So this is what’s happening to historically black cities?

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
It was instilled
The Gov’t devalued the fukk out of those homes and stopped resources in places like South Central and other majority black places
The appraisers were the hand that did this. We can't keep saying "the government" and not be specific, last I checked South Central was hit hard with drugs and crime during Gen X's come up, that was one of the main factors that drove down property values. So you gotta get into Oliver North if you wanna follow the bread crumbs. You gotta understand the hands keeping us down in the government do tireless research into how to get us. It was not instilled. Some had ownership instilled in them, most, by the way they make moves, did not. You can't tell with with the amount of access Gen X had with affirmative action that more of them should have went to school in some capacity to keep up. My grandmother was born in the 30s and went back to community college in the 80s to get a degree. Don't do this.

The Gentleman

Always a Gentleman!
Sep 15, 2019
Being a Gentleman
A few minutes from Camden :mjlol:

Where’s the proof that blacks and Hispanics are worse off when they’re living together? Why did you exclude Philly or south Florida? What separates the south Bronx from the north Bronx in your opinion

what about Philly and South Florida?

Anybody who knows anything about Philly does that outside of two or so neighborhoods ( namely hunting park) blacks Latinos don’t exactly live on top of one another.

And if you don’t know about South Florida and I don’t know what to tell you.

The last time I’ve been to the Bronx it was the south Bronx. And it was Run down just like Camden New Jersey is. And what was the demographic? Mostly black and Latino.
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Aug 9, 2013
Who determines how these areas are named? Is this through zoning in the city, the assessors in the county or politicians? We've got to pinpoint where that is coming from and get names of who is putting that through. That said, we've got to get in those positions to know what's going on.
The politicians know. This isn’t a secret it’s just something that isn’t given any spotlight because it happens under both republicans and democrats - white people. This is a quiet but effective little policy they both agree on. This happens in damn near all our communities. It was years ago when I read that article and I wish I’d saved it. I’ll see if I can find it. It was just a short quote from Jesse buried in the article.

But it really isn’t surprising. We always get fukked outta the money. But it happens so systematically in our all our neighborhoods that by now we should all see it’s an obvious plan.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Because they're weak, all the tools have been there for us to succeed and if we only thought differently about how we used them or learned to properly use them or even used them at all we wouldn't be having these circular discussions. Problem is people don't give up to systematic opposition, they give in and accept their position within it just as long as their basic needs and wants are met. As a people we fought ourselves out of a condition that was supposed to be perpetual according to the Pope (Dum Diversas), if we can buck what the Pope said, the rest should have been cake. But people get complacent, get soft and stay on their knees.

There's no way you're coming back.
You call yourself a philosopher, don't you know culture can be shaped and molded to the will of the people who create it? Don't you know pulling resources together through unified fronts is the best way for a group of people with a lack of resources to have more? You're asking basic questions.

You just have to be honest with yourself, maybe you lost the will to fight, maybe you lost the will to go further into the intellectual depths of the problem to observe and understand it and devise theories to experiment with it like a social scientist, because schools classify philosophy as a social science, to determine the best outcomes. Don't associate yourself with that word if you aren't going to live by it. It's the philosophers who do the painstaking research to understand and formulate ways out because in being such you're supposed to be an in and out of the box thinker. Yes, I have a degree in philosophy.
I'm already coming back:manny:
Idk why you getting personal, its a fact of life that it's easier to break something than it is to fix it

You typed all them paragraphs but you didn't mention anything about tangibles
How you going to change the culture when it's easier to grt a bag off the negative?

That's a problem now with culture in general,(not just Black) and why a lot of toxic youtube shyt is popping off

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
The politicians know. This isn’t a secret it’s just something that isn’t given any spotlight because it happens under both republicans and democrats - white people. This is a quiet but effective little policy they both agree on. This happens in damn near all our communities. It was years ago when I read that article and I wish I’d saved it. I’ll see if I can find it. It was just a short quote from Jesse buried in the article.

But it really isn’t surprising. We always get fukked outta the money. But it happens so systematically in our all our neighborhoods that by now we should all see it’s an obvious plan.
Then we have to build our political agenda around combatting those policies for the sole benefit of us as a people with a specific history here. We always get fukked out the money because we aren't watching the dealer close enough. We've got to be informed and prepared to get our point succinctly across on a mass level that it's clear we won't accept that from anyone. There was an agenda for a separate black political party back in the 70s, Jesse was so hard on the democrats' tip he worked against that agenda depending when that quote came out seems like he realized then what his mistake was.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
I'm already coming back:manny:
Idk why you getting personal, its a fact of life that it's easier to break something tha. Kt is to fix it

You typed all them paragraphs but you didn't mention anything about tangibles
How you going to change the culture when it's easier to grt a bag off the negative?

