So obama goes to Africa and talks about same sex rights WOW

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Yeah how dare Obama mention how people should not be threatened with decapitation for being gay in Senegal. I swear, lets do a typical coli poster check list.

1.) Hates black women
2.) Hates most black people in general but claim to be black
3.) Embarrassed to be black when one black person does anything stupid
4.) Loves white women and non-black women
5.) Hates Obama
6.) Hates Religion
7.) Make 6 figure with IT certs

Where do they make you nikkas at? Nex Mexico? Wyoming? Am I being trolled.
Since when do you support gay right? Good for you to come on board though :clap:


May 1, 2012
Everybody is worst being that we were in a fukking huge recession when Obama took office. Like the worst since the fukking great depression. Like that's not a myth, that's factually the truth. :wtf: You want him to be super negro and come in and fix shyt that took years and years to boil over? And do you understand the role of the president of the United States breh? The fukk could he do to fix Chicago or violence in any of these cities? And yes of course he could do more but he HAS done something. You nikkas be so damn extreme with your hate and fail to give the man any kudos for anything, just as you browsed over the links I posted with no fukks given. That's the thing with being a black person who is successful, you always have to be 10 fukking times better to please black people and 20x's better to please white people. I criticize Obama all the time about plenty of shyt but I will not overlook the positive things he has done. That's just hating man. And nikkas love some Bill Clinton but hate Obama when they have pretty much the same damn policies and Bill was Newt Gingrich's bytch. Had a nikka on here talkin bout Clinton rode for black people. LOL like nikka how? By going on Arsenio and playing the sax?

:heh: Seriously, you got black and white people parroting around that shyt saying Clinton is more black than obama. It is a fukking disgrace. :snoop:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Question: is the black community better off? Worse or the same since Obama has bee in office?


The economy isn't DIRECTLY a result of his policies, but he definitely helped.

Secondly, Barack has enough influence to do whatever the hell he wants in terms of dierclty affecting a community.


Presidents are merely figureheads. Congress makes and writes laws. He just is there ot sign off on the shyt and "encourage" them to follow suit.

He really doesn't have as much LITERAL power as you think he does.

If he can go to a foreign country, fight global terrorism and be the leader of the free world,
All of which are done by the military. Don't get it twisted. Like I said. Obama really isn't running the show here. I thought you all learned this shyt back in the 80s.

u don't think he can put policies in place to ensure the safety of our youth, stop the closing of inner city schools?

Ah ha!

See, this is the states rights issue and local government policies that you all seem to reject so much.

Its not the federal governments job to regulate local education.

Last question: do u think Obama could do more for black folks?

Why BLACK people in general?

And to answer you: No.

I don't even know what more he COULD do.

nikkas really need to stop selling drugs and hold themselves to higher standards. Life isn't easy but it damn sure isn't impossible.

Black people aren't doing everything they really and truly can.

Ya'll major in bullshyt classes in school. Ya'll aren't even making it to school. Ya'll glorify bullshyt.

I mean how much can one man do besides being the face of the machine?

The man came out against gun violence and CONSTANTLY mentions Chicago violence in his speeches.

What you want him to do? Call out the national guard on the streets? Then have people complain about "big government conspiracies????"


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
What??? How is he not doing anything for black folks?

What the fukk do you want him to do? :mindblown::mindblown::mindblown::mindblown:

OFFER MORE TAX CREDIT MONEY to companies that hire Blacks.

Incentives to universities who reduce tuition for Black students, particularly to 1st generation students.

OR... just be more VOCAL about supporting our main issues: lack of education and lack of jobs.

When Trayvon Martin was killed, he didn't say a GOT DAMN WORD.

But when something is wronged in the gay community, he's standing up for them before the issue has had time to cool.

There are a LOT of things that Obama should do for Blacks other than being some phony symbol of progress.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
How is he not doing that?

Black people are 12% of the population.


Thats not accounting for the numbers of us who are actually about shyt and doing the damn thing out here. :myman:

He hasn't SUPPORTED gays. I mean holy shyt. All he did was to say "hey I want gays to get married"

Mexicans? Hey, i want to make you all citizens since you live here and contribute to the economy.

What major civil rights barrier is facing black people? The prison industrial complex? Thats a WHOLE OTHER ISSUE that doesn't JUST pertain to black people and also includes the drug war and disproportionate sentencing that discriminates against the poor, who HAPPEN to be minorities.

Did he or did he not specifically support and target to win the gay vote? Dude made them a ton of promises in the light of pushing legislation for gay marriage, gay rights and gay equality. He had absolutley no issue with completley jumpin to support gays as he did Mexicans. That's all I'm sayin.


May 1, 2012
OFFER MORE TAX CREDIT MONEY to companies that hire Blacks.

Incentives to universities who reduce tuition for Black students, particularly to 1st generation students.

OR... just be more VOCAL about supporting our main issues: lack of education and lack of jobs.

When Trayvon Martin was killed, he didn't say a GOT DAMN WORD.

But when something is wronged in the gay community, he's standing up for them before the issue has had time to cool.

There are a LOT of things that Obama should do for Blacks other than being some phony symbol of progress.

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May 1, 2012
Did he or did he not specifically support and target to win the gay vote? Dude made them a ton of promises in the light of pushing legislation for gay marriage, gay rights and gay equality. He had absolutley no issue with completley jumpin to support gays as he did Mexicans. That's all I'm sayin.

These were HOT BUTTON ISSUES he inherited nikka. What don't you understand about that? Healthcare was hot button as well as the war in Iraq and illegal immigration. Presidents don't create these issues but they have to deal with them. When the last time you seen a huge protest anywhere by black folks for a hot button issue nation wide? When is the last time we had a grass root movement as strong as the gays or Mexicans put together?? We only march when nikkas get killed by the police.

The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
Look, black folks dropped the ball. We looked at Obama coming into office as a savior to all our ills in the black community. We thought he was the leader we were waiting for since X & MLK. This was the turning point for the community. Our day had finally come. MLK's dream had become true.

But black folks forgot Obama is a politician.

And if you're gonna play this game of politics, a unified agenda needs to be presented to that potential candidate. That means black folks need to be one mind, one goal, one agenda, one political ideology. And this we are not. But when that candidate agrees to accept your agenda, THEN you put your money, time, sweat behind that candidate because you know he's going to represent you and your group. Most importantly he knows he's going to be held accountable by that group and if he doesnt keep his end of the bargain, the support can be withdrawn. We aint do none of this. We had it backwards. nikkas was just happy putting a black man in office. That was enough. This aint no popularity contest. Obama doesnt speak to us because we dont demand anything from him. He knew he had our votes just by playing hoop, kickin with Jay Z and giving a good ass speech. lol Why do you think he speaks about gay rights now? Because he truly cares? No, because they said we wont support your campaign unless there needs were met. And look at the result.

Other groups do this. We dont I dont know how long it's gonna take for us to learn how to play this game. We just concerned with how good he can sing some Al Green. This is a game.....we playing for fun, other groups, they playing for keeps.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
OFFER MORE TAX CREDIT MONEY to companies that hire Blacks.

Thats discrimination.

Incentives to universities who reduce tuition for Black students, particularly to 1st generation students.

Its called affirmative action.


OR... just be more VOCAL about supporting our main issues: lack of education and lack of jobs.

The president doesn't create jobs, only influences tax policy that MIGHT help create jobs.

Education? What the fukk do you think Obama even existing does to that? if nikkas don't listen to his speeches, what more do you want him to do?

Give black only scholarships? :beli:

When Trayvon Martin was killed, he didn't say a GOT DAMN WORD.

[ame=‎]PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA Trayvon Martin Speech - YouTube[/ame]


But when something is wronged in the gay community, he's standing up for them before the issue has had time to cool.

Obama has supported gay rights since 1996 at least.

Obama backed same-sex marriage in 1996 - Ben Smith -

So are you saying gay people are less deserving of respect?
There are a LOT of things that Obama should do for Blacks other than being some phony symbol of progress.

What you want are fukking hand outs.

Just be real about it.

A bunch of ya'll nikkas don't understand the Black Utility Heuristic either: Ties.pdf

A black politician by being black will essentially always tend to enact things that indirectly help the black community.

Its YA'LLs job to latch on.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Did he or did he not specifically support and target to win the gay vote? Dude made them a ton of promises in the light of pushing legislation for gay marriage, gay rights and gay equality. He had absolutley no issue with completley jumpin to support gays as he did Mexicans. That's all I'm sayin.

Obama has supported gay marriage since 1996.

Obama backed same-sex marriage in 1996 - Ben Smith -

Plus, companies have already said they want to retain gay workers and can't do that if legislation isn't permitted to allow them to marry.

You have to understand that its more than an emotional argument, its a business one.

EVEN IF he did that to win votes, its the right thing to do as it represents the views of a growing number of americans who want equal access to rights.

Doesn't fukking matter.

Stop trying to make Obama out to be some self hating negro. :snoop:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Look, black folks dropped the ball. We looked at Obama coming into office as a savior to all our ills in the black community. We thought he was the leader we were waiting for since X & MLK. This was the turning point for the community. Our day had finally come. MLK's dream had become true.

But black folks forgot Obama is a politician.

And if you're gonna play this game of politics, a unified agenda needs to be presented to that potential candidate. That means black folks need to be one mind, one goal, one agenda, one political ideology. And this we are not. But when that candidate agrees to accept your agenda, THEN you put your money, time, sweat behind that candidate because you know he's going to represent you and your group. Most importantly he knows he's going to be held accountable by that group and if he doesnt keep his end of the bargain, the support can be withdrawn. We aint do none of this. We had it backwards. nikkas was just happy putting a black man in office. That was enough. This aint no popularity contest. Obama doesnt speak to us because we dont demand anything from him. He knew he had our votes just by playing hoop, kickin with Jay Z and giving a good ass speech. lol Why do you think he speaks about gay rights now? Because he truly cares? No, because they said we wont support your campaign unless there needs were met. And look at the result.

Other groups do this. We dont I dont know how long it's gonna take for us to learn how to play this game. We just concerned with how good he can sing some Al Green. This is a game.....we playing for fun, other groups, they playing for keeps.

I really don't understand how supporting gay rights is a BAD thing for the black community.

Half ya'll retarded nikkas love church and jesus but don't wanna admit most of the dudes in there are gay anyways.

But now we try to be MORE inclusive in this land called America and ya'll nikkas got a problem. :pachaha:


All Star
May 2, 2013
San Francisco/Tokyo
So? I must of misread. NSA, human rights violations, etc and you are mad because he brought up same sex marriage....:why:

Why do you care who another man fukks?