So who will hold the crown next gen?


May 1, 2012
That's what I love about this shyt. Virtually nothing has been predictable yet when it comes to new generations of gaming.

NES came out when people thought video games just weren't going to exist anymore. The video game crash signaled the end of a fad to most people. NES crushing the buildings is like if all of the sudden Tamogotchi's came back and were all the rage even more popular than they were before.

Then, in the next generation, everyone thought Nintendo had a stronghold in the industry but sales ended up very close between SNES and Genesis

In the generation to follow, Sega basically fell off the face of the earth, a former partner-to-be of Nintendo, in Sony, came through and basically took more marketshare than anyone could have imagined.

From there, PS2 was the only "predictable" generation where Sony carried the momentum they had with PS1 and took it to a new stratosphere.

Then 360 came out the gate running with far and away the best online infrastructure in any console to date (and at the right time to boot) and was way more popular than XBox ever was.... except Nintendo took the world by storm and came back to the glory of their heyday selling nearly 100m units worldwide. But then this generation was so long that they lost their steam and both 360 and PS3 aren't all that far away from matching Wii sales. Also, PC gaming started to become more mainstream.

And now Wii U is nowehere near what Wii was and we have two very capable systems on the way. PS4 has revealed some great things but MS, as we all know, still has yet to do their reveal which I'm sure will be just as grand in many ways.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I didn't say you "couldn't" make your words as large as they want. I said it goes to show how poorly you form your arguments :manny:

In any case, you make loose connections between headlines and then pass them off as evidence of something that hasn't been proven. For example, the report that Sony is combining their PS3/PS2 sales was not a hidden fact and doesn't relate to the milestones that they have stated for those specific consoles. In other words, in a quarterly report you'll see something like "15 million units shipped combined for PS2/PS3". They're clearly combining those numbers because it looks more impressive than listing the PS3 sales individually. There's no argument there. But when they said "70 million ps3 units shipped to date" then they're specifying PS3. And if they're surreptitiously combining adding PS3 and PS2 numbers, then (1) how did they get to 70 million LTD units? PS2 sold a lot more than that and (2) yeah, that's very illegal.

Furthermore, units shipped has been independently verified. For example, in this study published by the International Data Corporation they state that PS3 has shipped 77 million and XBox 360 has shipped 76 million as of December 31 2012. BTW, Microsoft used 75.9 million as their "unit sales" in this report: Microsoft Investor Relations - KPIs. So what are the possible conclusions from that? Either:

- Microsoft means shipped when they say "unit sales" which is totally reasonable because they "sold" these "units" to retailers.

- IDC somehow got it wrong. They took the "sold" number and reported them as shipped. And for some reason, Microsoft never corrected them? Seems unlikely to me.

- The difference between sold and shipped for MS is as little as .1 million. Perhaps. I don't know what a normal number for "available supply" is but I imagine it's similar for XBox 360 as it is for PS3 (feel free to provide proof to the contrary)

So in conclusion, I can either take your word or that of the IDC. IDC says PS3 has shipped 77m WW and 360 has shipped 76m WW and has been on the market for one year less. There is no way to take that data and extrapolate from it what the "sold" number is (again, feel free to provide your formula if you have one).

IDC can gladly charge $4500 for their study. Most people wouldn't piss on whatever report you provided with Grand Marnier so I choose IDC.
Bruh, the only thing you have chosen here is being an idiot :wow:
First off, doing just the slightest of digging would of lead you to this...
This IDC study forecasts demand for video game and interactive entertainment console hardware and disc-based game software worldwide through 2016. Specific platforms covered in significant depth include Microsoft's Xbox 360, Nintendo's Wii and Wii U, and Sony's PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2. Demand for next-generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony is also forecast based on a set of reasonable assumptions. Regional breakdowns include North America, Western Europe, Japan, and a combined rest of the world region. Key metrics tracked include console bundle and packaged game disc shipments, console installed bases, hardware and packaged software ASPs, and hardware and packaged software revenue.
IDC - Document at a Glance - 238426
Assumptions eh. And where are these figures coming from I ask?
You wanna take IDC"s word over mine? You'd of said the same thing about Goldman and Sachs. You'd of handed your money to Bernie Madoff too. Doesn't mean you smarter for it... THINNNNNNNNNK!
So since they assuming shyt, lets assume they got there numbers from the same place sony does. There report mirrors what sony said for one
But then this happened...
Analysis: Why the PS3 77m report is likely false. - NeoGAF
And since IDC can do no wrong, you wanna stand by this statement too?
IDC noted that Nintendo will still "find an audience" with Wii U, reaching global bundle shipments of 50 million by year-end 2016.
But hey, thats new. You probably thought they was very reputable years ago and didn't realize how full of shyt they were right?

