So who will hold the crown next gen?


May 1, 2012
Where do you think they get there counts from Kodie? Quarterly sales :snoop: Are you implying that quarterly sales don't reflect actual sales?
You lost me there bruh. I became aware of this one a story came out about it. I didn't come to that conslusion myself. Sony claimed they shipped 70mil, then 2months later it was 77mil which made ppl look into how they got to that number. Then it was DISCOVERED that sony has been combining ps2 and 3 sales as systems sold hence the false belief nowadays that the ps3 has shipped more units worldwide than xbox.
I've provided links showing you this, but it doesn't register for some reason. I can't tell you how long they been doing this, all I can tell you is they didn't JUST START or that would be known now wouldn't it.
Sony didn't tell anybody they was doing this, or the story about 77mil would of never been written THINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK!!!!
Here's the story again so you can't confuse yourself...
PS3 passes Xbox 360 global shipment total for first time - Gaming News - Digital Spy
Now how did they come to the 70million number before the 77mil?
That is a good question. I've been asking that all gen, and nobody has been able to answer it. But if you wanna provide those Europeon numbers? That would be a start :ufdup:
Here, let me show you some Euro numbers
Of course you'd never see where those numbers come from, just that sony said it. But sony has a history of saying things now don't they.
You gonna ignore all that too, aren't cha :shaq2:

Its pretty obvious they lying. There would be no need to mislead unless they was lying. If you choose to play dumb here, go right ahead.
But they don't discuss numbers when they losing. When they was selling more, they wouldn't shut up about it. shyt, 30mil in Europe right?
No evidence anywhere, but thats good enough for you...

Yes, but that wasn't my intention. You make yourself out to be a dumbass because you discredited me ONLY because :umad:
Like if what I'm saying now isn't something I been saying for 6/7yrs now?
You seen my shyt come true inspite of the beliefs of "experts"
nikka, you tried to pass off what IDC says as trustworthy when I basically showed you how idiotic that is. The fact you couldn't just take that L is what makes you not an a$$hole. But a dumbass. I think you turned into one because I called you an idiot. I'm sorry for that, I don't truly think your an idiot. Just a dumbass (I kid)

Has sony proven there claim?
Has sony been caught lying about numbers?
Has sony tried to skew numbers?

If the answers is NO, Yes, Yes then what is left to discuss here?

Yea, yea they did. And IDC numbers mirror everything sony says after the fact
They also said sony would be dominating by now, and that wii-u will be be 50mil sold in 3yrs. I'm assuming you thought IDC was first with those numbers and thought you had a point :russ:

Wow kodie, you have reached a new low.
The link to my thread has information in it that answers your question in this thread :snoop:
I got that 63mil number by adding up the quarterly reports over x-amount of time. But if you did that yourself, you'd get to the same conclusions. Then the reports on sony's yearly losses confirms what is being discussed. Didn't sony also claim they was making money on PS3's years ago?
Sony finally making money on PS3 hardware; no price cut in foreseeable future - SlashGear
Funny, cuz 2yrs later the exact same story resurfaces...
PS3 now makes money (as well as playing games) | PLAY Magazine

Pay attention. Nobody can give you a straight answer because these nikkaz keep lying about everything. Explain those last two links I just posted. Cuz if they selling systems at the rate you wanna believe (70mil) then this wouldn't be possible
PlayStation News: PlayStation division loses £1.8 billion as annual PS3 sales decline -

^^^ Please read that link, its short ^^^

Then ask yourself, how can sony be neck and neck but losing so much?
Meanwhile, Microsoft is making money for years now even tho neck n neck means they should be losing like sony
But they not. Is 2+2 really that hard Kodie :weirdo:
Just take a second and ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish? Are you trying to prove me wrong? If so, why? Who is your audience? Me? The people? Yourself?

You couldn't possibly be trying to prove something to me because it's very clear we come to very different conclusions with the same data. And you're not gonna get a message across by saying stuff like "you've hit a new low" and "so you don't confuse yourself". It makes you sound very emotional.

Listen, if your goal is to get me to see your side, just stop. Don't even waste your breath. You've said enough that I've made up my mind about how wrong you are on this subject. That's not to say you can't ever be right but you've gone this far saying Sony is lying and without providing what I personally see as proof. If that doesn't tell you how completely different our views are, I don't know what will. You think you're providing factual proof and I think you're not. Looking at it from a perspective that is neither mine, nor yours, what do you think will be the conclusion?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Now to further illustrate the ether. Kodie's entire argument was based on IDC which I destroyed. you'd have to be a complete fool to still use that as a basis for information. But anyways, I see how Kodie hasn't even acknowledged that his IDC shyt was bogus. Why he mad?
But enough about him, look at the reactions here...
Court loses again....
@Kodie just swatting this fool away like a fly.... :dead:
Sometimes I swear court types a whole bunch of texts just to confuse people. Hes not even talking about nothing
At least lucy gets to the point of what hes trying to say. They say as parents you learn more from your kids as they get older....
Loose is a normal person. You can actually have a conversation with him.
Well isn't it obvious. Sony taking back the gaming crown because they are going to focus on gaming while microsoft wants to go the casual row like Nintendo.

These replies don't even seem real. You guys are adults sounding like that :huhldup:
Who will have the crown next gen? All I'm hearing is "Well IDC over you" and CChase's dumbass rant.

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Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Just take a second and ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish? Are you trying to prove me wrong? If so, why? Who is your audience? Me? The people? Yourself?
What are you blabbering about now. Why do nikkaz resort to bullshyt instead of learning and admitting they was wrong? Your entire reply was rooted in that IDC bullshyt. After proven wrong, you gonna cry "Why are you doing this :sadbron:"
Why can't we have a discussion. And then, not just present info and call it a day. But actually look at the info to see whats real, whats false?
If you ever tried that, you'd get to the bottom of things. You seem to be waiting for sony to come out and say "hey, we been lying all along"
They have, the evidence is presented to you. But you reply with "why am I doing this" :wtf:
Why is sony doing this is the question, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the answer tho bruh bruh :manny:
You couldn't possibly be trying to prove something to me because it's very clear we come to very different conclusions with the same data. And you're not gonna get a message across by saying stuff like "you've hit a new low" and "so you don't confuse yourself". It makes you sound very emotional.
Emotional :heh: That is what emotional ppl do. Kodie, you have to remember, I'm here all day in the Lion's Den. I am an expert on nikkaz getting emotional and that describes YOU right now. The bold is the proof of that :umad:
How could I be emotional when I'm the only person providing factual information in this bytch? I'm certain in what I'm saying, your the guy trying to deflect info/facts/further discussion by turning the discussion into "Whyyyyyy :to:"
Listen, if your goal is to get me to see your side, just stop. You've said enough that I've made up my mind about how wrong you are on this subject. That's not to say you can't ever be right but you've gone this far saying Sony is lying and without providing what I personally see as proof. If that doesn't tell you how completely different our views are, I don't know what will. You think you're providing factual proof and I think you're not. Looking at it from a perspective that is neither mine, nor yours, what do you think will be the conclusion?
Did you try to hire Mowgli?
You soundin like that Cannibus dude he said he interviewed with :deadmanny:
My goal isn't to get you to see shyt. You asked, I answered.
If your too butthurt to take the info, doesn't change reality.
What more can I do, I posted up proof and you choose to ignore or downplay it. Just so we clear.

1.) You say 77mil isn't accurate

2.) You want to know how 70mil is inaccurate

3.) You still believe IDC

Whats idiotic on your part is if 77mil isn't accurate why isn't it?
Why would you say that unless :ohhh:
You tell yourself the 70mil number is real, even tho sony JUST GOT CAUGHT LYING ABOUT THE 77mil number :mindblown:
If you added up quarterly sales over the last 2yrs the numbers don't add up to what sony tells the media (thats enough right there)
But here you are still like :dwillhuh:

And you haven't said a word about IDC either, I wonder why?
Right now I'm replying to your NON REPLY which says everything.
Its been fun, now I gotta run...


May 1, 2012
Why can't we have a discussion.
We did. And now we're just going back and forth saying the same shyt. Does that sound fruitful to you?

If you think that I'm a dumbass, or an idiot, or an a$$hole, and that I'm emotional and that I'm just ignoring you because I lost, then awesome. Run with that.


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
We did. And now we're just going back and forth saying the same shyt. Does that sound fruitful to you?

If you think that I'm a dumbass, or an idiot, or an a$$hole, and that I'm emotional and that I'm just ignoring you because I lost, then awesome. Run with that.

Be easy on the poor fella. Dude has no life off the net and no accomplishments he can hold on to. So he is here clinging to his pride as the microsoft defender while also feeding his boredom.


Jun 22, 2012
To tell you the truth,
I'm not remotely interested in the wave of next consoles.
If i do purchase one,
most likely it will be from Sony.
but still...I'm happy with my PS3.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
We did. And now we're just going back and forth saying the same shyt. Does that sound fruitful to you?

