Its disney. Fixing what isnt broken and disfiguring IPs for the sake of pandering and cash grabbing.
Nobody asked for a han solo movie, they just wanna sell a bunch of chewbacca toys and make a black character gay.
Nobody asked for a jedi-less star wars universe
Like if they wanted to make this universe their own, they could easily just set all their movies at the far end of a timeline and build out new a universe of events. Its fukkin space, the possibilties are limitless.
Disney IPs just dont have that sort of love and dedication to them as stories, just heavy handed political agendas stirred into obvious cash grabs. You look at these movies as finished products and you can tell what went wrong and what was prioritised.
They focused on making rey an empowered independent beacon of femalekind who is better than any man at anything but forgot to make her intresting or relateable, now nobody male or female likes her.
Makes a more diverse cast for representation at the expense of all of them being shallow as fukk.
Make a SW movie meant to shock the fanbase but forget to make it enjoyable as well.
Its like disney has gotten so big and so corporate they forgot all the soul that got them where they were to begin with
Marvel been carrying disney for a while