It saddens me that I don't get the respect I deserve round this bytch.
I mean, I only singlehandidly predict and draw out everything that would happen this gen, and next. I told you all about how Xbox would turn into a cable company of sorts. Was called a Bootleg Analyst back then by Malta. But now I'm just boasting :lawd:

Now for the bolded part. They didn't combine lifetime sales of ps2 with ps3 :snoop:
They combined yearly sales of both systems as one and called it pS3.
Yes, they did exactly that. They admitted to it, and somehow this is news to you, today. :dead:
Of course you'd say that when your system doesn't sell worth a damn in a region. : skip:

You want to do well in ALL regions. If Japan wasn't so important, why did MS try to make such a huge push this gen with it at the beginning. You just can't Cuban B that shyt when it doesn't work. : skip:
Could you provide some statistics to back up your statements?
Or you can look at sonys quarter results like everyone else and notice PS2/3 is still behind by a significant amount of units. people still believe that idc report it has been debunked a month ago :deadrose:
This, and you even posted about it saying how they'd of had to have sold 7million units in under 2months. Basically it contradicts this report
Sony Sells 70 Million PS3s; PS2 is Still King
But Kodie ain't tryna hear that...
It's true that IDC's report is basically their estimate, but Court isn't providing anything more than a claim that Sony is lying. I'm not saying the 77m vs 76m is 100% accurate but considering Sony's last publically reported number was 70m (in early November, before Black Friday) and Microsoft's last publically reported number was 76m (as of Dec 31) - I don't think the term "neck and neck" is out of place here. Not that I used that term, I just said I personally think PS4 will outsell Nextbox WW and Court didn't like that.

As for Sony's quarterly numbers, they don't provide LTD numbers in those quarterlies so it's difficult to extrapolate from that too. So again, all we're left of as far as official numbers go is 70 before Black Friday vs 76 on Dec 31.
Kodie Kodie Kodie :shaq2: THINNNNNNNNNNNK!!! you do know you could just add up the quarterly numbers yourself to get to the truth. Why you think we keep posting up shyt like
Sony fires 10,000, loses $6.4 billion, and cuts down on TVs: What could possibly go wrong? | ExtremeTech
The PA Report - Why Sony, and the PlayStation brand, could be in more trouble than you think <-------- (great article)
I'm over here spitting FACTS, my competition spits fanboy facts. Two totally different things bruh...


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Well yeah. I don't think anyone can provide anything more than a hunch as it pertains to PS4 vs Nextbox sales. Some hunches will be right, more will be wrong. Same happens every gen. No amount of scientific data would have told you we'd end up where we are this gen.
Here's the thing. Courtdog told you in great detail what would happen this gen and next gen back in /2004-2005 did he not?
I love it how I was the only dude anywhere saying the shyt I was saying, cuz I actually pay attention. As years passed, nikkaz would then be like "Oh, anybody could of said that" cuz they don't wanna give a nikka any credit? Ok, I'll just keep on keeping on with correct info. I got it if you want it :yeshrug:
I honestly never meant to imply that they were factual. Just that they were more reliable than what Court was spitting.
I think I've proven your statement to be false, but carry on...
That's what I love about this shyt. Virtually nothing has been predictable yet when it comes to new generations of gaming.

NES came out when people thought video games just weren't going to exist anymore. The video game crash signaled the end of a fad to most people. NES crushing the buildings is like if all of the sudden Tamogotchi's came back and were all the rage even more popular than they were before.

