Sony: 4K Movies on PS4... 100GB+ Download Files


Apr 30, 2012
It would have been smart so those same customers didnt have to go out and buy a new 360 when they got their HDTV 1-3 years later. How much would an HDMI output have really cost to put on the 360 from day 1? It would have been optional anyway. You arent using HDMI right now but wouldnt you rather have the option than not? It wasnt distant future technology. HDTV's in 2005 had them.


Red ring of Death took care of that for them.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
It would have been smart so those same customers didnt have to go out and buy a new 360 when they got their HDTV 1-3 years later. How much would an HDMI output have really cost to put on the 360 from day 1? It would have been optional anyway. You arent using HDMI right now but wouldnt you rather have the option than not? It wasnt distant future technology. HDTV's in 2005 had them.
Most people didn't have HDTV's in 2005. And no one had to go back out buy a new Xbox when they bought an HDTV. component cables were included and suitable for HD connections.

And again you fanboys are missing the point. All I'm saying is you can't praise Sony for making you pay for extra non-gaming features while shytting on Microsoft for the same thing.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
:skip: It's not like those features weren't even accessible across most of the country. Like you couldn't walk into any store and get an HDTV if you didn't already own one. Or a wireless router. Or a blu ray movie. Or a flash drive.

You try too hard to hate when you really should just try harder to hold back on the senseless hating and shutting the fukk up, as you're sounding really moronic right now.

They were available, but not financially reasonable to most consumers kinda like 4k is today.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States



:uma d:

First of all, Blu-Ray and 4K are entirely 2 different things here. The inclusion of Blu-Ray was big for Sony because like you've mentioned, they were pushing the new medium. I would say that it was necessary for some games, and I would also say that some devs wished that MS went with a larger medium because of the limited space on DVD when compared with Blu-Ray (GTA4 comes to mind, and other games that had multiple discs on 360)

4K is different because Sony isn't worried about bringing it to discs. They see that things are going digitally and now it's just a matter of people being presented the bandwidth to handle the content. They're not developing or putting in some new drive just for 4K content : laugh:

That's completely different from what you're comparing it with when it comes to Blu-Ray

:heh :

Read the article breh. DAYUM.
Whats flagrant about this dicussion is your knowledge on it comes solely from the article. And you refuse to use your own brain to see the truth.
4k and Blu-ray are different :what: So you think ppl gonna be downloading 160gb movies anytime soon? :whoa:
It'll be offered multiple ways, but strictly DD is not one of them :stopitslime:
And why would they not use blu-ray when they almost bankrupted themselves bringing that medium to the forefront? You make NO logical sense here bruh. As for Blu-ray being needed? GTA was one disc, then they later added DLC which you guys didn't get til a year or two later :manny:
The HDD took care of that, I didn't need Blu-ray to enjoy that game. Or any other game. How come you ignored the 40gb LBP really being 8gb via PSN store comment? You so fukking brainwashed its criminal. KZ2 is 12gb unscrubbed (that means less when scrubbed) so that game too would of fit on a DVD9
Blu-ray was not for your gaming pleasure, it was so they could push blu-ray players and disc. Had nothing to do with YOU the gamer. Stop denying this, cuz its not some little known secret. You guys are just too caught up in a console war...


Thing is, YOU didn't have to buy it when it launched. And a lot of people didn't buy it initially. They took a risk and it backfired with the pricing. But for you to act like the shyt wasn't the complete package from a hardware standpoint when it dropped is just flat out hating.

You're looking at this narrow minded.

Sony put out a quality device that didn't need hardware revisions to keep up with the times. It actually stripped features to cut the cost down.

MS had to come out with how many different designs/versions of the 360 just to offer what was expected.

Am I lying though?
Your lying to yourself. Could you stop turning everything into a console war for a minute. You saying its a great buy, we'll dissect that shortly...
the new codecs they made for 4K should lower that number

4K is mostly only going to be for a few people like the ones with expensive home theaters and the rich. I don't normal people even have the room to fit a 4k tv in there house and, much less, apartment.
Exactly, but SONY has no problem charging ALL ITS BUYERS for the tech so the overall price is cheaper for those lucky few :whew:
How many ppl use 7.1 surround sound today? Thank you sony ($600)
It still works and my games look good. Point is this "future proof" angle your trying to push is irrelevant if the tech doesn't become commonplace within the life of the console.
You know whats hilarious about this comment. These same dudes tried to make a huge deal about the next xbox being "always on" crying "everyone doesn't have broadband :sadbron:"
But now, 160gb movie downloads? Oh, what visionaries sony is :bow:
They future proofing the system son, what a great deal whatever the prices end up being!!!

