I don't have a Windows OS handy to do the steps but here's what I'm thinking. I believe MinGW includes some sort of command prompt. If that's the case they're telling you to use it to install from the files you download from them.
1) Open the MinGW Prompt
2) Type "gcc". Your output should be:
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
If you don't get that then gcc probably didn't install so do what you can to get gcc installed.
3) Download a version of Smalltalk from here: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/smalltalk . I downloaded "smalltalk-3.2.5.tar.gz".
4) Extract the file you downloaded using WinRar, 7Zip, or similar.
5) In your MinGW prompt you need to cd into the directory you extracted to. That might look something like
cd C:\Users\(User_Name)\Downloads\smalltalk-3.2.5
If you have spaces in your username or directories sound the path in double quotes.
6) Enter
Let it do its thing. If you don't have something installed it'll probably tell you. On my Linux VM it told me I didn't have Gawk, so I downloaded that and reran ./configure.
7) Enter
Let it do its thing. It's doing a bunch of compilation and linking. If make doesn't work then it probably isn't installed. If that's the case I have no idea how to get it installed on windows.
8) Enter
Let it do its thing. It's doing some regression testing to make sure the code works. I had a failure in "intmath.st". Probably not a big deal... it could be a big deal
. Might take a while, I ran it on a not so powerful laptop with a not so powerful VM on top of it. Actually my shyt just hung so I killed the make process and skipped it.
9) Enter
You might need to be running MinGW as Administrator for this to work.
That should install it for you. I don't know how to run the compiler or anything like that
. Could always try this out