Then, in the next generation, everyone thought Nintendo had a stronghold in the industry but sales ended up very close between SNES and Genesis

In the generation to follow, Sega basically fell off the face of the earth, a former partner-to-be of Nintendo, in Sony, came through and basically took more marketshare than anyone could have imagined.

From there, PS2 was the only "predictable" generation where Sony carried the momentum they had with PS1 and took it to a new stratosphere.

Then 360 came out the gate running with far and away the best online infrastructure in any console to date (and at the right time to boot) and was way more popular than XBox ever was.... except Nintendo took the world by storm and came back to the glory of their heyday selling nearly 100m units worldwide. But then this generation was so long that they lost their steam and both 360 and PS3 aren't all that far away from matching Wii sales. Also, PC gaming started to become more mainstream.

And now Wii U is nowehere near what Wii was and we have two very capable systems on the way. PS4 has revealed some great things but MS, as we all know, still has yet to do their reveal which I'm sure will be just as grand in many ways.
Bruh, you sound like a bystander instead of an actual gamer.
The Saturn failed because it was $400, and was released out the blue.
I went to the mall, entered Software Etc. like I'd always do. Saw that bytch sitting there with the price on it and I was like "They tryna sell this for 1,000,000"
It might as well said that, cuz $400 at that time was insane. I did want Daytona tho. The Wii sold because of the "gimmick" which was never fully realized or further realized after Wii-Sports. Not a single game after that made BETTER use of the wii-mote which is what killed the system.
Only a fool would think the Wii-u would do numbers. IDC believes that tho :ufdup:


May 1, 2012
Bruh, the only thing you have chosen here is being an idiot :wow:
First off, doing just the slightest of digging would of lead you to this...

Assumptions eh. And where are these figures coming from I ask?
You wanna take IDC"s word over mine? You'd of said the same thing about Goldman and Sachs. You'd of handed your money to Bernie Madoff too. Doesn't mean you smarter for it... THINNNNNNNNNK!
So since they assuming shyt, lets assume they got there numbers from the same place sony does. There report mirrors what sony said for one
But then this happened...
Analysis: Why the PS3 77m report is likely false. - NeoGAF
And since IDC can do no wrong, you wanna stand by this statement too?

But hey, thats new. You probably thought they was very reputable years ago and didn't realize how full of shyt they were right?

It saddens me that I don't get the respect I deserve round this bytch.
I mean, I only singlehandidly predict and draw out everything that would happen this gen, and next. I told you all about how Xbox would turn into a cable company of sorts. Was called a Bootleg Analyst back then by Malta. But now I'm just boasting :lawd:

Now for the bolded part. They didn't combine lifetime sales of ps2 with ps3 :snoop:
They combined yearly sales of both systems as one and called it pS3.
Yes, they did exactly that. They admitted to it, and somehow this is news to you, today. :dead:

Could you provide some statistics to back up your statements?

This, and you even posted about it saying how they'd of had to have sold 7million units in under 2months. Basically it contradicts this report
Sony Sells 70 Million PS3s; PS2 is Still King
But Kodie ain't tryna hear that...

Kodie Kodie Kodie :shaq2: THINNNNNNNNNNNK!!! you do know you could just add up the quarterly numbers yourself to get to the truth. Why you think we keep posting up shyt like
Sony fires 10,000, loses $6.4 billion, and cuts down on TVs: What could possibly go wrong? | ExtremeTech
The PA Report - Why Sony, and the PlayStation brand, could be in more trouble than you think <-------- (great article)
I'm over here spitting FACTS, my competition spits fanboy facts. Two totally different things bruh...

Here's the thing. Courtdog told you in great detail what would happen this gen and next gen back in /2004-2005 did he not?
I love it how I was the only dude anywhere saying the shyt I was saying, cuz I actually pay attention. As years passed, nikkaz would then be like "Oh, anybody could of said that" cuz they don't wanna give a nikka any credit? Ok, I'll just keep on keeping on with correct info. I got it if you want it :yeshrug:

I think I've proven your statement to be false, but carry on...