That's a problem now with culture in general,(not just Black) and why a lot of toxic youtube shyt is popping off
Not if you're using words like "we". Believe me, I'm not getting personal. You do the hard work to get the tangibles, that's a matter of demonstrating hard work and keeping that defeatist mentality out of the conversation. You do the work, show and prove. There should be no way we can't pool our resources together, but when you said,
Nah, there's no way we're coming back bruh

We're at the bottom
There's clear evidence that shows why we can't work with you to get tangibles poppin'.
You change the culture by understanding how the culture came to be and its history, know better then do better. Stop listening to and funding that bullshyt and have some respect for your culture, represent yourself in public with some integrity. Y'all feeding into the negativity because that's where the bag is, who's bag? Certainly not ours.

Don't worry about the paragraphs, as long as you keep reading and responding, I'll write a book if necessary. And you're still asking basic questions.


All Star
Apr 18, 2017
This is happening in my hometown, minus the affluence, and I've mentioned it before. These are not "black and brown coalition" people.


Feb 16, 2017
If they’ve declared PG county a sanctuary county like that Sister stated then they’re being steered there. No different than declaring our communities “economic empowerment zones” or whatever name they give it, marking out billions of dollars to revitalize that area, and then making sure immigrants - first the Asians, now the Mexicans - get the lion share of that money. Jesse Jackson complained about it in an article I read back in the day. It’s the legal dismantling of our communities.
Correct. P.G. county isn't the Uptopia for Black people that everyone thinks but if you wanted to Help P.G. county you'd give money to people who bought too much house, Give money to businessees That were already there. Lower the property taxes, do something about crime and schools. the answer is NOT to just give random immigrants money to set up shop. Again the mexicans have Riverdale and the Jamaicans have Chillum If Mexicans and Jamaicans wanted to live around Black people and intergrate into the larger comunities they'd move to say Largo and support the businesses that were already there.


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
That's baked into the answer. That's a known known. Just because there's a systematic effort doesn't mean you stop trying or don't try. You get up, brush yourself off and redouble your efforts. You keep fighting. Keep fighting for gains and keep said gains and get more. The onus is on personal responsibility if we don't change strategy and try again.
You don’t move in the wrong direction and place yourself on the cross so they can crucify you. That’s the problem. Always avoiding the real issue. Working harder on the plantation won’t get you out of it.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
You don’t move in the wrong direction and place yourself on the cross so they can crucify you. That’s the problem. Always avoiding the real issue. Working harder on the plantation won’t get you out of it.

As far as I'm concerned they're holding what's mine until I take it back.


Feb 16, 2017
The politicians know. This isn’t a secret it’s just something that isn’t given any spotlight because it happens under both republicans and democrats - white people. This is a quiet but effective little policy they both agree on. This happens in damn near all our communities. It was years ago when I read that article and I wish I’d saved it. I’ll see if I can find it. It was just a short quote from Jesse buried in the article.

But it really isn’t surprising. We always get fukked outta the money. But it happens so systematically in our all our neighborhoods that by now we should all see it’s an obvious plan.
Well it's also how Black people move too. the whole reason P.G. County exists is because middle class Black people ran to PG when Black People through Marion Barry fukked up the city.

Gotta tell the truth and shame the devil. People wonder how Marion Barry got relected after he was caught in a sting smoking crack:

The reason was Marion Barry gave every Black person a job or a contract that he could. Black People controlled the education system, the Police and the local government in totality. The school system was fukked up, the water got fukked up people were stealing left and right nikkas not doing their jobs and shyt taxes were raised and Black people who could ran to P.G. County. P.G. County in the 70's and 80's was literally country. The Old Redskins stadium (when they moved out of the city) was a cow field that was a former Plantation. P.G. used to be redneck as hell. Black people with money moved in took over now people shyt on the P.G. County school system. nikkas who bought houses started having bougie rent parties. There were Mc Manisions where nikkas would throw parties and there would be mad cars on some quiet ass residential street.

I'm not shytting on my own people and I used to either work or go to these house parties and I used to think Ain't no way I'm paying 2 ot 3 grand in mortgage on a half million dollar house and having nikkas from South east come through and have parties I would be amazed that nobody got shot.

That's not even counting the illegal ass warehouse parties where people did get shot at lot, In fact when they shut down the warehouse parties that's what started the house parties.

Black people need to Police themselves Do polticians fukk Black People absolutely but a lot of times we fukk up the little money that we do get.