If you think that I'm a dumbass, or an idiot, or an a$$hole, and that I'm emotional and that I'm just ignoring you because I lost, then awesome. Run with that.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Kodie? But I'm emotional :heh:
Your not ignoring me cuz you lost. You lost when you opened your mouth about IDC being more right than me :laff:
You lost because your mad because I called you an idiot. I seriously didn't mean anything buy it. Its just how I roll in gaming discussions because I'm surrounded by 3cepts who's only purpose is to spread lies
So when you start spittin that same bullshyt, it happens.. my bad :manny:
But the info I posted is real, and it answered your questions.
Now if my "attitude" rubbed you the wrong way to the point you wanna ignore the info?
Ask yourself, if you was on a spaceship heading to Mars. And the windchill factor was lower than expected. Would the trajectory need to be adjusted before I gave a fukk :win:
Fact is majority of ppl are idiots. Ppl in groups are usually idiots
Myself, Albert Einstein.. we stood alone mostly. You can throw Jesus in there as well...
Be easy on the poor fella. Dude has no life off the net and no accomplishments he can hold on to. So he is here clinging to his pride as the microsoft defender while also feeding his boredom.
Here's my life off the net. I'm a father of 4... thats it
I can hang my hat on that, and as I watch all my kids over excel in school. My oldest just got accepted into the "smart kids highschool" where you have to get accepted into it
My middle child just got excepted into the "smart kids middle school"
My youngest missed the honor roll once in her life. Then my son-phew.. well, he's a good kid :hula:
I'm not with there mother anymore. Living the single life is Ok. I haven't really gotten into the swing of things yet, I be turning down p*ssy left and right
From a gaming standpoint I have every system, every game I want. Not lacking there. Not sure why you would say I"m so miserable
It seems like you want that for me. If I were to delve into why you would want that I would have to recall all our interactions
In almost every interaction I'm killing you man. I went into great detail how much of a loser you are OFFLINE.
When I did that, you been hating ever since :laff: SO I KNOW I TOUCHED A NERVE THAT DAY and is what motivates you
You should be smart enough to realize I see it too since I created you, and the 30 other posters who act/react just like you


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
This should force some gamers to lean back for a little while, but what fun is that :smoker:
Remember, The PS4 And Next Xbox Have More To Offer Than Just Prettier Graphics
Luke Plunkett

It's such a crude yardstick, yet it's the one most people use when trying to gauge the leap between console generations. Graphics. How a game looks. It's great for sizzle reels and screenshot comparisons, but at the end of the day, it's not where the real leaps in video games are made.

Those are made under the surface. With each progression in hardware the horsier horsepower can make things prettier, sure, but they also make things bigger, faster, more complex. Seeing Zelda make the jump from 2D to 3D was amazing, but when people get misty-eyed about Ocarina of Time, they don't sit there for hours talking about the graphics. They talk about the massive and living world Nintendo was able to build underneath them.

What's funny about the difference between those two reactions is the timing involved. You're usually only impressed with a game's visuals when you first see them. It's only later, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, sometimes years down the track that you can appreciate the other advances a hardware generation has made for games.

So with the PS4 only having just been announced, and the next Xbox yet to come, we've only got the visuals to be impressed by. Only our most immediate and superficial impressions. And the graphics haven't been that impressive. Sure, they're better than what you'd see on a PS3, but as most people are probably aware, we're in the field of diminishing returns with each leap in hardware since the dawn of the 3D age in the mid-90s. We'll likely never be as floored as we were when the PlayStation, N64 and Saturn rolled around, because we'll likely never experience such a sharp shift in the way our games can be played. Mehs are to be expected.

Killzone's PS4 gameplay looked fantastic, then, but as many PC gamers currently playing through Crysis 3—or even modded versions of older games—could tell you, it wasn't that great. It doesn't take a visit to too many forums, or comments sections, or Twitter feeds to pick up on the fact that many gamers just aren't that excited about the graphics of the games shown so far for the PS4. The next Xbox likely won't be much different.

Despite the incremental advance in visuals, though, these new machines are still a lot more powerful than their predecessors. So remember: that power is going to be put to use on more - and dare I say more important - things than just how pretty things look.

It'll mean bigger worlds. Smoother, more seamless animations. More believable AI. More realistic physics. More characters on screen, more things to kill/solve/race, more realistic handling, just generally more.

As an example, let's look back to the earliest years of the current generation, at the two games I think best exemplify what a real advance in hardware is capable of. The first is Dead Rising. It looked...OK, but the way it managed to include so many damn zombies on the screen at once created a unique and brand new experience the likes we'd never seen before. Mostly because older hardware simply couldn't do it. The second is Grand Theft Auto IV for similar reasons; sure, there had been GTA games on older consoles, but the level of fidelity and life Rockstar built into Liberty City made full use of the hardware for more than just prettier cars.