Bruh, you sound like a bystander instead of an actual gamer.
The Saturn failed because it was $400, and was released out the blue.
I went to the mall, entered Software Etc. like I'd always do. Saw that bytch sitting there with the price on it and I was like "They tryna sell this for 1,000,000"
It might as well said that, cuz $400 at that time was insane. I did want Daytona tho. The Wii sold because of the "gimmick" which was never fully realized or further realized after Wii-Sports. Not a single game after that made BETTER use of the wii-mote which is what killed the system.
Only a fool would think the Wii-u would do numbers. IDC believes that tho :ufdup:
I just wanted to show you how much text you dedicated to me in the span of 2 minutes.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I just wanted to show you how much text you dedicated to me in the span of 2 minutes.
Very mature. You asked questions that require large answers
You get sed answer and turn into a female because you don't like the answers :snoop:

Its cool bruh. At least now you can see why I get the hate I do. nikkaz just hate being wrong.
You put all your faith in the IDC, I showed you how your faith is misplaced and you return with a reply that is soaking with DEFEAT all over it

Make sure you don't enter in any conversations about the reality of these gaming systems. You dont' seem mature enough to handle the truth :win:
(and my replies were shorter than the quotes I replied to)


May 1, 2012
Very mature. You asked questions that require large answers
You get sed answer and turn into a female because you don't like the answers :snoop:

Its cool bruh. At least now you can see why I get the hate I do. nikkaz just hate being wrong.
You put all your faith in the IDC, I showed you how your faith is misplaced and you return with a reply that is soaking with DEFEAT all over it

Make sure you don't enter in any conversations about the reality of these gaming systems. You dont' seem mature enough to handle the truth :win:
I asked one question in my longer post. And that was simply how you could use PS2 sales to fudge 70m LTD. Which you didn't even address. The fact of the matter is, you said it's not neck and neck and when I stated otherwise by using MS's and Sony's own real official numbers (70m as of Nov 4 vs 76m as of Dec 31). Even if they only sold say 3 million of the 6.8 million PS2/PS3 in that time, that's 73 vs 76. I would certainly call that "neck and neck". Especially with Xbox having a year head start. You have nothing to say about that. So anything else is just going round and round. We're not getting anywhere. We've come to different conclusions from the same data. What more is there to say?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I asked one question in my longer post. And that was simply how you could use PS2 sales to fudge 70m LTD. Which you didn't even address. The fact of the matter is, you said it's not neck and neck and when I stated otherwise by using MS's and Sony's own real official numbers (70m as of Nov 4 vs 76m as of Dec 31). Even if they only sold say 3 million of the 6.8 million PS2/PS3 in that time, that's 73 vs 76. I would certainly call that "neck and neck". Especially with Xbox having a year head start. You have nothing to say about that. So anything else is just going round and round. We're not getting anywhere. We've come to different conclusions from the same data. What more is there to say?

I did reply to it, and I'll do it again since you missed it M'kay?
Now for the bolded part. They didn't combine lifetime sales of ps2 with ps3
They combined yearly sales of both systems as one and called it pS3.
Yes, they did exactly that. They admitted to it, and somehow this is news to you, today
What that means Kodiewan sir is they didn't add in ps2 sales from 2001.
Its not even exactly known how long they been including ps2 numbers with ps3 ones. But it is well known that they group PSP and PSVita numbers as one too. I guess you wasn't aware of all that :yeshrug:
Your not a bad guy for not knowing this, you just make yourself out to be an a$$hole when you say "Cockmeat doesn't know what he's talking about" then you quote the IDC :bryan:
That makes you a bad poster during this conversation. I can handle which system you feel will win. You can't handle why it can't.
I've proven shyt, you've basically ignored it. Lets see you not ignore what I just posted :popcorn:

Oh wait, your still waiting for a link? Well when I post it, will you find another angle or will you admit CockmeatDog is correct today???

