Well, well, well.....look at what we have here 
You know, all this "well, he really wasn't with the Org" talk is bullsh#t. That dude never went out of his way to distance himself from that organization or the trinkets that by proxy of his association with it. Including media coverage, access to politicians and money. Same can be said for Netta.
There's a reason why the activists on the ground have never liked these two or BLM in general....the Org or the movement. Because they're not there for real change. The leaders are there for photo ops and to use tragedy as a platform into media careers.
I said before that Deray will use this "movement" to obtain a job at a major news network. Maybe his own show.
No surprise here

You know, all this "well, he really wasn't with the Org" talk is bullsh#t. That dude never went out of his way to distance himself from that organization or the trinkets that by proxy of his association with it. Including media coverage, access to politicians and money. Same can be said for Netta.
There's a reason why the activists on the ground have never liked these two or BLM in general....the Org or the movement. Because they're not there for real change. The leaders are there for photo ops and to use tragedy as a platform into media careers.
I said before that Deray will use this "movement" to obtain a job at a major news network. Maybe his own show.
No surprise here
