So @sccit is an open zionist on a black hip hop forum?


Sep 11, 2015
2,000 Jews by 1800 there which represented about .005% of the entire population of the State. White people were the overwhelming majority of slave-owners there.​

I can provide you with the list of ships owned by many Jews during the slave trade.

Do you want that information?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Ish Geber said:
Yes it does. I have a question for you. Are you ethnically a Black person? If so from where are you?

No, it doesn't. I am Black. NJ.​

Ish Geber said:
Why is it that Africans weren't allowed to express their "indigenous cultures and religious beliefs", if there was this embraced emancipated system of "religious freedom"?

Many "Free" Africans did, but "Property" had no rights.
Ish Geber said:
I am not "getting it"?

I'm calling the ideology, practice, study, and dissemination of 'scientific racism' pseudoscience since it is ideologically-driven.​

Ish Geber said:
So are you saying that Black people haven't been and aren't being dehumanized based on this "scientific racist pseudoscience"? You are saying there is nothing real to it?

No. Not at all. That's why I call it out.
Ish Geber said:
Why was it that they couldn't understand other people? And what age of exploration are you talking about?

They couldn't understand how the other people got to the places they 'discovered' from the 15th to the 17th Century as their understanding of the world was extremely limited.​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
NO-BadAzz said:
I can provide you with the list of ships owned by many Jews during the slave trade.

Do you want that information?

Sure, thanks.​

And can you also provide lists for these as well: Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, French, English.​

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
No, it doesn't. I am Black. NJ.
Yes, it does. The Hamitic doctrine is at the root of the dehumanization and racism as we know it now.

Many "Free" Africans did, but "Property" had no rights.
So what are the religious traditions these enslaved Africans were able to practice freely, as you claim? Nowhere in the Americans enslaved Africans were able to practice their customs and traditions freely. This mostly has been suppressed in the 13 colonies.

I'm calling the ideology, practice, study, and dissemination of 'scientific racism' pseudoscience since it is ideologically-driven.​
Yes, you have iterated this about five times, but how does that demise the fact that it had and has effect on the lives of hundreds of millions of Black people globally? Calling it scientific racisms and pseudo doesn't make these facts go away. Policies have been created based on eugenic principals and these eugenic principals are based on the Hamitic doctrine. Saying that eugenics is scientific racism and pseudo doesn't mean we no longer deal with dysgenics.

No. Not at all. That's why I call it out.
What have you called out thus far? All you have done is relegate it to scientific pseudo racism.

Tell, is the Mendelian law inheritance scientific pseudo racism?

They couldn't understand how the other people got to the places they 'discovered' from the 15th to the 17th Century as their understanding of the world was extremely limited.​

But Columbus had Africans on his ship. Something doesn't sound right about this history.

“Africans have been present in Europe from classical times. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries Roman soldiers of African origin served in Britain, and some stayed after their military service ended. According to the historians Fryer, Edwards and Walvin, in the 9th century Viking fleets raided North Africa and Spain, captured Black people, and took them to Britain and Ireland.

From the end of the 15th century we begin to see more evidence for the presence of Black Moors in the accounts of the reign of King James IV of Scotland, and later in Elizabethan England.”
The National Archives | Exhibitions & Learning online | Black presence | Early times

"But while Elizabeth may have enjoyed being entertained by Black people, in the 1590s she also issued proclamations against them. In 1596 she wrote to the lord mayors of major cities noting that there were 'of late divers blackmoores brought into this realm, of which kind of people there are already here to manie...'. She ordered that 'those kinde of people should be sente forth of the land'.”

The National Archives | Exhibitions & Learning online | Black presence | Early times



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Ish Geber said:
Yes, it does. The Hamitic doctrine is at the root of the dehumanization and racism as we know it now.

Couldn't be as it wasn't even articulated until 1930. The 'Curse of Ham/Mark of Cain' thing, on the other hand, was an argument used by pro-slavery apologists in the 18th Century as a justification to continue the practice. The dehumanization precedes both by a thousand years......

Pre-Adamite - Wikipedia.​

Ish Geber said:
So what are the religious traditions these enslaved Africans were able to practice freely, as you claim

Ish Geber said:
Calling it scientific racisms and pseudo doesn't make these facts go away.