Those are the kind of games to look forward to. Not the initial batch of generational cross-overs, those sexy cinematic trailers shown at press conferences which are basically prettier editions of things you can already play. If you want to get excited about something in the future, get excited about the games we see in a year or two that use the new console's power to the full extent.

Just think: if the epic Skyrim could run on hardware released in 2005, imagine how big the world could be, and believable the characters feel, in an Elder Scrolls game running on hardware released in 2013.
Some of the shyt in here sounds like a local might of written it :leon:

Doctor Wily

May 1, 2012
It'll mean bigger worlds. Smoother, more seamless animations. More believable AI. More realistic physics. More characters on screen, more things to kill/solve/race, more realistic handling, just generally more.

more bugs and more bi-monthly patches :blessed:

fukk a developers "game tester" department ... we ARE thier testers.

Doctor Wily

May 1, 2012
Just think: if the epic Skyrim could run on hardware released in 2005, imagine how big the world could be, and believable the characters feel, in an Elder Scrolls game running on hardware released in 2013.

garbage ass article

Speaking of Skyrim , Im actually stuck on the Dragonborn DLC at the moment (Yes i have the Ps3 version but apparently this is an issue on the Xbox360 version as well. <--- click there nikkas if you think im :duck:

I just care about quality experiences in gaming and entertainment period... and i've done so for the past 26 years. They could go back to pixels for all care as long as the product regardless of system/console/gaming rig is good.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Why was the "Do you agree with this" thread moved here @Kodie or whoever
Do you agree with this is about whats important in videogames.
This threa that its moved to is about who will win next gen. Two totally different subjects that are not even close to related

Shouldn't the "do you agree with this" thread actually be a deterrent to the fanboy wars overall?
The logic presented in the article should slow pplz roles I thought.
But I guess logic is frowned upon round dis bytch :snoop:

And Dr.Wily, you need to use bigger fonts bruh
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May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Kodie? But I'm emotional :heh:
Your not ignoring me cuz you lost. You lost when you opened your mouth about IDC being more right than me :laff:
You lost because your mad because I called you an idiot. I seriously didn't mean anything buy it. Its just how I roll in gaming discussions because I'm surrounded by 3cepts who's only purpose is to spread lies
So when you start spittin that same bullshyt, it happens.. my bad :manny:
But the info I posted is real, and it answered your questions.
Now if my "attitude" rubbed you the wrong way to the point you wanna ignore the info?
Ask yourself, if you was on a spaceship heading to Mars. And the windchill factor was lower than expected. Would the trajectory need to be adjusted before I gave a fukk :win:
Fact is majority of ppl are idiots. Ppl in groups are usually idiots
Myself, Albert Einstein.. we stood alone mostly. You can throw Jesus in there as well...

Here's my life off the net. I'm a father of 4... thats it
I can hang my hat on that, and as I watch all my kids over excel in school. My oldest just got accepted into the "smart kids highschool" where you have to get accepted into it
My middle child just got excepted into the "smart kids middle school"
My youngest missed the honor roll once in her life. Then my son-phew.. well, he's a good kid :hula:
I'm not with there mother anymore. Living the single life is Ok. I haven't really gotten into the swing of things yet, I be turning down p*ssy left and right
From a gaming standpoint I have every system, every game I want. Not lacking there. Not sure why you would say I"m so miserable
It seems like you want that for me. If I were to delve into why you would want that I would have to recall all our interactions
In almost every interaction I'm killing you man. I went into great detail how much of a loser you are OFFLINE.
When I did that, you been hating ever since :laff: SO I KNOW I TOUCHED A NERVE THAT DAY and is what motivates you
You should be smart enough to realize I see it too since I created you, and the 30 other posters who act/react just like you

Not true. We never went at it like that. I'm just trying to diagnose why someone would do what they do cause there is no one as ridiculous as you on this forum. But now I understand. That'd why you have so much time. Just to clear the air. I do not wish ill upon you or anyone on or off the forums. I just wanted to figure out why you do what you do and why you tick that way.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Not true. We never went at it like that. I'm just trying to diagnose why someone would do what they do cause there is no one as ridiculous as you on this forum. But now I understand. That'd why you have so much time. Just to clear the air. I do not wish ill upon you or anyone on or off the forums. I just wanted to figure out why you do what you do and why you tick that way.
What is it that I'm "doing" that you do not? Post on a forum?
You post day and night. How do you have the time???
I could assume this/that but that's not how you gauge a person. I can tell by the way a nikka act on here if they lame or not. Real recognize real. I'm like a threat to non real muthafukkaz. I don't need to high five the next man, form little hate cliques/etc. That's fukkboy shyt. If you rockin a ps3 as your bottom bytch, you probably have seen over 100 episodes of Naruto.. Don't ask me how :yeshrug: