So who will hold the crown next gen?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
What a waste of a thread. I guess the xbox conference news wasnt stirring up enough interest. : skip:

The crown was lost because the sales were so split down the middle. Sony still created the best games this gen but to be crowned king, someone needs to get knocked out the park, in my opinion and neither company was knocked out. Hopefully Microsoft gets knocked out the park this gen so gaming can have a definitive ruler, Playstation, 4. : whoo:
Bolded for comedy :deadmanny:
Look sore loser. The xbox 1 sold about 72 systems worldwide.
The xbox 360 comes out, takes over the entire game. Leads the league in Pts/Rbs/ast and won the MVP and finals MVP.
There is no debate who holds that good crown. And the sad truth is the ONLY REASON you would even attempt to say that is because sony lies about how many systems they sold. Went from sold to shipped to "anything with the ps logo" grouped into one total :laff:


Looking at you now, I'm seriously using the word pathetic. Talk about fanboy/console delusions :ufdup: The fact you even said "reclaim the crown" doesn't happen if you didn't feel that was the situation. Stop trying to save face, it only makes you look like you bought a used mattress

have we got a clear answer about PS4 used game blocking? does remote play work? what does the ps4 look like? how can i play the psn games i already bought?

sony confirmed the rumors and showed the ds4. outside of that they told us nothing

you know im down for sony all day long but i know bs when i see it
And whats INSANE to me is how sony fanboys see it too and willfully turn a blind eye to it. Xbots don't do that. Would we like free online gaming/netflix/etc? Sure
Would I pay $35 to have a safe and stable/fair online environment? In a heartbeat!!!
I've realized why its important to pay for XBL. Now if we can still get XBL and it be free? Well, the discussion begins with Microsoft getting paid for Ads via XBL. I'm not hating they doing that, but that should make it so the overall price is at least reduced. I'm not gonna run to hackville central and call shyt, sugar, just because I'm too broke to pay $40 a year for superior service :comeon:
its hard to tell. i cant pretend sony didnt just get up there and feed us a bunch of womp womp...everything open-ended trying to bait MS. we really wont have a good idea until theyre out
You saw that too :shake: And with that said, I was riding with M$ anyway because of the direction they took the Xbox 1.. to xbox 360. We all loved everything they did. I like the direction they appear to be headed. The leaks are very intriguing and have me excited. Then after seeing what ps4 had which seemed to be a wannabe Kinect 1 to compete with Kinect 2.0 :what:
Then that move demonstration :lolbron: Knack will change the world tho.. gotta give credit where it uh... belongs? KZ4 is a no brainer, but since KZ2 and 3 were basically flops. KZ4 isn't gonna sway anybodies decisions here.
If anyone here plays KZ2 or 3 still, please enter this thread and speak on that.
Online activation codes are here to stay on the Sony side if you buy used. It was only for online multiplayer this gen, but I wouldn't doubt it being for used games period this upcoming gen.
This idiot really thinks sony invented and patented the online activation thing :snoop:
I mean, more ps3 games have it than xbox games. Not sure why you bragging about that. But sony didn't invent it. And whatever your trying to say about ps4 is purely made up by you. Provide a single link saying anything close to what you are :popcorn:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
The crown in terms of what? US Sales? Worldwide sales? Best exclusive games? Best timed exclusives or similar perks? Best downloadables? Best versions of 3rd party games? Best infrastructure?

The interesting thing is I don't think you guys agree to the answers to those questions for the current gen so it's not like the answers for next gen are going to be any sort of surprise. Anyway, for me:

US Sales - Xbox will win again

WW Sales - PS4 will probably will even beat out Wii U and be #1 next gen

Best exclusives - 3rd party exclusives basically don't exist anymore so this is down to 1st party stable. If MS can have significantly more than Kinect games and shooters, my interest will be rekindled.

Best timed exclusives or similar exclusive perks - This is MS's bread and butter I think. They'll continue to have COD DLC first.

Best downloadables - This has been a tie for me. I think both will continue investing in publishing these low risk games.

Best versions of 3rd party games - Right now all signs point to PS4 having the edge and being easier to develop for. From that, it would seem that PS4 will have better versions of multiplats but who knows. Maybe Xbox still has some surprises up their sleeves.