Ok, its hard to find info these days because sony has become hip and does there best to hide info.
Sony Computer Entertainment released their Q3 earnings report on Thursday morning, giving people an updated look at the sales of PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable. Unfortunately, if you are looking for an exact PS Vita sale figure, you won&#8217;t find that here as Sony has combined PSP sales along with those of the PS Vita once again.

According to the report, Sony has sold a combined total of 5.7million handhelds during this fiscal year (April 1, 2012 &#8211;December 31, 2012). During the same time period, a total of 23.4 million units of software were sold across both handhelds.
I'll find the one that confirms they do that for consoles too. It was easy to find a few months ago. Which reminds me, I made a thread talking about this already. Sony hides shyt, and the SOLE REASON they posted that 77 million number was so it would be harder to find the 77 million compromised ps3's articles :russ:
Go look those up and you'll see that proof/truth.

Ok, I finally found the info I was looking for. It was posted on this fine website. But the moderators took it down because. Well, because they'd rather be clueless :leostare:

Has all the info you could ask for Kodie. Anything more you need, please do ask and I will provide. No more need for long winded answers imo...


May 1, 2012
I did reply to it, and I'll do it again since you missed it M'kay?

Now for the bolded part. They didn't combine lifetime sales of ps2 with ps3
They combined yearly sales of both systems as one and called it pS3.
Yes, they did exactly that. They admitted to it, and somehow this is news to you, today
This doesn't answer what they said. If you think it does, what you're trying to say isn't coming across very clearly. They never combined sales and called it "PS3". The quarterlies very distinctly say "PS3/PS2" when they combined sales. And again, to the question at hand, if they combined sales and then called it "PS3" then how did they come to 70million PS3s sold? And none of this news to me but it's ok that you think that.

What that means Kodiewan sir is they didn't add in ps2 sales from 2001.
Its not even exactly known how long they been including ps2 numbers with ps3 ones.
So basically you can't say what they used to get to 70m. You're just claiming they're lying. Right?

But it is well known that they group PSP and PSVita numbers as one too. I guess you wasn't aware of all that :yeshrug:
Your not a bad guy for not knowing this,you just make yourself out to be an a$$hole when you say "Cockmeat doesn't know what he's talking about" then you quote the IDC :bryan:
That makes you a bad poster during this conversation.
That's cute. Is that what you're out to prove? That I don't have sound logic and you think I'm an a$$hole? Do you think you succeeded?

I can handle which system you feel will win. You can't handle why it can't.
I've proven shyt, you've basically ignored it. Lets see you not ignore what I just posted :popcorn:
What have you proven? At best, you've said the 77m number was inaccurate. We agree. My point was always that you're outright saying Sony is lying when saying 70m shipped and that it's NOT "neck and neck" You haven't proven that claim yet.

Oh wait, your still waiting for a link? Well when I post it, will you find another angle or will you admit CockmeatDog is correct today???

Ok, its hard to find info these days because sony has become hip and does there best to hide info.
Yup, that's the type of sound logic that trumps me everyday. My bad.

I'll find the one that confirms they do that for consoles too. It was easy to find a few months ago. Which reminds me, I made a thread talking about this already. Sony hides shyt, and the SOLE REASON they posted that 77 million number was so it would be harder to find the 77 million compromised ps3's articles :russ:
Sony posted the 77m number?

Go look those up and you'll see that proof/truth.

Ok, I finally found the info I was looking for. It was posted on this fine website. But the moderators took it down because. Well, because they'd rather be clueless :leostare:

Has all the info you could ask for Kodie. Anything more you need, please do ask and I will provide. No more need for long winded answers imo...
Oh I see. A link..... to your own thread. That's what you consider proof? Let's look at one of the gems:

Cockmeat Sandwich said:
The real ps3 numbers shipped is supposedly closer to 63mil
Supposedly? According to who? The only substantial link you posted in the thread is the quarterly report that combines ps3 and ps2 sales. Noone is arguing that Sony did that in the quarterly reports. The question at hand, is how does that prove that 70 million units sold as of Nov 4 2013 somehow translates to "supposedly closer to 63mil"? What evidence do you have for that?

