So @sccit is an open zionist on a black hip hop forum?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
And that proves the Jews were primary agents in the slave trade how?​

And when did I stated any of such? Show me the text by quoting me. And link that post as well.

I stated that the exact number is hard to figure out because of the "crypto jews". Because of the "crypto jews" that number is likely higher than what is being shown. Was it primary, I don't know? But it was "racially" motivated.

What I have stated is that the slave trade was based on the Hamitic doctrine and that is where modern day racism, dehumanization of Black people comes from. This is why YOUR people see todays racism such as racial wealth gap, the school funding wealth gap between Black and White schools, mass incarceration of Black males, false accusations, arrest and imprisonments etc.. of Black males, as a normal process. And when it's brought up it's being called adherence that Black people believe in, and as you wrote: "belief" in. That is the inherited racism, which shaped the modern world, going back 1.600 hundred years.

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Well, that's your problem since that's my actual position. Catholics aren't Jews.

That was anti-Semitism against Crypto Jews, right or wrong?

Black ladino - Wikipedia

Anyway, back to the Hamitic doctrine, the racial wealth gap, school fund gap between Black and white schools, false imprisonments of Black males and Reparations.

"Reparations: Be Black Like Me," The Nation, 270:20, p. 2.
Reproduced with permission of The Nation.

By Nell Irvin Painter

Randall Robinson is absolutely right about the need for reparations for the unpaid labor extorted from the enslaved before 1865 [“America’s Debt to Blacks,” March 13]. But I have two further suggestions along reparations lines, which are meant to address the continuing racism of American culture. First every black person should have his or her own therapist for life, because dealing with this society is enough to make you crazy. Second, every white person should have to live two months as black. (No less, because you’d have to experience it fully; no more, because not having been brought up with the necessary protective strategies, too many of you would lose your minds.) How can a white person live as a black person? It’s more or less simple: (1) By taking a leaf from the 1947 classic about anti-Semitism, Gentleman’s Agreement, and letting drop a hint about race. Once a doubt is planted, one’s physical appearance need not change. (2) If one is ambitious, one can apply dark makeup and not accept the way out as offered, e.g., accepting the assignment of South Asian background. (3) By carrying about a black periodical, book or other talisman, listening to black music, wearing a T-shirt from a black college or otherwise engaging in black-identified behavior. Just being interested in black stuff. (4) By being seen on a regular basis with a black person. (5) By protesting against racism out loud, without the disclaimer, “I’m not black, but…” (6) This is absolutely necessary: Read everything pertaining to black people you can get your hands on. While one of the privileges of whiteness is that of “unknowing” (to quote Eve Kosofshy Sedgwick), finding out what goes on in this country with regard to race changes a person of any racial persuasion.

So there. It is possible and has been done. Remember Black Like Me and Soul Sister, form the sixties. Maybe it’s time someone tried that again.

Nell Irving Painter
Princeton, N.J.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Everybody has a right to their opinion and to ride for their people, HOWEVER I pulled this guy's card multiple times over the years.
He repeats the same easily refutable shyt that he hears from journalists. And when he runs into a Dead End argument, he ducks and juelzes like a straight bytch.

Ignored him once I realized that he can't defend his stances and obviously doesn't believe most of what he says. Most people holding his views are the same way. Been blocked/erased from leaving comments under certain articles on the internet because the writers can't address them.

Ignore this guy, he's a clown.
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