Sohh you telling me a guy that can push planets can't kill a human in a bat mask with one punch?

May 1, 2012
To add on to @SunZoo .. besides supes morality . he is also stupid and prideful (in a way) .. he knows he's all powerful but bruce's never give up kill me mentally is something Clark cant understand and that Fuks him up mentality and adds to his vulnerability.
Superman and goku aren't too different both over confident and hold back (for different reasons).


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Superman could kill Lex anytime though, just like he could kill Batman.

Batman would have more difficulty against Superman's villains than vice versa. Supes would body two face and ventriloquist, and killer croc, and bane... how is batman f'n with metallo? or brainiac?

To make a long story short, who wins depends on the version depicted.
The Batman I know can defeat Superman because I am a comic collector... but there are many depictions of Batman and Superman in non-comic media. So I understand why others might disagree.

For example, I don't think the movie Batman would or should beat Superman. He can.... but he would not. I do on the other hand think the DCAU Batman would beat the DCAU Superman though. He could lose... but he would win I believe.
The comics Batman would wipe the floor with the comics Superman.. so thats where my bias comes from, but its because of the nature of Batman's power. See, Superman has a set powerset of amazing things he can do, but they have been the same for decades. 90s Superman is about as powerful as 2000 Supes... as 2010 Supes, etc. i.e. His flight and x-ray vision and eye beams aren't getting stronger each issue. They were just strong to begin with.
On the otherhand Batman's power is not fixed. His power is his resources and training. So with each comic he amasses more resources and training.
So year after year his character gets stronger and stronger. He is hoarding more and more crazy technology and mystical artifacts and learning new techniques all the time.
Many don't realize but he has everything at his disposal now from time travel to magic to lantern rings to knowledge of future events... He can put the entire universe to sleep if he wants cause he has sand taken from the hourglass of the Sandman, DC's incarnation of the abstract concept of sleep itself. :dead: He has both a zombie virus AND the cure for it sitting on a shelf in the Batcave. :dead: (from Batman: Contagion). And he has the combined power of all the villains he fights, he just never uses them usually. But he has freeze rays, Bane Venom, lazurus pits to ressurrect himself or should he simply need to regenerate a limb he can do so thanks to the research of poison ivy.
People always pick Supes cause of the ridiculous power he posesses but if they knew half of the overthetop stuff Batman has locked away in the Batcave they would realize that Superman's powers is pretty reasonable by comparason.:yeshrug:


May 20, 2015
Batman beats superman

Crazy Bat-Armor


In this alternate future story, Batman is an old bitter man and Superman has become a pawn of the government. When they find themselves on opposing sides, they have no choice but to beat each other up. Superman shows up expecting it to be easy, until Batman arrives in a giant, bat-themed suit of armor. This is Batman's most basic move: he built a really powerful suit of armor to beat Superman up. No tricks, no fancy gadgets. Just a big suit of armor.

What's so great about this fight is that Batman beat Superman just enough to let him know who's boss before faking his own death, just to let Superman know that he could defeat him. Batman wanted to keep his work going in secret, you see, and he wanted Superman to leave him alone. Basically, Batman had become a cranky old man and wanted Superman to stay off his lawn.

Stealing Lois


In a crossover episode of Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series, Batman took a different approach to hurting Superman — he started dating Lois Lane as Bruce Wayne. Clark was powerless to stop it from happening, because he couldn't tell Lois that Bruce was Batman without revealing that he was Superman. This was Batman's way of letting Superman know that while he may be an all-powerful alien god, Batman is a pimp.

The 'Ole Kryptonite Ring/ Lois Lane 1-2 Punch


During the Hush storyline, Batman finds out that Poison Ivy has used her plant potions to put Superman under her spell. And she's not using Superman to do chores — she's using him to kill Batman. Using not only a Kryptonite ring to manhandle Superman physically, Batman also gets Catwoman to let Lois fall off the top of the Daily Planet building. Seeing his love in mortal danger is enough to break Superman free from Ivy's control to save her. And so we learn, do not mess with Batman. He can beat you up physically and emotionally.

Kryptonite Gun


When Brainiac took control of Superman and made him go on a rampage, Batman pulled out a gun and shot Superman with a Kryptonite bullet. Remember, Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, so that means Batman basically shot a bullet at another bullet and still hit the target. Of course, Batman only wanted to stun Superman to buy time to turn off Brainiac's control. But once again, we see that Superman only survives because Batman wished it so.

Skinless Kryptonite


In Tower of Babel, we learned that Batman knew how to take down each super-powered member of the Justice League if they ever went bad. When those plans fell into the wrong hands, Superman once again found out that Batman could take him down at any point. Using an altered form of Kryptonite, Batman turns Superman's skin transparent, making him unable to stand the sun's radiation. This is one of Batman's more unique plans, but since Superman with transparent skin is super uncomfortable to look at, it is also his grossest.

Learning His Secret Identity


When Batman and Superman first met in the Animated Series days, Superman used his X-Ray vision to look under Batman's mask and find out that he was, in fact, Bruce Wayne. When Superman got home that night, he felt pretty good about himself ... until he discovered a bat-homing device on his cape. To his horror, Superman turned around and saw Batman standing on a distant rooftop looking right into Clark's apartment. Batman not only learned Superman's secret identity, but he proved he was way smarter.
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May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
Couldn't Superman see, because of his Xray vision, kryptonite from miles away and just blast Batman with his heat vision or throw a building or two?


I suppose he could if he was smart enough to apply PREP time

And consider the possibility that Batman might be carrying that rare form of meteorite on him

But based on what I've seen so far this version of Superman has never come across a piece of kryptonite to even need to consider that as a possibility

In the first movie he became weak because they matched the atmosphere on the ship to krypton

He may not even know that there are pieces of kryptonite in existence much less that this is his only weakness.

He's just been getting his beast mode on for so long he's a bit over confident at this point


May 7, 2012
Breh that actually a realistic response most people would have when you hear Superman is fighting Batman. And as for being a Marvel Stan why would this scare me? If I was a marvel stan what would I get out of this if the film is fantastic or if its absolute trash. Yall need to stop that shyt. logic doesn't make people a stan.
It's a comic book movie . This scenario is generally always portrayed this way in the comics . Superman isn't looking to kill or maim batman
To make a long story short, who wins depends on the version depicted.
The Batman I know can defeat Superman because I am a comic collector... but there are many depictions of Batman and Superman in non-comic media. So I understand why others might disagree.

For example, I don't think the movie Batman would or should beat Superman. He can.... but he would not. I do on the other hand think the DCAU Batman would beat the DCAU Superman though. He could lose... but he would win I believe.
The comics Batman would wipe the floor with the comics Superman.. so thats where my bias comes from, but its because of the nature of Batman's power. See, Superman has a set powerset of amazing things he can do, but they have been the same for decades. 90s Superman is about as powerful as 2000 Supes... as 2010 Supes, etc. i.e. His flight and x-ray vision and eye beams aren't getting stronger each issue. They were just strong to begin with.
On the otherhand Batman's power is not fixed. His power is his resources and training. So with each comic he amasses more resources and training.
So year after year his character gets stronger and stronger. He is hoarding more and more crazy technology and mystical artifacts and learning new techniques all the time.
Many don't realize but he has everything at his disposal now from time travel to magic to lantern rings to knowledge of future events... He can put the entire universe to sleep if he wants cause he has sand taken from the hourglass of the Sandman, DC's incarnation of the abstract concept of sleep itself. :dead: He has both a zombie virus AND the cure for it sitting on a shelf in the Batcave. :dead: (from Batman: Contagion). And he has the combined power of all the villains he fights, he just never uses them usually. But he has freeze rays, Bane Venom, lazurus pits to ressurrect himself or should he simply need to regenerate a limb he can do so thanks to the research of poison ivy.
People always pick Supes cause of the ridiculous power he posesses but if they knew half of the overthetop stuff Batman has locked away in the Batcave they would realize that Superman's powers is pretty reasonable by comparason.:yeshrug:
im a superman fan but people don't understand the character. Also if they were fans they'd know that this is misunderstanding /fight common concept on their first meeting due to diffrent world views and superman never kills or maims anyone so he has to hold back while batman does not . He can unleash everything at his disposal , plan after plan after plan. So yes if he wanted to randomly kill batman he could and all batman could do is keep prolonging it but that's not superman .
superman /Thor /hulk all the issue of its hard to find villains that match them strengthwise that's why their main villains are all intellectuals ( luthor , leader and Loki ) . Why doesn't superman kill luthor ?


May 7, 2012
It's always impressive in the comics whenever superman finally unleashes his full power on someone like darkseid or doomsday and someone is like :ohhh: he's been holding back


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
It's a comic book movie . This scenario is generally always portrayed this way in the comics . Superman isn't looking to kill or maim batman

im a superman fan but people don't understand the character. Also if they were fans they'd know that this is misunderstanding /fight common concept on their first meeting due to diffrent world views and superman never kills or maims anyone so he has to hold back while batman does not . He can unleash everything at his disposal , plan after plan after plan. So yes if he wanted to randomly kill batman he could and all batman could do is keep prolonging it but that's not superman .
superman /Thor /hulk all the issue of its hard to find villains that match them strengthwise that's why their main villains are all intellectuals ( luthor , leader and Loki ) . Why doesn't superman kill luthor ?

Even if Superman wanted to kill Luther, there are others that would try and stop him like Amanda Waller and the government and other regular non-powered humans (Batman amongst them) because Superman killing Luthor is way different than Batman killing the Joker or Flash killing Captain Cold, etc.

I'll explain.

There are numerous instances where Lex Luthor (with and without being aligned with heros) saves the world or prevents catastrophes, funds charities, builds infrastructure, employs thousands of people, and furthers research and development for mankind. When aliens or other crazy things show up to Earth, Lex Luthor straps up and organizes villains and mercenaries to fight them.. cause overall Lex Luthor isn't really anti heroism he is specifically anti-Superman.
That said, he is extremely pro-Humanity and one of its staunchest defenders. He is one of the reasons Darkseid can't take over earth for example. Even if all the heroes were defeated Luthor would fight him til his last breath.

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
How strong is Superman in this movie universe though in regard to moving planets? And as previously stated, he holds back.

Never cared for the idea of Batman suiting up and going toe to toe with Superman, but it's inspired by the Frank Miller story and if Luthor can do it, I guess Batman can too.