You not even taking into account the amount of space that is needed to view a TV that size.
I know this one guy who sits about as close as you do a PC monitor
His TV is 65in

I basically FORCED him to sit all the way at the other end of his room and play and he goes

He represents the avg tho, its so sad...
You know, I never even thought about that when talking TV's. I know they was making a big deal about not having enough space to use Kinect

Kinect only needs 6ft (8ft max)
Buddy, you and the regulars are back to console war bullshyt. Not even acknowledging your comments bruh. All that you wrote is good and all, but it has too much shemotion involved to not be biased. When you can rein it in a lil bit, the adults are waiting
You seem to up on yourself. You may have the space, you may not.
I don't think you have the intelligence to know if you really do
I'll show you what I mean...
All you clowns on some bullshyt, bringing in bullshyt cuz you cry about anything said

Now everyone has space for home theaters

A lot of ppl have basements, don't mean they have "space" to dedicate that basement to a home theater. You do, but your a boy in the game

Do you have a family?
Just saying, most ppl I know DON'T have home theaters.
Most ppl I know don't know the first thing about TV sizes and space needed.
So, how much room would be mandatory for a 4KTV? Lets look that up...
Why 4K TVs are stupid | TV and Home Theater - CNET Reviews
But they updated it with even more info as to why or why not here...
Why Ultra HD 4K TVs are still stupid | TV and Home Theater - CNET Reviews
Now this is trained professionals. And they did a test where they put a bunch of 1080p TV's and one 720p TV's and all the "experts" was praising how great the picture of the 720p was not knowing it wasn't 1080p
And the reason they couldn't tell besides the contrast ratio's which I been teaching for years now is this...
Then second link goes into why. Its biology, its not an opinion
Educate yourselves, or listen to the dumbasses who just wanna hype up there own equipment aka ppl who try to justify $600 ps3's