That "men should never hit a woman" shyt is outdated nowadays.
In order for that law to thrive, both sexes have to respect it.
Somewhere along the way, the lines got blurred, and now there's a epidemic of super macho/ delusional females who actually believe they can kick a man's ass.
Regardless of whatever theory or ideology we carry around in that lil measly head of ours, nature has a way of correcting itself.Even to the point where whole civilizations get wiped off the map.A female getting wam bam'd for violating the order of things is nothing but a small fry for nature.
In cases where women are the aggressor, I see the men who deliver that 10 piece as karmic messengers.The message is stop being delusional & use more logic--THINK before you react.
Now if a man is the aggressor, he deserves to have his ears & shoulders stomped together.If you bringing the funk to a woman who don't want it, that's a major violation of the law because you're physically stronger than she is in damn near every instance.Carrying yourself like a lady is actually your protection.Be kind & sweet.Bow out gracefully.If a nikka still tries to lay hands on you after that, every nikka on the block will be ready to mob his ass.Carrying yourself in a lady like manner actually brings out the protective instincts in a man.
But squaring up with a nikka and acting all billy bad ass will have nikkaz looking at you like "What's wrong with this crazy bytch?

Leaving yourself open to that karmic lesson