Once again, to summarize, we know that Sony said they sold 70 million as of Nov 4 2012 and MS said they sold 76 million as of Dec 31 2012. How many units do you think Sony sold between 11/4 and 12/31? 1 million? 3? 4? How many do you think it takes to reach "neck and neck"? So yeah, I believe 77 is closer to the truth than 63 and you haven't proven otherwise so why are we going back and forth again?

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
At least lucy gets to the point of what hes trying to say. They say as parents you learn more from your kids as they get older....


May 1, 2012
At least lucy gets to the point of what hes trying to say. They say as parents you learn more from your kids as they get older....
Loose is a normal person. You can actually have a conversation with him.


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
It's been a great run this Gen for @TeamXbox. Even the 3cepts have admitted defeat

So we already heard from Mr.Somebody saying ps4 will reclaim what they lost this gen :win:
I don't agree tho. I feel that since the Xbox has this gen sown up, it's Xbox's to lose
Knack, even being the game changer that it is. I'm not ready to concede the Crown til Sony actually delivers.
So I'll say Xbox should continue holding the crown it is currently still holding, ask Mr.Somebody if you not sure :myman:

Well isn't it obvious. Sony taking back the gaming crown because they are going to focus on gaming while microsoft wants to go the casual row like Nintendo.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
This doesn't answer what they said. If you think it does, what you're trying to say isn't coming across very clearly. They never combined sales and called it "PS3". The quarterlies very distinctly say "PS3/PS2" when they combined sales. And again, to the question at hand, if they combined sales and then called it "PS3" then how did they come to 70million PS3s sold? And none of this news to me but it's ok that you think that.

So basically you can't say what they used to get to 70m. You're just claiming they're lying. Right?

That's cute. Is that what you're out to prove? That I don't have sound logic and you think I'm an a$$hole? Do you think you succeeded?

What have you proven? At best, you've said the 77m number was inaccurate. We agree. My point was always that you're outright saying Sony is lying when saying 70m shipped and that it's NOT "neck and neck" You haven't proven that claim yet.

Yup, that's the type of sound logic that trumps me everyday. My bad.

Sony posted the 77m number?

Oh I see. A link..... to your own thread. That's what you consider proof? Let's look at one of the gems:

Supposedly? According to who? The only substantial link you posted in the thread is the quarterly report that combines ps3 and ps2 sales. Noone is arguing that Sony did that in the quarterly reports. The question at hand, is how does that prove that 70 million units sold as of Nov 4 2013 somehow translates to "supposedly closer to 63mil"? What evidence do you have for that?