Best infrastructure - Another tough one. I like the strides that Sony claims to be making but this is MS's kingdom too. Will Sony stay free? What does MS have in store for XBL?
Well lets talk about what you said here. US of course is xbox country. But the US leads the WORLD in gaming. So if you win in the US, you won worldwide.
The problem is since you don't get sales from worldwide, its open for companies to manipulate figures which is Sony's specialty. PS3 didn't' win worldwide. Nobody can provide a link to a single European sale. There's a reason for that. If you look up XBL active statistics, or just the amount of active XBL GOLD members. Its like close to 60million. PSN, they refuse to tell you there numbers. I wonder why :rudy:
If its selling more, and ps3's don't break down like xbox's. Then the ps3 number would dwarf that of xbox's.


Best exclusives is a matter of opinion, PS has more exclusive 1st part games.
They try, but too often they fail and fanboys don't seem to care. Just as long as they keep shoveling shyt in, its all good. Anybody wanna play Twisted Metal or Starhawk :manny: KZ/Resistance/Socam/Mag/White Knight/The list goes on and one of games nobody gives a shyt about.

The timed exclusive thing is big, but I personally don't believe in DLC.
I hate it, it splits the online community between ppl who have it and those who don't. So its big for a lot of gamers, not for me personally

The best downloadables you said is a tie :stopitslime: XBLA kills PSN and its not even close. And while all this is a matter of opinion, more agree with what I'm saying than not (Tru Story)

Best version of 3rd party games. You are spreading a misconception. The ps4 is easier to develop for because its not the ps3. That's what makes it easier. Cuz they adopted a format that is PC friendly. Something Xbox has always done. So how is the ps4 easier than the nextbox? Nobody ever said all that. All they said is on paper, the ps4 looks better. But on paper, the ps3 looked better too so :duck:

Finally online infrastructure and you said you like the strides sony is making :wtf:
What strides have they made exactly, cuz that is the only thing important to me coming from sony. I can't take them seriously until they address and fix that. To my knowledge, they haven't said a single word about it. What do you know Kodiewan? Please share it :popcorn:


May 1, 2012
Well lets talk about what you said here. US of course is xbox country. But the US leads the WORLD in gaming. So if you win in the US, you won worldwide.
The problem is since you don't get sales from worldwide, its open for companies to manipulate figures which is Sony's specialty. PS3 didn't' win worldwide. Nobody can provide a link to a single European sale. There's a reason for that. If you look up XBL active statistics, or just the amount of active XBL GOLD members. Its like close to 60million. PSN, they refuse to tell you there numbers. I wonder why :rudy:
If its selling more, and ps3's don't break down like xbox's. Then the ps3 number would dwarf that of xbox's.


Best exclusives is a matter of opinion, PS has more exclusive 1st part games.
They try, but too often they fail and fanboys don't seem to care. Just as long as they keep shoveling shyt in, its all good. Anybody wanna play Twisted Metal or Starhawk :manny: KZ/Resistance/Socam/Mag/White Knight/The list goes on and one of games nobody gives a shyt about.

The timed exclusive thing is big, but I personally don't believe in DLC.
I hate it, it splits the online community between ppl who have it and those who don't. So its big for a lot of gamers, not for me personally

The best downloadables you said is a tie :stopitslime: XBLA kills PSN and its not even close. And while all this is a matter of opinion, more agree with what I'm saying than not (Tru Story)

Best version of 3rd party games. You are spreading a misconception. The ps4 is easier to develop for because its not the ps3. That's what makes it easier. Cuz they adopted a format that is PC friendly. Something Xbox has always done. So how is the ps4 easier than the nextbox? Nobody ever said all that. All they said is on paper, the ps4 looks better. But on paper, the ps3 looked better too so :duck:

Finally online infrastructure and you said you like the strides sony is making :wtf:
What stides have they made exactly, cuz that is the only thing important to me coming from sony. I can't take them seriously until they address and fix that. To my knowledge, they haven't said a single word about it. What do you know Kodiewan? Please share it :popcorn:
- You argue a lot of opinion here. I'm not going to address that. We have different opinions and the sky is blue; what else is new?

- You're claiming that Sony is fudging numbers. I disagree and I'm pretty sure their investors would consider that fraud. Which is illegal. So maybe you should let their investors know. You also don't need to use the largest text available to make your point. That goes to show how poorly you form your arguments that you feel this must be done.

- I agree with splitting the community stuff. I don't mind DLC depending on what it is and how it's handled but I dislike anything that splits the community.

- I very clearly said the "strides that Sony claims to be making". Please read more carefully next time.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
- You argue a lot of opinion here. I'm not going to address that. We have different opinions and the sky is blue; what else is new?

- You're claiming that Sony is fudging numbers. I disagree and I'm pretty sure their investors would consider that fraud. Which is illegal. So maybe you should let their investors know. You also don't need to use the largest text available to make your point. That goes to show how poorly you form your arguments that you feel this must be done.

- I agree with splitting the community stuff. I don't mind DLC depending on what it is and how it's handled but I dislike anything that splits the community.

- I very clearly said the "strides that Sony claims to be making". Please read more carefully next time.



Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
- You argue a lot of opinion here. I'm not going to address that. We have different opinions and the sky is blue; what else is new?

- You're claiming that Sony is fudging numbers. I disagree and I'm pretty sure their investors would consider that fraud. Which is illegal. So maybe you should let their investors know. You also don't need to use the largest text available to make your point. That goes to show how poorly you form your arguments that you feel this must be done.

- I agree with splitting the community stuff. I don't mind DLC depending on what it is and how it's handled but I dislike anything that splits the community.

- I very clearly said the "strides that Sony claims to be making". Please read more carefully next time.
First off, this is an onine forum. I can make my words BIG if I want to because I'm a colorful guy like that. Color always makes people mad. I throw in a smiley with that, gets them furious cuz mentally they can't compete. Thats why you talking about trivial shyt now :snoop:
There is no argument on opinions, I spoke facts. You don't like it. Simple as that. Nobody plays those PS3 exclusives. Thats why I named them. Crying about it doesn't present a compelling argument sir. If what I'm saying is bullshyt, somebody would provide a link in 0.2seconds to show I was lying.
Watch, I'll show you by doing exactly that for YOU.
The sony thing, and how it would be investor fraud. But we talking about billion dollor companies here. Lets stop acting like any "company" is this nice follow the rules place that can do no wrong. I do recall this country bailing out banks because they took advantage of the american people by giving out loans they knew ppl couldn't pay back. Thats the world you live in sir.
Now apply this to videogaming. I've asked you to provide a single europeon sale. Why is that so hard? You claim Europe is sony country. 3cepts been saying this all gen. Ok, show me the numbers :popcorn:
I've looked, they don't exist. But here is a cute article..
PS3 reaches 30 million units sold in Europe | Playstation tech zone
That article talks about how sony just passed 70mil "ps3's sold" when it was later found out by someone outside of sony that sony was including ps2 sales with ps3 :what:

What your not grasping is why sony goes out there way to lie about this shyt.
Don't just gloss over it, then check out mentally. THINK GHAT DAMN IT, THIIIIIIINK
It goes back to when they stopped reporting how many ps3's were sold
It goes back to when there was a large portion of the gaming industry talking about how sony needs to ABANDON the ps3. And MGS4 was the last line of defense from keeping that from being a reality.
How bout the fact sony is worth less now than ever before, has lost billions each year for 7yrs straight and counting?
Every article out NOW talks about how if the ps4 isn't successful, sony is done.

Gamestop stocks plummeted when it was "rumored" that these next gen systems could block used gaming. You think extreme sales gaps wouldn't warrant the exact same reaction to sony's stock? Speaking of sony stock
Please click ---------> Sony <--------- Did you click?

I'm not making this shyt up. You guys are

Just like the "claims" you said sony made. What "claims" did they say regarding PSN???


May 1, 2012
This idiot really thinks sony invented and patented the online activation thing :snoop:
I mean, more ps3 games have it than xbox games. Not sure why you bragging about that. But sony didn't invent it. And whatever your trying to say about ps4 is purely made up by you. Provide a single link saying anything close to what you are :popcorn:

Who's bragging about it or giving Sony "props" for it? :what:

I don't like it, but I personally don't worry about it since I buy my shyt new, not "n'used".

All I'm saying is that if the shyt ends up being true, nothing will change on the Sony end with activiation codes THEY ARE ALREADY USING FOR USED GAMES THIS GEN FOR ONLINE MULTI.

If they do it for single player as well, then that's STILL BETTER THAN COMPLETELY BLOCKING A USED GAME.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I wonder, how old would you need to be to create King sun type post :ohhh:
Who's bragging about it or giving Sony "props" for it? :what:

I don't like it, but I personally don't worry about it since I buy my shyt new, not "n'used".

All I'm saying is that if the shyt ends up being true, nothing will change on the Sony end with activiation codes THEY ARE ALREADY USING FOR USED GAMES THIS GEN FOR ONLINE MULTI.

If they do it for single player as well, then that's STILL BETTER THAN COMPLETELY BLOCKING A USED GAME.
The bold makes no sense to me. Because you think activation codes is sony exclusive :what:
There not bruh. Battlefield 3 requires that good code on either system.
Sony has it in a handful of MORE games. Twisted Metal was one of them
You heard about that, and applied it to "sony" which is strange.

Your saying because they did that with twisted metal, that the ps4 won't block used games cuz... well, look at twisted metal!!!
:whew: we safe unlike xbox

Your logic is beyond retarded. Or am I missing something here? Please explain if I'm missing something here???
EDIT: "If they do it for single player as well, at least they not blocking the whole game?" :wtf: "as well" means as well. AKA online and offline
These dudes will say anything I guess :huhldup:


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
The crown in terms of what? US Sales? Worldwide sales? Best exclusive games? Best timed exclusives or similar perks? Best downloadables? Best versions of 3rd party games? Best infrastructure?

The interesting thing is I don't think you guys agree to the answers to those questions for the current gen so it's not like the answers for next gen are going to be any sort of surprise. Anyway, for me:

US Sales - XBox will win again

WW Sales - PS4 will probably will even beat out Wii U and be #1 next gen

Best exclusives - 3rd party exclusives basically don't exist anymore so this is down to 1st party stable. If MS can have significantly more than Kinect games and shooters, my interest will be rekindled.

Best timed exclusives or similar exclusive perks - This is MS's bread and butter I think. They'll continue to have COD DLC first.

Best downloadables - This has been a tie for me. I think both will continue investing in publishing these low risk games.

Best versions of 3rd party games - Right now all signs point to PS4 having the edge and being easier to develop for. From that, it would seem that PS4 will have better versions of multiplats but who knows. Maybe XBox still has some surprises up their sleeves.

Best infrastructure - Another tough one. I like the strides that Sony claims to be making but this is MS's kingdom too. Will Sony stay free? What does MS have in store for XBL?



Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
ms will win because sony is a bullet point company with no sense of direction. Japan is also no longer a factor when it comes to home consoles.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States

I somehow missed that. Just shows how little people around here know about the industry :manny:
One day, these dudes will stop putting me into there category.
They gonna recognize that I actually enjoy learning about this shyt.
I been in this game for years, its made me an animal
There's rules to this shyt, I've written a thousand manuals :boss:


May 1, 2012
First off, this is an onine forum. I can make my words BIG if I want to because I'm a colorful guy like that. Color always makes people mad. I throw in a smiley with that, gets them furious cuz mentally they can't compete. Thats why you talking about trivial shyt now :snoop:
There is no argument on opinions, I spoke facts. You don't like it. Simple as that. Nobody plays those PS3 exclusives. Thats why I named them. Crying about it doesn't present a compelling argument sir. If what I'm saying is bullshyt, somebody would provide a link in 0.2seconds to show I was lying.
Watch, I'll show you by doing exactly that for YOU.
The sony thing, and how it would be investor fraud. But we talking about billion dollor companies here. Lets stop acting like any "company" is this nice follow the rules place that can do no wrong. I do recall this country bailing out banks because they took advantage of the american people by giving out loans they knew ppl couldn't pay back. Thats the world you live in sir.
Now apply this to videogaming. I've asked you to provide a single europeon sale. Why is that so hard? You claim Europe is sony country. 3cepts been saying this all gen. Ok, show me the numbers :popcorn:
I've looked, they don't exist. But here is a cute article..
PS3 reaches 30 million units sold in Europe | Playstation tech zone
That article talks about how sony just passed 70mil "ps3's sold" when it was later found out by someone outside of sony that sony was including ps2 sales with ps3 :what:

What your not grasping is why sony goes out there way to lie about this shyt.
Don't just gloss over it, then check out mentally. THINK GHAT DAMN IT, THIIIIIIINK
It goes back to when they stopped reporting how many ps3's were sold
It goes back to when there was a large portion of the gaming industry talking about how sony needs to ABANDON the ps3. And MGS4 was the last line of defense from keeping that from being a reality.
How bout the fact sony is worth less now than ever before, has lost billions each year for 7yrs straight and counting?
Every article out NOW talks about how if the ps4 isn't successful, sony is done.

