I didn't say you "couldn't" make your words as large as they want. I said it goes to show how poorly you form your arguments
In any case, you make loose connections between headlines and then pass them off as evidence of something that hasn't been proven. For example, the report that Sony is combining their PS3/PS2 sales was not a hidden fact and doesn't relate to the milestones that they have stated for those specific consoles. In other words, in a quarterly report you'll see something like "15 million units shipped combined for PS2/PS3". They're clearly combining those numbers because it looks more impressive than listing the PS3 sales individually. There's no argument there. But when they said "70 million ps3 units shipped to date" then they're specifying PS3. And if they're surreptitiously combining adding PS3 and PS2 numbers, then (1) how did they get to 70 million LTD units? PS2 sold a lot more than that and (2) yeah, that's very illegal.
Furthermore, units shipped has been independently verified. For example, in
this study published by the
International Data Corporation they state that PS3 has shipped 77 million and XBox 360 has shipped 76 million as of December 31 2012. BTW, Microsoft used 75.9 million as their "unit sales" in this report:
Microsoft Investor Relations - KPIs. So what are the possible conclusions from that? Either:
- Microsoft means shipped when they say "unit sales" which is totally reasonable because they "sold" these "units" to retailers.
- IDC somehow got it wrong. They took the "sold" number and reported them as shipped. And for some reason, Microsoft never corrected them? Seems unlikely to me.
- The difference between sold and shipped for MS is as little as .1 million. Perhaps. I don't know what a normal number for "available supply" is but I imagine it's similar for XBox 360 as it is for PS3 (feel free to provide proof to the contrary)
So in conclusion, I can either take your word or that of the IDC. IDC says PS3 has shipped 77m WW and 360 has shipped 76m WW and has been on the market for one year less. There is no way to take that data and extrapolate from it what the "sold" number is (again, feel free to provide your formula if you have one).
IDC can gladly charge $4500 for their study. Most people wouldn't piss on whatever report you provided with Grand Marnier so I choose IDC.