles will not even be far apart. Yea the PS5 will be faster but the Series X will be better at rendering models. As for the bolded, once again WHICH developers? We knew about the PS5's SSD since January and you telling me it took developers THAT long to notice? And I'm not believing what I want, I'm just not going by buzz statement marketing hype like Xbox also been doing too. In a technical sense SSDs do not do what you think they do. And either way the Series X has a more powerful CPU/GPU which you ignore. These consoles are not even going to be that far apart.

@Rain @MeachTheMonster @Insensitive am I off or on the money because this shyt is getting silly now.

In your original post you don't even elaborate on HOW SSDs will create "seamlessly crafted worlds" or "interactive and context sensitive."
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old pig

Nov 12, 2017
This was absolutely gorgeous I just hope that gameplay mechanics evolve along with the aesthetics.
  1. Walk/Run/Drive from Location A to Location B
  2. Kill/Disarm/Neutralize the target
  3. Retrieve the MacGuffin
  4. Walk/Run/Drive from Location B to Location A
Is played out with 1 million or 14 million triangles. My $0.02.


Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
It's all great but it gonna take two weeks to. Install the game now


Also game mechanics have not evolved in 15 years the last big evolution

Was god of war / uncharted

Think how much games changed from 89 to 99

An now its all litterally the same shyt :wtb:
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Feb 12, 2013
This was absolutely gorgeous I just hope that gameplay mechanics evolve along with the aesthetics.
  1. Walk/Run/Drive from Location A to Location B
  2. Kill/Disarm/Neutralize the target
  3. Retrieve the MacGuffin
  4. Walk/Run/Drive from Location B to Location A
Is played out with 1 million or 14 million triangles. My $0.02.
They wont. They spend so much money on the presentation that doing creative things with the gameplay means they're risking people not liking their $200M game so to mitigate any chance of not recouping they just smash together the tried and true mechanics of Batman Arkham/Uncharted/COD/GTA/Mass Effect/Dark Souls.

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
It always takes developers a year or two to utilize the new platforms enhancements and not have games just slightly buffed up versions of what was out the gen before

Xbox was always the hardcore mutiple player platform

And sony closed the gap on that this generation:yeshrug:

I am sony guy because they have the best single player experiences of any platform

Does xbox have a uncharted, spider-man, or god of war type games exclusive to the platform ?

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
They wont. They spend so much money on the presentation that doing creative things with the gameplay means they're risking people not liking their $200M game so to mitigate any chance of not recouping they just smash together the tried and true mechanics of Batman Arkham/Uncharted/COD/GTA/Mass Effect/Dark Souls.

Why was the last star wars game uncharted /dark souls :russ:

Why does Lara Croft have detective vision:hhh:

Why is every game have a sewer level, abandon warehouse, ancient temple , tiny crawl space where the camera pushes up on the main character:francis:


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
This was absolutely gorgeous I just hope that gameplay mechanics evolve along with the aesthetics.
  1. Walk/Run/Drive from Location A to Location B
  2. Kill/Disarm/Neutralize the target
  3. Retrieve the MacGuffin
  4. Walk/Run/Drive from Location B to Location A
Is played out with 1 million or 14 million triangles. My $0.02.
Uh hasn’t been this been gameplay since 3D games became the standard?


May 6, 2012
The folks bringing up WatchDogs as a way to doubt this are missing one vital piece of information.

The infamous Watch Dogs downgrade by Ubisoft was because it was shown initially on a high spec'd PC at the time.

“Trailer wasn’t a good GFX reference. E3 2012 was PC as we always said and E3 2013 is PS4 reference. Was always the case”
Watch Dogs' Creative Director: PC Version Better Than E3 2012 Build In Many Regards, NG Close To PC - DSOGaming
First up, a few sobering truths. We have confirmation that the 2012 reveal was in fact running on PC hardware, although Watch Dogs' creative director Jonathan Morin states both next-gen consoles are on par with the PC's 'high' settings, one notch down from the top-most 'ultra'. Access to the Xbox One release, and indeed code for last-gen consoles, was unavailable at the time of writing, meaning our full Face-Off feature is to follow in the coming days. But having spent plenty of time testing the game on Sony's new console, it's clear which elements of Ubisoft Montreal's Disrupt engine hold up from the earliest demonstration.
Does Watch Dogs deliver on its stunning E3 2012 reveal?

So Watchdogs wasn't running live on a PS4 or even approximate PC devkit when it was first revealed but instead a high end PC;however this Epic demo(no pun intended) WAS running on a PS5 dev kit LIVE. Big difference. Games will easily surpass this tech demo as they did the original UE4 demo demonstrated for PS4. This tech demo is just a start.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The folks bringing up WatchDogs as a sort of way to doubt this are missing one key information.

The infamous Watch Dogs downgrade by Ubisoft was because it was shown initially on a high spec'd PC at the time.

Watch Dogs' Creative Director: PC Version Better Than E3 2012 Build In Many Regards, NG Close To PC - DSOGaming
Does Watch Dogs deliver on its stunning E3 2012 reveal?

So Watchdogs wasn't running live on a PS4 or even approximate PC devkit when it was first revealed but instead a high end PC;however this Epic demo(no pun intended) WAS running on a PS5 dev kit LIVE. Big difference. Games will easily surpass this tech demo as they did the original UE4 demo demonstrated for PS4. This tech demo is just a start.
This was already running at well below 4K and at 30fps with lots of it being canned animations and on rails. There’s no enemies, A.I. Physics, etc.

In order to make this into a game lots of what’s there needs to be turned down.

This is a tech demo, to show the possibilities of the engine.

It was not a target to show what full games will look like using the technology.

This already running at such low spec, how are games gonna “easily surpass” it when they actually have to be games?