Gamestop stocks plummeted when it was "rumored" that these next gen systems could block used gaming. You think extreme sales gaps wouldn't warrant the exact same reaction to sony's stock? Speaking of sony stock

I'm not making this shyt up. You guys are

Just like the "claims" you said sony made. What "claims" did they say regarding PSN???
I didn't say you "couldn't" make your words as large as they want. I said it goes to show how poorly you form your arguments :manny:

In any case, you make loose connections between headlines and then pass them off as evidence of something that hasn't been proven. For example, the report that Sony is combining their PS3/PS2 sales was not a hidden fact and doesn't relate to the milestones that they have stated for those specific consoles. In other words, in a quarterly report you'll see something like "15 million units shipped combined for PS2/PS3". They're clearly combining those numbers because it looks more impressive than listing the PS3 sales individually. There's no argument there. But when they said "70 million ps3 units shipped to date" then they're specifying PS3. And if they're surreptitiously combining adding PS3 and PS2 numbers, then (1) how did they get to 70 million LTD units? PS2 sold a lot more than that and (2) yeah, that's very illegal.

Furthermore, units shipped has been independently verified. For example, in this study published by the International Data Corporation they state that PS3 has shipped 77 million and XBox 360 has shipped 76 million as of December 31 2012. BTW, Microsoft used 75.9 million as their "unit sales" in this report: Microsoft Investor Relations - KPIs. So what are the possible conclusions from that? Either:

- Microsoft means shipped when they say "unit sales" which is totally reasonable because they "sold" these "units" to retailers.

- IDC somehow got it wrong. They took the "sold" number and reported them as shipped. And for some reason, Microsoft never corrected them? Seems unlikely to me.

- The difference between sold and shipped for MS is as little as .1 million. Perhaps. I don't know what a normal number for "available supply" is but I imagine it's similar for XBox 360 as it is for PS3 (feel free to provide proof to the contrary)

So in conclusion, I can either take your word or that of the IDC. IDC says PS3 has shipped 77m WW and 360 has shipped 76m WW and has been on the market for one year less. There is no way to take that data and extrapolate from it what the "sold" number is (again, feel free to provide your formula if you have one).

IDC can gladly charge $4500 for their study. Most people wouldn't piss on whatever report you provided with Grand Marnier so I choose IDC.



May 1, 2012
The bold makes no sense to me. Because you think activation codes is sony exclusive :what:
There not bruh. Battlefield 3 requires that good code on either system.
Sony has it in a handful of MORE games. Twisted Metal was one of them
You heard about that, and applied it to "sony" which is strange.

Your saying because they did that with twisted metal, that the ps4 won't block used games cuz... well, look at twisted metal!!!
:whew: we safe unlike xbox

Your logic is beyond retarded. Or am I missing something here? Please explain if I'm missing something here???
EDIT: "If they do it for single player as well, at least they not blocking the whole game?" :wtf: "as well" means as well. AKA online and offline
These dudes will say anything I guess :huhldup:

I know it's not Sony exclusive Mr Sandwich. Sony did it on their first party games and EA did it I know on both systems.

To put it clearer, it makes no sense to COMPLETELY block a used game and make you buy a new one. An activation code is the best way to handle the shyt. IF MS COMPLETELY blocks a used game meaning not even being able to play it via some type of activation code, that is just insane.



May 1, 2012
ms will win because sony is a bullet point company with no sense of direction. Japan is also no longer a factor when it comes to home consoles.

Of course you'd say that when your system doesn't sell worth a damn in a region. :skip:

You want to do well in ALL regions. If Japan wasn't so important, why did MS try to make such a huge push this gen with it at the beginning. You just can't Cuban B that shyt when it doesn't work. :skip: