It was a complete package and a waste of money for most people. Which is why most people didn't buy it until the tech was relevant and the price was reduced
Thing is, YOU didn't have to buy it when it launched. And a lot of people didn't buy it initially. They took a risk and it backfired with the pricing. But for you to act like the shyt wasn't the complete package from a hardware standpoint when it dropped is just flat out hating.
You're looking at this narrow minded.
Sony put out a quality device that didn't need hardware revisions to keep up with the times. It actually stripped features to cut the cost down.
MS had to come out with how many different designs/versions of the 360 just to offer what was expected.
Am I lying though?
The only thing Xbox added was hdmi support. At the time when Xbox came out most HDTV's didn't have hdmi inputs. And most people didn't even have HDTV's I'm still using my tv that has no hdmi ports, as are a lot of people who purchased TV's around the time of the Xbox launch. Saving money by omitting those ports on the Xbox was a good thing because most users didn't need them.
This dynamic is exactly why ps3 struggled this generation and it looks like Sony is heading down the same road.
I'm just saying as far as fanboy wars are concerned. It's funny that wasting money on non-gaming is a good thing for Sony but a bad thing for Microsoft.