Not as long as persons, like yourself, keep believing it has ANY merit. Unfortunately, many do. Like I said, people still believe the pyramids were built by aliens and the Earth is flat, not based on science, but by ideology.​

Ish Geber said:
What have you called out thus far? All you have done is relegate it to scientific pseudo racism.

I didn't. Science did.​

And Mendellian Laws are biological, repeatable, and testable, while racism is psychological/ideological.
Ish Geber said:
But Columbus had Africans on his ship. Something doesn't sound right about this history.

This is what the 'Known World' looked like to those explorers at the beginning of the 'Age of Discovery'........​


Notice anything missing?​
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Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
What do you mean by the: "Talmudic, Halochic and Medrishic literature where כושי is used regularly to refer to any black person regardless of what country he was from"? What do you mean geographically?
כושי was (and is) used in reference to a black individual, Ethiopian or otherwise.

This region from "Hodu to Cush" was controlled by the Persians, correct? Is Ahasveros the same person as Xerxes? From where to where did this empire span?
Linguistically, it fits almost like a glove. 'Xerxes', the name the Greeks used, is 'Khshayarsha' in Old Persian, which is similar to the Hebrew 'Achashveirosh'. The consonantal foundation of the words 'Khshayarsha' and 'Achashveirosh' are interchangeable, both centered on the consonantal sounds ח (kh), ש (sh), ר (r) and ש (sh), with the Hebrew adding an initial א (which frequently occurs when foreign words with two initial consonants (here, ח (kh) and ש (sh)) are transliterated into Hebrew) and two ו. In Magilas Esther, Achashveirosh is spelled several times with only one ו (ibid. 2:21, 3:12, 8:10 - אחשורש), and one time with no ו (ibid. 10:1 - אחשרש). In Aramaic documents from Egypt from the Fifth Century BCE, the Old Persian Khshayarsha was spelled חשיארש ,חשירש and אחשירש, similar linguistically to the Hebrew אחשורוש (Porten, Bezalel and Lund, A. Jerome. Aramaic Documents from Egypt: A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance [Winona Lake, Indiana: 2002], p. 356). However, when fitting the secular dates of Xerxes I's reign into Magilas Esther, they do not add up.

What are these twenty-seven provinces?
The opening of Magilas Esther says that Achashveirosh reigned over one hundred twenty-seven provinces "מהדו ועד כוש". Given its unusual repetition throughout the text (1:1, 8:9, 9:30), the number 127 seems to point to a symbolic reference. Interestingly, the only time outside of Esther where this number is found is in the description of Sorah Imeinu's death in B'raishis 23:1. In fact, in all of Tenach this is the only other time it is mentioned. Sorah Imeinu lived 127 years. So three times in Torah, and once in Nach. As is brought down by R' Akiva in the medrish, it was appropriate for Esther Hamalkah, a descendant of Sorah Imeinu—who lived 127 years—to rule over 127 provinces מהדו ועד כוש by way of Achashveirosh. Magilas Esther is a unique study, and the allusions and the hints are just incredible.

Where does the Torah / Tenach makes the distinction between Upper and Lower Egypt?
The implication is derived from the word itself, not Tenach specifically.

And word Mizraim has its root in Neo-Babylonian / Assyrian?

Interesting. Wasn't Aramaic spoken by the Assyrians?
Aramaic was spoken by many peoples: Assyrians, Babylonians, Jews. Terach the father of Avrohom spoke Aramaic. And there is a verse in Torah where Lavan the father of Rochel and brother of Rivkah uses the term יגר שהדותא, the Aramaic form of the Hebrew גלעד.

In one post you say it does equal mistreatments and slavery and in another it's not, so which one is it?
In terms of medieval Bohemia and Moravia, yes. But that is not what you asked. Your question was far more general: "Are you saying that taken into bondage is synonyms with the C'na'an?" Hence my response: "Not necessarily".

What also made the East European jewish communities think of slavic people as the Canaan descendants besides the mistreatments?
The Slavs were not seen as the literal descendants of C'na'an.

And what do you mean by "Xian Europe"?
The parts of Europe that practiced Xianity.

