So who will hold the crown next gen?


May 6, 2012
Court your verbose posts don't hurt your fingers?? This dude has burning fervor when defending Microsoft.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Court your verbose posts don't hurt your fingers?? This dude has burning fervor when defending Microsoft.

I don't "defend" Microsoft. I discuss all things gaming. You guys are the ones who are in a position to "defend" we on offense on the greener side bruh :lawd:
But while discussing thangs, usually M$ has the better product. If Sony did something good I'd acknowledge it. I said Uncharted was my favorite game this gen. But I'm furious over the fact they allowed the online to be ruined by hackers and glitches. As you know, we was 2 of the few who actually played for longer than 3 weeks :snoop:

Then these same a$$holes will turn around and be like "I didn't notice anything when I played"
Try actually playing games online long enough and you guys would of seen it
I talk about it, then you guys try to defend it. Beg mods to kill the threads, all types of fukkboy shyt. Has nothing to do with Microsoft froggy

purposely made the reply extra long ftw

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
It's true that IDC's report is basically their estimate, but Court isn't providing anything more than a claim that Sony is lying. I'm not saying the 77m vs 76m is 100% accurate but considering Sony's last publically reported number was 70m (in early November, before Black Friday) and Microsoft's last publically reported number was 76m (as of Dec 31) - I don't think the term "neck and neck" is out of place here. Not that I used that term, I just said I personally think PS4 will outsell Nextbox WW and Court didn't like that.

As for Sony's quarterly numbers, they don't provide LTD numbers in those quarterlies so it's difficult to extrapolate from that too. So again, all we're left of as far as official numbers go is 70 before Black Friday vs 76 on Dec 31.

you know reading this... you realize its IMPOSSIBLE to tell "sold" numbers. think about it..........

a company makes 100k of a product. they don't sell it themselves, they sell it to the store.. best buy, walmart, johnny electronics in brooklyn, kate's ebay store, etc etc....

at that point, the manufacturer is done with the process... they sold it to the store.. sale over...

now what y'all are saying is, sony "ships" these ps3's out, then counts that as sold????? so they didn't get any money for them?? they going on out "pay me when you sell it" that doesn't make any sense.. correct me if i'm wrong

another point... say microsoft is getting the "real" sales... so then you'd have to believe they went through the same process... they sold the units to a store... so now the stores, and it must be every single one, are now calling back to microsoft to report how many they actually sold???

i don't know, but it sounds like to me, they both report the same damn information. how can you ship something before you sell it. this isn't billboard where they have systems set up to count store sales.. and even billboard is fukked cause mom and pop stores don't have the system. so all in all....

we need a real way to judge the "winner" before this even starts and we get the sales vs quality vs easiest vs online fights