Drinks Blood from a Boot
Bolded for comedyWhat a waste of a thread. I guess the xbox conference news wasnt stirring up enough interest. : skip:
The crown was lost because the sales were so split down the middle. Sony still created the best games this gen but to be crowned king, someone needs to get knocked out the park, in my opinion and neither company was knocked out. Hopefully Microsoft gets knocked out the park this gen so gaming can have a definitive ruler, Playstation, 4. : whoo:
Look sore loser. The xbox 1 sold about 72 systems worldwide.
The xbox 360 comes out, takes over the entire game. Leads the league in Pts/Rbs/ast and won the MVP and finals MVP.
There is no debate who holds that good crown. And the sad truth is the ONLY REASON you would even attempt to say that is because sony lies about how many systems they sold. Went from sold to shipped to "anything with the ps logo" grouped into one total

Looking at you now, I'm seriously using the word pathetic. Talk about fanboy/console delusions

And whats INSANE to me is how sony fanboys see it too and willfully turn a blind eye to it. Xbots don't do that. Would we like free online gaming/netflix/etc? Surehave we got a clear answer about PS4 used game blocking? does remote play work? what does the ps4 look like? how can i play the psn games i already bought?
sony confirmed the rumors and showed the ds4. outside of that they told us nothing
you know im down for sony all day long but i know bs when i see it
Would I pay $35 to have a safe and stable/fair online environment? In a heartbeat!!!
I've realized why its important to pay for XBL. Now if we can still get XBL and it be free? Well, the discussion begins with Microsoft getting paid for Ads via XBL. I'm not hating they doing that, but that should make it so the overall price is at least reduced. I'm not gonna run to hackville central and call shyt, sugar, just because I'm too broke to pay $40 a year for superior service

You saw that too :shake: And with that said, I was riding with M$ anyway because of the direction they took the Xbox 1.. to xbox 360. We all loved everything they did. I like the direction they appear to be headed. The leaks are very intriguing and have me excited. Then after seeing what ps4 had which seemed to be a wannabe Kinect 1 to compete with Kinect 2.0its hard to tell. i cant pretend sony didnt just get up there and feed us a bunch of womp womp...everything open-ended trying to bait MS. we really wont have a good idea until theyre out

Then that move demonstration

If anyone here plays KZ2 or 3 still, please enter this thread and speak on that.
This idiot really thinks sony invented and patented the online activation thingOnline activation codes are here to stay on the Sony side if you buy used. It was only for online multiplayer this gen, but I wouldn't doubt it being for used games period this upcoming gen.

I mean, more ps3 games have it than xbox games. Not sure why you bragging about that. But sony didn't invent it. And whatever your trying to say about ps4 is purely made up by you. Provide a single link saying anything close to what you are