Xian geographically relates to a place in China?
I'm talking about the religion, not the city in China.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
כושי was (and is) used in reference to a black individual, Ethiopian or otherwise.

What is this or otherwise geographically?

Linguistically, it fits almost like a glove. 'Xerxes', the name the Greeks used, is 'Khshayarsha' in Old Persian, which is similar to the Hebrew 'Achashveirosh'. The consonantal foundation of the words 'Khshayarsha' and 'Achashveirosh' are interchangeable, both centered on the consonantal sounds ח (kh), ש (sh), ר (r) and ש (sh), with the Hebrew adding an initial א (which frequently occurs when foreign words with two initial consonants (here, ח (kh) and ש (sh)) are transliterated into Hebrew) and two ו. In Magilas Esther, Achashveirosh is spelled several times with only one ו (ibid. 2:21, 3:12, 8:10 - אחשורש), and one time with no ו (ibid. 10:1 - אחשרש). In Aramaic documents from Egypt from the Fifth Century BCE, the Old Persian Khshayarsha was spelled חשיארש ,חשירש and אחשירש, similar linguistically to the Hebrew אחשורוש (Porten, Bezalel and Lund, A. Jerome. Aramaic Documents from Egypt: A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance [Winona Lake, Indiana: 2002], p. 356). However, when fitting the secular dates of Xerxes I's reign into Magilas Esther, they do not add up.

Ok, thanks for making this clear. If not Xerxes, who do you think fits the narrative better? Could this be correct?

Ahasuerus was the King of Persia who according to the Book of Esther ruled from India to Ethiopia. He is believed by 19th century commentators to be Xerxes I of Persia. Achashverosh, as his name transliterates from Hebrew, was also mentioned in the books of Ezra, Daniel and Tobit.


The opening of Magilas Esther says that Achashveirosh reigned over one hundred twenty-seven provinces "מהדו ועד כוש". Given its unusual repetition throughout the text (1:1, 8:9, 9:30), the number 127 seems to point to a symbolic reference. Interestingly, the only time outside of Esther where this number is found is in the description of Sorah Imeinu's death in B'raishis 23:1. In fact, in all of Tenach this is the only other time it is mentioned. Sorah Imeinu lived 127 years. So three times in Torah, and once in Nach. As is brought down by R' Akiva in the medrish, it was appropriate for Esther Hamalkah, a descendant of Sorah Imeinu—who lived 127 years—to rule over 127 provinces מהדו ועד כוש by way of Achashveirosh. Magilas Esther is a unique study, and the allusions and the hints are just incredible.

So basically these "one hundred and twenty-seven provinces" are unknown, or as you said perhaps a symbolic reference? What did the Greeks write about Xerxes I of Persia?

The implication is derived from the word itself, not Tenach specifically.

What word/ words?

So the word Mizraim has root in Hebrew?

Aramaic was spoken by many peoples: Assyrians, Babylonians, Jews. Terach the father of Avrohom spoke Aramaic. And there is a verse in Torah where Lavan the father of Rochel and brother of Rivkah uses the term יגר שהדותא, the Aramaic form of the Hebrew גלעד.

I know, but was it mainly spoken by the people from the region of Babylon? And type of Hebrew did the people of Lachish use, in speech and in script?

In terms of medieval Bohemia and Moravia, yes. But that is not what you asked. Your question was far more general: "Are you saying that taken into bondage is synonyms with the C'na'an?" Hence my response: "Not necessarily".

It appeared as if taken into bondage was synonymous to being a C'na'an descendant.

The Slavs were not seen as the literal descendants of C'na'an.

Ok, I see. But who was literally descendants of C'na'an? What language and cultural practice did they have?

The parts of Europe that practiced Xianity.

Xianity as in Christianity I guess?

I'm talking about the religion, not the city in China.

I understand. I was unclear at first.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Couldn't be as it wasn't even articulated until 1930. The 'Curse of Ham/Mark of Cain' thing, on the other hand, was an argument used by pro-slavery apologists in the 18th Century as a justification to continue the practice. The dehumanization precedes both by a thousand years......

