Picked up Elixir/Phoenix again, it's pretty beast when it comes to using it as a web server for HTML templating. Really sat down to see how Plug and Ecto worked, had the roughest time with understanding changesets, but then I was getting the has_many/belongs_to relationship backwards with build_assoc. After getting that down, I really prefer the way it hits the DB over most languages now.
That being said, for portfolios is it common to have apps that will make requests to other api's that you have written in a different language? Maybe even write an app with two different back end languages? Like let's say one language takes requests and hits the DB but also sends the data in that request to an endpoint you have in another language which does the heavy computations with the data structures before sending it back to the first language to hit persistent storage?
edit: I guess it wouldn't be so much different than hitting any other api server-side.
That being said, for portfolios is it common to have apps that will make requests to other api's that you have written in a different language? Maybe even write an app with two different back end languages? Like let's say one language takes requests and hits the DB but also sends the data in that request to an endpoint you have in another language which does the heavy computations with the data structures before sending it back to the first language to hit persistent storage?
edit: I guess it wouldn't be so much different than hitting any other api server-side.
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