Thread is the Stupid nikka Playoffs![]()

Thread is the Stupid nikka Playoffs![]()
Superman is so f*cking over powered its ridiculous.. Frost breath, eye beams, super human strength, bullet proof, fly and move at lightning speed, change time, etc.I like DC but a Superman movie should only last ten minutes and a Superman comic should only be three pages at the most.
You acting like superman technology at his disposal as well. In all scenarios you're giving batman and advantage. Superman has over come red sun. Supermans power has to be downplayed so much just to make other hero's relevant.Batman fighting Superman is stupid... but the reason he has to fist fight him is because if he just got rid of Superman in an intellegent manner without a fist fight then fans would complain.
But Batman, Luthor, Rah's Alghul... anyone smart basically has Lead walls and kryptonite stockpiles.
Batman and Luthor have both researched how to make krypyonite from scratch.
People are lucky Batman isn't an a$$hole though or he'd simply block out the sun altogether. Or change the rays red. He already has networks of satallites in orbit and entire spacestations afloat in the earth's atmosphere. He could orchestrate a solar eclipse fairly easily.
Then on top of having no more powers, Superman would have to fight a bat-themed ninja in pitch black darkness.
But really the whole fighting Superman thing is ridiculous.
If Batman really wanted he could cropdust greater metropolis with ground down kryptonite dust. Superman's powers would stop immediately so he couldn't fly away or even run. He couldn't hide because it would literally be in the air and on everything everywhere. He'd immediately collapse and die simply by continuing to breath.
He has the manpower on staff already and the factories to manufacture it and Wayne Corp has tons of freight planes so he could do it all with a phone call and never even leave the house.
He could probably have Siri do it via his smart phone and not get out of bed.
He doesnt even need to be batman. As Bruce Wayne he could do something as simple as give Lois Lane a business card lined with Gold Kryptonite.
Eventually she'll come into contact with Superman and his powers would be permenantly turned off.
But of course Superman could just throw Batman into outer space or snap his neck.
They can each easily kill the other. Really it would just come down to whichever one attacked the other first.
You acting like superman technology at his disposal as well. In all scenarios you're giving batman and advantage. Superman has over come red sun. Supermans power has to be downplayed so much just to make other hero's relevant.
Yeah but if he used his abilities the way he could cats wouldn't even be able to flip the switch off. He's a broken retarded character. Stronger and just about faster than everybody. Smart as hell too. Not interesting at all.His powers have an off switch.
Numerous off switches actually. But I doubt the movies are gonna go into magic or Red Sunrays etc. They will focus on kryptonite most likely.
It didn't take 15 hrs thoFrieza blew up planet vegeta with 1 finger, but it took him 15hrs to blow up planet namek
super power logic
Yeah but if he used his abilities the way he could cats wouldn't even be able to flip the switch off. He's a broken retarded character. Stronger and just about faster than everybody. Smart as hell too. Not interesting at all.
that animated movie where batman almost wiped out the entire justice league on accident was fire...
Superman--With all that talk about unchecked power. Your still so arrogant you didn't bother to come up with a plan to stop yourself?
Batnan--- I do have a plan......It's called the justice League.
That line was fire.
Rell Shyt
Batman fighting Superman is stupid... but the reason he has to fist fight him is because if he just got rid of Superman in an intellegent manner without a fist fight then fans would complain.
But Batman, Luthor, Rah's Alghul... anyone smart basically has Lead walls and kryptonite stockpiles.
Batman and Luthor have both researched how to make krypyonite from scratch.
People are lucky Batman isn't an a$$hole though or he'd simply block out the sun altogether. Or change the rays red. He already has networks of satallites in orbit and entire spacestations afloat in the earth's atmosphere. He could orchestrate a solar eclipse fairly easily.
Then on top of having no more powers, Superman would have to fight a bat-themed ninja in pitch black darkness.
But really the whole fighting Superman thing is ridiculous.
If Batman really wanted he could cropdust greater metropolis with ground down kryptonite dust. Superman's powers would stop immediately so he couldn't fly away or even run. He couldn't hide because it would literally be in the air and on everything everywhere. He'd immediately collapse and die simply by continuing to breath.
He has the manpower on staff already and the factories to manufacture it and Wayne Corp has tons of freight planes so he could do it all with a phone call and never even leave the house.
He could probably have Siri do it via his smart phone and not get out of bed.
He doesnt even need to be batman. As Bruce Wayne he could do something as simple as give Lois Lane a business card lined with Gold Kryptonite.
Eventually she'll come into contact with Superman and his powers would be permenantly turned off.
But of course Superman could just throw Batman into outer space or snap his neck.
They can each easily kill the other. Really it would just come down to whichever one attacked the other first.
Why do people want this to fail![]()
Superman and goku aren't too different both over confident and hold back (for different reasons).
Nikka all that batman shyt sounds fukkin ridiculous even for a billionaire. He just gonna block out the sun and put us in darkness like the various gov's around the world wont send a nuke to his satellite for that shyt
it's a hyperbole brehIt didn't take 15 hrs tho