It would have been smart so those same customers didnt have to go out and buy a new 360 when they got their HDTV 1-3 years later. How much would an HDMI output have really cost to put on the 360 from day 1? It would have been optional anyway. You arent using HDMI right now but wouldnt you rather have the option than not? It wasnt distant future technology. HDTV's in 2005 had them.
First off, why would they need to buy a new xbox. The old xbox's work on new TV's. But what you didn't say was how the first and second gen HDMI TV's was not compatible with ps3 :yayo: Once the HDMI upgraded to 1.2 I think? Old versions where not compatible. TV's... blu-ray players. Ppl was just fukked over.
Then the next batch could be connected to the internet (players) to upgrade themselves. Something HD-DVD did from the jump. Just educating you on this subject.. somebody needs to!
Most people didn't have HDTV's in 2005. And no one had to go back out buy a new Xbox when they bought an HDTV. component cables were included and suitable for HD connections.

And again you fanboys are missing the point. All I'm saying is you can't praise Sony for making you pay for extra non-gaming features while shytting on Microsoft for the same thing.
They do, but this.. well, my contribution to this thread wasn't predicated on that. I'm just pointing out how sony is up to its same tricks again.
Would I like the ability to watch 4K movies, sure.
But would I want to overpay for my gaming console to maybe "one day" use that feature?
fukk NO. And ps3 fanboys would agree its not a good idea to have ps4 launch at a much higher price like they did last gen
Looks like they going that route again. 4K output, 4gb extra GDDR5 RAM
Camera included with system and each controller has a light so the camera can recognize it?

How much is all these features supposed to cost US in the end?

Please don't mention an xbox when answering this question. Thanks


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
The conversation was about people waisting money on tech they couldn't use.

I'm sure everyone got that already "genius". Only thing is, it didn't make sense cuz it has already been proven that all of that "waisted" money on "unusable" tech was bullshyt cuz if they wanted to, all if that tech could easily be used. Try again.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Outside of hdtvs, all that other shyt was affordable. And no one forced you to buy anything. Try again.

At that time HDTV's that were big enough to have 1080p were over $2500. That's not affordable to most families. And yes you were forced to pay for those extra features if you wanted a playstation.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm sure everyone got that already "genius". Only thing is, it didn't make sense cuz it has already been proven that all of that "waisted" money on "unusable" tech was bullshyt cuz if they wanted to, all if that tech could easily be used. Try again.

If that tech is so usable and easy to get, the. Why have most people still not started using it?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I'm sure everyone got that already "genius". Only thing is, it didn't make sense cuz it has already been proven that all of that "waisted" money on "unusable" tech was bullshyt cuz if they wanted to, all if that tech could easily be used. Try again.

What are you even talking about anymore. Could somebody theoretically use the tech in 2005.. yeah, 100ppl could, sure.
Did you just make a point saying that? I'm sure somebody could use 4KTV right now too. That doesn't make an argument for 4KTV in 2013 a feasible option
Cuz its not.

Lets look at blu-ray. Sony straight up lied to YOU to get you to think you needed the technology. Thats why you still have ppl defending it in this very thread :bryan:
GoldenGlove talkin about "GTA 4 and other games could of used it"
Meanwhile ignoring the fact 99% of games didn't need it.
Most games have the same data on it twice so the slow ass blu-ray drive can read the info faster.
You have mandatory installs because of this bullshyt, and that takes space out of your HDD.
But once again, whats blu-ray good for when it comes to gaming?
You couldn't name a single game outside of Final Fantasy 13 that took advantage of blu-ray. Not a single game. And it wasn't the game, it was the cut-scenes that took advantage of blu-ray. Thats it
But hearing you guys talk, you'd think you couldn't live w/out it.
How is xbox winning this gen if sony has better multiplats thanks to blu-ray?

Once again, LBP is 8gb on PSN store right now. But here is sony trying to sell you a dream
LBP Won’t Work on the 360 | Lazygamer .:: The Worlds Best Video Game News ::.

How come you nikkaz see this, then turn a blind eye and continue the lie?
shyts INSANE. Please, just one of you guys. Speak on it. I know speaking on it would force you to admit sony has been less than truthful with you guys


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
At that time HDTV's that were big enough to have 1080p were over $2500. That's not affordable to most families. And yes you were forced to pay for those extra features if you wanted a playstation.

Gaming, while much more accessible these days, is still somewhat looked at as a niche hobby. What's affordable to most families doesn't even matter when most families don't even game like that. Also,I copped my first brand new HDTV at that time, a 40" 1080P Sammie, for 900 bucks (1100 after tax).

If that tech is so usable and easy to get, the. Why have most people still not started using it?

See above.