Once again, to summarize, we know that Sony said they sold 70 million as of Nov 4 2012 and MS said they sold 76 million as of Dec 31 2012. How many units do you think Sony sold between 11/4 and 12/31? 1 million? 3? 4? How many do you think it takes to reach "neck and neck"? So yeah, I believe 77 is closer to the truth than 63 and you haven't proven otherwise so why are we going back and forth again?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
This doesn't answer what they said. If you think it does, what you're trying to say isn't coming across very clearly. They never combined sales and called it "PS3". The quarterlies very distinctly say "PS3/PS2" when they combined sales. And again, to the question at hand, if they combined sales and then called it "PS3" then how did they come to 70million PS3s sold? And none of this news to me but it's ok that you think that.
Where do you think they get there counts from Kodie? Quarterly sales :snoop: Are you implying that quarterly sales don't reflect actual sales?
You lost me there bruh. I became aware of this one a story came out about it. I didn't come to that conslusion myself. Sony claimed they shipped 70mil, then 2months later it was 77mil which made ppl look into how they got to that number. Then it was DISCOVERED that sony has been combining ps2 and 3 sales as systems sold hence the false belief nowadays that the ps3 has shipped more units worldwide than xbox.
I've provided links showing you this, but it doesn't register for some reason. I can't tell you how long they been doing this, all I can tell you is they didn't JUST START or that would be known now wouldn't it.
Sony didn't tell anybody they was doing this, or the story about 77mil would of never been written THINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK!!!!
Here's the story again so you can't confuse yourself...
PS3 passes Xbox 360 global shipment total for first time - Gaming News - Digital Spy
Now how did they come to the 70million number before the 77mil?
That is a good question. I've been asking that all gen, and nobody has been able to answer it. But if you wanna provide those Europeon numbers? That would be a start :ufdup:
Here, let me show you some Euro numbers
Of course you'd never see where those numbers come from, just that sony said it. But sony has a history of saying things now don't they.
You gonna ignore all that too, aren't cha :shaq2:
So basically you can't say what they used to get to 70m. You're just claiming they're lying. Right?
Its pretty obvious they lying. There would be no need to mislead unless they was lying. If you choose to play dumb here, go right ahead.
But they don't discuss numbers when they losing. When they was selling more, they wouldn't shut up about it. shyt, 30mil in Europe right?
No evidence anywhere, but thats good enough for you...
That's cute. Is that what you're out to prove? That I don't have sound logic and you think I'm an a$$hole? Do you think you succeeded?
Yes, but that wasn't my intention. You make yourself out to be a dumbass because you discredited me ONLY because :umad:
Like if what I'm saying now isn't something I been saying for 6/7yrs now?
You seen my shyt come true inspite of the beliefs of "experts"
nikka, you tried to pass off what IDC says as trustworthy when I basically showed you how idiotic that is. The fact you couldn't just take that L is what makes you not an a$$hole. But a dumbass. I think you turned into one because I called you an idiot. I'm sorry for that, I don't truly think your an idiot. Just a dumbass (I kid)
What have you proven? At best, you've said the 77m number was inaccurate. We agree. My point was always that you're outright saying Sony is lying when saying 70m shipped and that it's NOT "neck and neck" You haven't proven that claim yet.
Has sony proven there claim?
Has sony been caught lying about numbers?
Has sony tried to skew numbers?

If the answers is NO, Yes, Yes then what is left to discuss here?
Sony posted the 77m number?
Yea, yea they did. And IDC numbers mirror everything sony says after the fact
They also said sony would be dominating by now, and that wii-u will be be 50mil sold in 3yrs. I'm assuming you thought IDC was first with those numbers and thought you had a point :russ:
Oh I see. A link..... to your own thread. That's what you consider proof? Let's look at one of the gems:

Supposedly? According to who? The only substantial link you posted in the thread is the quarterly report that combines ps3 and ps2 sales. Noone is arguing that Sony did that in the quarterly reports. The question at hand, is how does that prove that 70 million units sold as of Nov 4 2013 somehow translates to "supposedly closer to 63mil"? What evidence do you have for that?

Once again, to summarize, we know that Sony said they sold 70 million as of Nov 4 2012 and MS said they sold 76 million as of Dec 31 2012. How many units do you think Sony sold between 11/4 and 12/31? 1 million? 3? 4? How many do you think it takes to reach "neck and neck"? So yeah, I believe 77 is closer to the truth than 63 and you haven't proven otherwise so why are we going back and forth again?
Wow kodie, you have reached a new low.
The link to my thread has information in it that answers your question in this thread :snoop:
I got that 63mil number by adding up the quarterly reports over x-amount of time. But if you did that yourself, you'd get to the same conclusions. Then the reports on sony's yearly losses confirms what is being discussed. Didn't sony also claim they was making money on PS3's years ago?
Sony finally making money on PS3 hardware; no price cut in foreseeable future - SlashGear
Funny, cuz 2yrs later the exact same story resurfaces...
PS3 now makes money (as well as playing games) | PLAY Magazine

Pay attention. Nobody can give you a straight answer because these nikkaz keep lying about everything. Explain those last two links I just posted. Cuz if they selling systems at the rate you wanna believe (70mil) then this wouldn't be possible
PlayStation News: PlayStation division loses £1.8 billion as annual PS3 sales decline -

^^^ Please read that link, its short ^^^

Then ask yourself, how can sony be neck and neck but losing so much?
Meanwhile, Microsoft is making money for years now even tho neck n neck means they should be losing like sony
But they not. Is 2+2 really that hard Kodie :weirdo: