Somebody MUST go, changes MUST be made: Official Dallas Cowboys Offseason Thread


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
The reason they are saying is because like someone said on the fan. Romo is going to be the one calling the plays and directing the offense. Something he's been wanting to do for a while.

I hope you're right but I'll believe it when I see it. I think Romo will have a little more imput but I dont think Garrett is giving up his baby that easily.

Codeine Bryant

Nov 19, 2012
I'm fine waiting to address the secondary until round 3. I am not a fan of Reid. Would have liked Cyprien though. But we did need a versatile player on the oline. Lets be real and Frederick was not going to make it to the 3rd round especially at pick 80.

We could have taken Floyd/Williams/Cyprien at the 18th pick, or traded down and taken Cyprien at the 31st pick.

We could have taken Frederick in the 2nd round, if not the 3rd round. The next top 3 centers went in the 4th round. :comeon: There's no arguing this point. GMs just didn't give a shyt about this year's crop of Centers, and Frederick is not substantially better than the 3 other Centers taken in the 4th round. We could have just had the 2nd Best Center in this year's draft in the 4th round, and none of you would be saying shyt about "Man, we fukked up! We should have spent our first on that Frederick dude out of Wisconsin! He looks like a perennial All-Pro!!!!" :aicmon:

For anyone still defending this draft process, please tell me how you think Travis Frederick is worth a 1st round selection while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th highest rank Centers were all taken in the 4th round. Please tell me how this dude merits being selected 70+ picks earlier than the next best player at his position. We're not talking about Calvin Johnson. We're not talking about Jevon Kearse. We're not talking about Patrick Peterson. We're not talking about Adrian Peterson.

Travis Frederick, y'all.:sitdown:

Edit: I think it's pretty obvious that Dallas traded down, thinking the market for DTs was calming down after Star and Richardson were drafted, and were hoping that either Floyd or Williams fell to them at 31. When Williams was picked just 3 or 4 picks before us, Jerry Jones and the war room shyt their pants. They had no other strategy. They panicked and picked the player they were most likely targeting in the 2nd round.


All Star
Jun 24, 2012
Maven/MPire Records
Ed Werder‏@Edwerderespn
Source says Tony Romo will be have influence in game plans, personnel and play-calling. He will game plan with coaches Mondays and Tuesdays

the media and simple minded fans are running with this connotation that Jerry is saying Romo doesnt work hard enough when in reality, he is making Romo more like Peyton with having influence on the entire offense.

kudos to my nikka Romo :salute:


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
We could have taken Floyd/Williams/Cyprien at the 18th pick, or traded down and taken Cyprien at the 31st pick.

We could have taken Frederick in the 2nd round, if not the 3rd round. The next top 3 centers went in the 4th round. :comeon: There's no arguing this point. GMs just didn't give a shyt about this year's crop of Centers, and Frederick is not substantially better than the 3 other Centers taken in the 4th round. We could have just had the 2nd Best Center in this year's draft in the 4th round, and none of you would be saying shyt about "Man, we fukked up! We should have spent our first on that Frederick dude out of Wisconsin! He looks like a perennial All-Pro!!!!" :aicmon:

For anyone still defending this draft process, please tell me how you think Travis Frederick is worth a 1st round selection while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th highest rank Centers were all taken in the 4th round. Please tell me how this dude merits being selected 70+ picks earlier than the next best player at his position. We're not talking about Calvin Johnson. We're not talking about Jevon Kearse. We're not talking about Patrick Peterson. We're not talking about Adrian Peterson.

Travis Frederick, y'all.:sitdown:

Edit: I think it's pretty obvious that Dallas traded down, thinking the market for DTs was calming down after Star and Richardson were drafted, and were hoping that either Floyd or Williams fell to them at 31. When Williams was picked just 3 or 4 picks before us, Jerry Jones and the war room shyt their pants. They had no other strategy. They panicked and picked the player they were most likely targeting in the 2nd round.

Damn...Im literally sitting here processing everything you said like :dwillhuh: that's probably EXACTLY what happened. Hell, I didn't see a major problem with the pick BUT after reading and processing this, I honestly do now. I HATE our drafting since JJ left. Nobody left to STAND UP to Jerry, he appoints a coach like Garrett (lifelong BACKUP Cowboys QB) who he can CONTROL and make all kinds of effed up decisions

He's the modern day Al Davis, sees a bright and shiny new toy but after he gets the toy, he realizes it has no batteries, or it's missing a wheel or a piece. He gets all these SKILL guys not realizing that your team is built on the LINES. Hell, why you think Parcells left? Jerry wouldn't listen and back off (kinda how Dan Synder did this past season) he felt HE was too smart NOT to make personel decisions. Synder realized this a year ago, and lived and died with his hires and let them do their damn job

We take bright new toys (which are hit or miss) but our QB is getting his ribs broken :beli:...I swear a NORMAL person would've realized the error of his ways but Jerry's pride won't let him, so he continues this foolishness and no one is there to check him. Why did you think we couldn't get a Gruden or Cowher type? They wouldn't put up with it. Sorry for the rant but damn its annoying watching teams like the 9ers (who we were better than not even 6 years ago) come up and pass us...

We needed OL and DL help mixed in with a little S and RB...We get a new TE, project DB's, and a RB that may or may not see major time...oh but we got a new slot tho:beli:

It's just frustrating...

why can't we draft and develop like the Ravens, Steelers, or Packers?


All Star
Jun 24, 2012
Maven/MPire Records
Keep in mnd that Jason Garrett was the one that wanted us to STAY PUT at 18 but Jerry panicked. We actually had a better trade deal in place but it got blown over and Jerry again PANICKED and Garrett told him to stay put. But Jerry and his ego didn't listen.

If anyone was watching the shyt live in the war room, you could see how dejected Garrett was.

Garrett is not the problem. Jerry is and has always been the problem with this team.


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Keep in mnd that Jason Garrett was the one that wanted us to STAY PUT at 18 but Jerry panicked. We actually had a better trade deal in place but it got blown over and Jerry again PANICKED and Garrett told him to stay put. But Jerry and his ego didn't listen.

If anyone was watching the shyt live in the war room, you could see how dejected Garrett was.

Garrett is not the problem. Jerry is and has always been the problem with this team.

On the surface it seems Executive Vice President, and Director of Player Personnel Stephen Jones did the right thing, however, in his own draft room there is frustration, including coach Jason Garrett.
The issue is who they drafted, Travis Frederick out of Wisconsin. Frederick wasn’t considered the best center in the draft, furthermore, he was considered to be a mid round pick.
With Cal's Brian Schwenke who is a consensus selection for top center and Alabama's Barrett Jones running close behind him on the board, Jones bypassed them both for Frederick.
The team’s draft room became deflated when Jones made the pick. The Cowboys drafting woes in the past few years are well documented, but in the most important draft for the Cowboys, it’s an ominous beginning.
According to Brandon George of the Dallas News, the move to trade back and the selection is a true indication of the dysfunction within the team’s ranks. Jason Garret seemed drained from all his in fighting with Jones, scouts were deflated, not a good way to build a team.
George writes:
‘This time around, there weren’t any smiles or high-fives among the Cowboys’ executives in the team’s draft room at about the time Dallas’ first-round trade appeared to go down with San Francisco. Garrett and Cowboys assistant director of player personnel Tom Ciskowski didn’t look happy after Stephen Jones hung up the phone. They were both slumped back in their chairs. Garrett, at one point, had a blank look across his face as he started rubbing his forehead with his hand. Ciskowski and Stephen Jones also had an animated exchange. It was a rare show of emotion by Ciskowski.’

Codeine Bryant

Nov 19, 2012
At least we have the Rangers? :sadcam:

Jon Daniels and Mark Cuban are everything that Jerry Jones isn't.

Codeine Bryant

Nov 19, 2012
Donnie Nelson might be a worse GM than Jerry.

How is that even possible? :mindblown:

From Wiki: In a 2007 Sports Illustrated article ranking the NBA's personnel bosses from 1-30, Nelson was ranked #2 .[1] Additionally, in a 2009 Yahoo! Sports article Nelson was ranked the 3rd best General Manager of the decade after producing nine 50-plus win seasons in a row and the first Finals appearance in franchise history in 2006.[2] Nelson assembled the Mavericks team that would later win the 2011 NBA Championship.

You can blame him for telling Cuban to let Nash walk and give a ludicrous contract to Dampier. You can blame him for never finding another star to play alongside Dirk. But he did make a shrewd trade for Tyson, and signing Marion was ridiculously clutch for checking all those scorers in that 2011 Playoffs run.

We're one of only 3 teams in NBA history to win 50 games for 9 consecutive seasons, along with San Antonio and Boston. Donnie Nelson may not be the best, but he's certainly no problem.

Oh yeah, this is a Cowboys thread... Giving Romo more playcalling ability should be a huge improvement. If you guys remember, we were most potent last season when we would finish the 1st half (when we were usually already down by 2 or more scores since Jason Garrett is a retard) with a hurry-up offense and Romo got to manhandle the opposing teams' confused defense. Romo calling the shots was when we were the most successful at marching down the field and putting up 7 points in less than 3 minutes last year, and hopefully we can see more of that.


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
Damn, they sayin Williams takin the spot from Harris who i thought really was getting better towards the end of the season. He showed some explosiveness in the receiving game in the NO and Pits game. Cant wait for trainign camp and preseason.

You cant knock Frederick pick too much , cuz he coming outta a school that produces exceptional interior linemen . You can never go wrong with a Wisconsin offensive linemen.

Unless it was a Garrett pick, i'm still not big on Escobar pick. I jsut feel we were solid in the TE spot and couldve used that pick on another positon. Depth at the TE positon is the reason I dont like that position.

But i'm biased. I love the te position but for some reason its one fo them position i really dont like to spend top picks on. 1st and 2nd round picks on tight ends always get the :whoa: from me.


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
I'm all for Romo getting more responsibility if stops us form wasting timeouts on bad clock management and just stops the bad clock management period. That cost us a game or tow last season. Specifically against he world champions.