Pre-Adamite - Wikipedia.​


Whether or not the rabbinic tradition of Canaanite emigration was misunder- stood, there is good reason to think that the Zanj and Kushytes were believed to be descended from the Canaanites. In Islamic sources Canaan is commonly named as the ancestor of various black African peoples. Wahb ibn Munabbih (d. 730) says that the black African Nubians, Zanj, and Zaghawa descend from Canaan, and that “the descendants of Kush and Canaan are the races of the Sūdaˉn: the Nūba, the Zanj, the Qazaˉn, the Zaghaˉwa, the Habasha, the Qibţ and the Barbar.” . Ibn ʿAbd al-Hakam (9th century) states that Canaan is the father of the Blacks . (sūdaˉn) and the Abyssinians. Yaʿqūbī (d. 897): “The posterity of Kush ben Ham and Canaan ben Ham are the Nuba, the Zanj, and the Habasha.” Maqdisī (10th . century) says that Canaan is the father of, among several African peoples, “the Sūdaˉn [and] the Nūba.” The Akhbaˉr al-zamaˉn (10th or 11th century):

“Among the children of Canaan are the Nabīt, Nabīt signifies ‘black’.... Among the children .. of Sūdaˉn, son of Canaan, are ... the Zanj.” The Book of the Zanj states that the Nūba, the Habash, and the Zanj are the descendants of Canaan.

Other Muslim sources relate Canaan specifically to Kush either as father and son or son and father. So Maqrīzī (d. 1442): “The Nubians are descended from Nuba son of Kush son of Canaan son of Ham.” Tabarī quotes Ibn Masʿūd (10th century) and “some of the companions of the Prophet” to say that Canaan was the son of Kush. Tabarī himself says several times that Kush was the son of Canaan as . does Ibn Saʿd (d. 845) and Qazwīnī (d. 1283). Masʿūdī (d. 956) refers to Kush as the son of Canaan, or as the great-grandfather of Canaan. Kaʿb al-Ahbar (a Jewish . convert to Islam, d. ca. 652) has Canaan as the son of Kush, as also Dimashqī (d. 1327). Ibn Hawqal (10th century) makes Nimrod, the biblical son of Kush, a son of Canaan.
The tradition, then, that black Africans were directly related to, and more specifically descendants of, Canaan was very well established in the Muslim world.
Canaan was very well established in the Muslim world. It is not, therefore, surprising that Halakhot Pesukot and Halakhot Gedolot, authored within that world, reflect this view by listing the Zanj with the Canaanite peoples. Their grouping together of the Zanj with the Canaanites is not due merely to a taxonomic classification of prohibited marriages but reflects a perceived genealogical relationship. Maimonides did not group Kushytes with Canaanites but his reason for permitting marriage with the Kushytes—because “Sennacherib had commingled all peoples”—implies a belief that the Kushytes descended from peoples who were biblically prohibited. Since there was such a belief in the surrounding Muslim world, i.e. that the Kushytes descended from the prohibited Canaanites, Maimonides’ reference to the Kushytes apparently reflects, and counters, that belief. But, as opposed to the Halakhot, by grouping the Kushytes with other peoples (Edomites, Egyptians, Ammonites, and Moabites) Maimonides did not mean to imply a genealogical relationship with them any more than he wished to imply a genealogical relationship between them and “any other nation,” who are also grouped with these four peoples. The placement of the law regarding the Kushytes within the organization of chapter 12 of Mishneh Torah, ‘Issure biʾah is based on other than genealogical principles.
While these h . adiths are spuriously attributed to Muh . ammad, they do reflect the attitudes of the time they were written, as does Masʿūdī’s (10th century) stricture “Do not intermarry with the sons of Ham.” Particularly relevant, because of the time and place of its author, is Jah . iz . of Basra’s (d. 868/9) argument against the prevailing custom ˉ of not marrying Black women. 66 No doubt, racist sentiment existed among the Jews just as among the Muslims. It is true that there are a number of references, some certain and some speculative, to the acceptance of black African converts to Judaism (not necessarily from slave manumissions) before, during, and after this period.
To return then to the question posed at the beginning of this article, the rejected prohibition of marriage with the black African Zanj, as reflected in Halakhot Gedolot and Halakhot Pesukot and the similar rejected prohibition of marriage with Kushytes in Mishneh Torah, may be the result of both the belief that black Africans descended from the Canaanites, and the suspicion that the Black may be, or may be descended from, an unemancipated slave.
(David M. Goldenberg - It Is Permitted to Marry a Kushyte)

And how is that the expression of indigenous African religious cultural tradition? Or the Islamic or Judaic fait some had?

Not as long as persons, like yourself, keep believing it has ANY merit. Unfortunately, many do. Like I said, people still believe the pyramids were built by aliens and the Earth is flat, not based on science, but by ideology.​
So when Black people don't "believe it exists", it magically disappears and will no longer effect Black people? So for example if Black people no longer think that "the prison to pipeline-system" exists it will disappear as a problem? Had Black people not "believed" in the existence of mass incarceration it would not have taken its tole on the Black community. Do I understand you correctly?

So as Black people we are responsible for the cause and effect, due to Black people believing in it existing, and not the actual existence?

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

“You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*word, n*word, n*word.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*word”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*word, n*word.”
Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration

“American politicians are now eager to disown a failed criminal-justice system that’s left the U.S. with the largest incarcerated population in the world. But they've failed to reckon with history. Fifty years after Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report “The Negro Family” tragically helped create this system, it's time to reclaim his original intent.”
The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration

I didn't. Science did.​

And Mendellian Laws are biological, repeatable, and testable, while racism is psychological/ideological.​

Very well. And what about Samuel George Morton, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, James Marion Sims or Charles Darwin?

This is what the 'Known World' looked like to those explorers at the beginning of the 'Age of Discovery'........​


Notice anything missing?​

I am missing the Southern part of Africa and the landmass is directly connected to the South Pole and so on… How old is this map?
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Ish Geber said:

Not sure what all that's for.​

Ish Geber said:
And how is that the expression of indigenous African religious cultural tradition? Or the Islamic or Judaic fait some had?

Syncretism, but there's also this....

Hoodoo (spirituality) - Wikipedia

Ish Geber said:
So when Black people don't "believe it exists", it magically disappears and will no longer effect Black people?

When EVERYONE stops believing nonsense, it can't affect anyone.​

Ish Geber said:
So as Black people we are responsible for the cause and effect

Only those adhering to pseudoscience are.​

Ish Geber said:
Very well. And what about Samuel George Morton, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, James Marion Sims or Charles Darwin?

You can separate pseudoscience from actual science. For instance, phrenology is pseudoscience while genetic inheritance/expression is science.​

Ish Geber said:
I am missing the Southern part of Africa and the landmass is directly connected to the South Pole and so on… How old is this map?

That's the Ptolemaic Map from the 2nd Century CE. Here's the Martellus World Map from 1490 CE....​

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Not sure what all that's for.​
Well, it clearly showed that the Hamitic doctrine goes back to the 6th-7th century, countrary what you've claimed.

Syncretism, but there's also this....

Hoodoo (spirituality) - Wikipedia
I have no idea what Wikipedia is supposed to prove? Nowhere is the New World enslaved Africans were allowed to freely practice their indigenous belief-systems, this is why they had to mix it up with Catholicism to disguise it all. This how some of these practices survived, either that, or it survived by maroon populations who isolated themselves.

Neither was there religious freedom for the enslaved Africans to practice the heredity Islam or Judaism.


Cotton Mather

As a matter of fact this was the reason to justify the enslavement of these Africans, so your claim and reasoning makes no sense.

"In 1454, another bull titled Romanus Pontifex furthered that thinking, sanctifying the seizure of non-Christian lands in parts of Africa and restating the legitimacy of enslaving non-Christian people."
Papal Bull Dum Diversas 18 June, 1452



Pope Nicolas V and the Portuguese Slave Trade · African Laborers for a New Empire: Iberia, Slavery, and the Atlantic World

Religion and spirituality have always played a major role in Gullah/Geechee family and community life. During slavery times, slaves worshipped with great enthusiasm, since religion offered a refuge from their many miseries and offered hope for the future. Some masters required slaves to attend church with their families. In such cases, slaves generally sat in a gallery that was designated for their use. Other plantation owners hired preachers, some of whom were white, to lead the slaves in Sunday worship services. Some masters and their families attended religious services on the plantation together with the slaves and with a black preacher in the pulpit. Slaves often turned scriptures to their own purposes. Thus, Moses became a model for their own dreams of freedom, and African traditions were woven into the Euro- Christianity they practiced.

Almost every plantation had a praise house, a small shack where the Negroes met nightly for religious services (Crum 1969). Religious and community life was centered around these praise houses, as the buildings used for both spiritual and civic activities. Even in slavery days, Gullah/Geechee people had their own internal community standards of conduct and those who did not follow the community rules were punished. The elders managed these grassroots courts, and generally were able to keep strict order in the community. Many of these praise houses are still standing and some remain a vital part of Gullah/Geechee spiritual life.
According to African scholar Walter Rodney, the scope of the Atlantic slave trade conducted along the Upper Guinea Coast during the latter half of the 18th century has not yet been fully understood. He believes that the development of the Gullah culture along the coast of South Carolina supports his contention. During that timeframe the Africans who arrived “transferred a medium of culture, communalism, and spirituality that assimilated with the existing African traditions, both of which necessarily adapted to Euro-American ambiance.” Rodney, who believes that Africa’s loss was America’s gain, revealed his thoughts on the tragedy of the Atlantic slave trade in the following statement.
Gullah/Geechee people are survivors – unique groups of African Americans who lived near the coast and on barrier islands that were separated from the mainland by creeks, rivers, and marshes. Because of their geographic protection from outsiders and strong sense of family and community, Gullah/Geechee people maintained a separate creole language and developed a distinct culture, which included more of the African cultural tradition than in the cultural patterns of African American populations in other parts of the United States.

The isolation of sea island communities from outsiders was vital to the survival of Gullah/Geechee community cultures. Although Gullah/Geechee people traveled to and from the mainland and to nearby islands, outsiders seldom came into their communities, especially after the Civil War. The separation of Gullah/Geechee people, which began in colonial times in response to tropical fevers, later became an isolation of choice. People chose to come back to their homes, their families, their language, and their way of life – a slow- paced life among majestic trees, tidal marshes, and dirt roads traversed by ox and mule carts – places where small boats, horses, mules and feet were the primary forms of transportation. Thus, within these rural communities, people were able to maintain the language, arts, crafts, religious beliefs, folklore, rituals, and food preferences that are distinctly connected to their West African roots. The islands were accessible only by boat until the first bridges were built around 1950.
National Park Service. Low Country Gullah Culture Special Resource Study and Final Environmental Impact Statement

When EVERYONE stops believing nonsense, it can't affect anyone.​
I am not talking about "everyone" or when it will stop, because that is fantasy babble. It's here and that is a fact.

I am talking about those who take this position to impose this religious racist believe of their supremacy upon Black people vs those who are victimized and dehumanized by this position, also known as Black people. The effect on Black lives has been and is real, not some hypothetical hyperbole fantasy "if this, if that".

I speak of actual recorded historical events, while you keep running around in this circle of "it's just pseudo" and when Black people stop believing in it, it will vanish, it will all of a sudden disappear.

Only those adhering to pseudoscience are.​

Elaborate how Black people are responsible for this supposed "adhering"?

Are you saying that the racial wealth gap is due to Black people believing in and adhering the racist pseudo science? Are you saying that it's due to Black people adhering in this white supremacy religion. Tulsa, Rosewood and countless of other thriving Black communities were destroyed and confiscated, then the people were pushed into ghetto's. Is all that because Black people adhering in pseudo science?

Perhaps you can try to explain away the following? Is this also due to Black people believing in and "adhering pseudo science"?

Report: White School Districts Receive $23 Billion More In Funding Than Black Districts

African Americans are more frequently stopped, searched, arrested, and convicted—including in cases in which they are innocent. The extreme form of this practice is systematic racial profiling in drug-law enforcement. (pp. 20-21), Race_and_Wrongful_Convictions


You can separate pseudoscience from actual science. For instance, phrenology is pseudoscience while genetic inheritance/expression is science.​

From where does the science of inheritance/expression stem? How did it develop and on what observance was it found?

That's the Ptolemaic Map from the 2nd Century CE. Here's the Martellus World Map from 1490 CE....​


Thanks. You have just debunked yourself.
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