So obama goes to Africa and talks about same sex rights WOW


All Star
May 29, 2012
If you REALLY want to go there, Bush actually had a strong affinity for Africa and african causes.

Bush had a bunch of African leaders at his library dedication due to his work on AIDS. Bush was an objectively terrible present but I don't consider him racist on a personal level (i know some of the family members, they are pretty cool)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This dude is probably the man most responsible for allowing the gay issue to completely overtake issues of race and racism in this country. But at least it was THIS country.

But now, this fukking oreo goes to AFRICA, and wants to talk about fukking gay rights?

He can burn in hell.

Agreed, I'm finished with the dems.


Bruh, are you saying that just because you support one cause means everything else falls by the way-side?

As if there aren't black gays and lesbians? :what:

Now you act like Obama isn't doing things to benefit the black community?

Straight black people have more rights than gay black people. How do you nikkas not understand this? :what:


All Star
May 29, 2012

Bruh, are you saying that just because you support one cause means everything else falls by the way-side?

As if there aren't black gays and lesbians? :what:

Now you act like Obama isn't doing things to benefit the black community?

Straight black people have more rights than gay black people. How do you nikkas not understand this? :what:

People think because one group is advancing that their own group is falling behind :beli: I don't buy that bullshyt


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I just want to know what is a universal issue for black people that can be fought for.

They can't say one.

They just want 6 figure checks for every person with some percentage of melanin. :troll:

They can't even articulate their points. They act like obama is supposed to be out here pretending like black people aren't 12% of the population or that only things that pertain to issues of race are irrelevant. :troll:

fukk trying to address the other 88% of the nation or other topics of interest. :troll:

Its not like he doesn't juggle a multitude of issues. :heh:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
And for people that claim Obama has done nothing for "black people," some of the people that can benefit the most under the "Obamacare" health insurance subsidies are poorer blacks. The stimulus package funded numerous programs for inner city youths. I think Obama has also helped increase access to Pell Grants, which benefit black college students. People should actually look into these issues before talking.

Not good enough. :lupe:

Obama has to come out and announce his membership in all black greek fraternities, have a national black people week-long holiday, and renounce all white people in his administration. :obama:


May 1, 2012
I just want to know what is a universal issue for black people that can be fought for.

I actually sat through and read this entire thread, and besides the clear troll posts, this one jumped out at me the most. Now, I agree with both sides to an extent. For one, President Obama has pushed through some very helpful laws that help minorities, students, the poor ( I check all 3 there lol) and cinsidering the pressure he is under daily I think he is doing a great job. However, I still can criticize him for a number of things. The Libya situation where he destabilised a whole country by helping rebels in the killing of Gadafi, one of the most forward thinking African leaders. God knows who ends up in power there. The Commander of the Armed Forces aka our President did that. Increased drone activity and mounting human rights violations as a result all in the name of fighting terrorism. It's so ironic when we become the terrorists ourselves. I could list more but the last thing is I feel like he is a p*ssy when it comes to doing what he wants. I thought the second term would unleash him but he still allows Congress to blatantly disrepsect him and add all sorts of pork to his bills, slander, and you name it. He tries so hard to get everyone to like him. And I am of the opinion that yes he could do more for the black community. We are literally the most unemployed group in the country. There's always more that can be done for the most violated section of the American populace since the Indians. We are 12% of the population, but low population doesn't stop other groups from building communities and businesses by sticking together.

Having said all this, what universal issues can blacks fight for? There are tons! The president can't wave a wand and fix them but lobbyist groups can be be created to put pressure on government, and more of us need to participate in local voting. Education and community funding, proper housing and zoning, drug reform, fair employment.....literally so many issues we haven't gotten right as yet.


May 1, 2012
You've proven your intellectual inferiority repeatedly with your inability to argue a point without referring to ad hominem attacks, so I'll end this back and forth here. I always suspected you of having some fruity tendencies with that avatar of yours, but your recent posts show your simply in love with this nikka Obama. Hopefully he pays you and your people some attention for all the irrational support morons like yourself continue to give him despite him repeatedly shytting on you.

Good day.

cac alert

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May 1, 2012
I actually sat through and read this entire thread, and besides the clear troll posts, this one jumped out at me the most. Now, I agree with both sides to an extent. For one, President Obama has pushed through some very helpful laws that help minorities, students, the poor ( I check all 3 there lol) and cinsidering the pressure he is under daily I think he is doing a great job. However, I still can criticize him for a number of things. The Libya situation where he destabilised a whole country by helping rebels in the killing of Gadafi, one of the most forward thinking African leaders. God knows who ends up in power there. The Commander of the Armed Forces aka our President did that. Increased drone activity and mounting human rights violations as a result all in the name of fighting terrorism. It's so ironic when we become the terrorists ourselves. I could list more but the last thing is I feel like he is a p*ssy when it comes to doing what he wants. I thought the second term would unleash him but he still allows Congress to blatantly disrepsect him and add all sorts of pork to his bills, slander, and you name it. He tries so hard to get everyone to like him. And I am of the opinion that yes he could do more for the black community. We are literally the most unemployed group in the country. There's always more that can be done for the most violated section of the American populace since the Indians. We are 12% of the population, but low population doesn't stop other groups from building communities and businesses by sticking together.

Having said all this, what universal issues can blacks fight for? There are tons! The president can't wave a wand and fix them but lobbyist groups can be be created to put pressure on government, and more of us need to participate in local voting. Education and community funding, proper housing and zoning, drug reform, fair employment.....literally so many issues we haven't gotten right as yet.

Yeah so Obama should fight Congress who won't budge on shyt for him and gives no fukk about progress and get nothing done. But he will prove he isn't a "p*ssy" to guys like you. You know if the so called black posters spent as much time trying to start movements and create hot button issues then maybe we could make some progress. Naw they rather complain because Obama filled out a March Madness bracket or made a short comment about human rights for gays in Senegal. nikkas want Obama to create the hot button issues, motivate people to fight for them and then also fight for the legislation. He isn't King Obama, he is President Obama. This isn't North Korea.

Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012
So what were our hot button issues in the black community? You act as if Obama and the dems created the whole debate on illegal immigration and gay marriage. This is shyt that was put in front of him when he came into office based on severe public outcry. Thats what presidents do, handle these kind of issues. The only issues in the black community that I heard people talking about back when Obama was running was the injustice in the criminal and prison systems. And one of the first things Obama did when he came into office was sign the Fair Sentencing Act. You are acting as if Obama came and trew rallies tryna get Mexicans and Gays to care about these issues. Nooo, they were right in his face and begging for him to respond to.

And threads like this are the reason why people created the "Thanks Obama" meme. Because of how every little bullshyt thing Obama does turns into a reason to hate him. Like seriously, I saw a nikka say this may make Obama the worst president EVER after hearing he said this in Senegal. So during a long ass speech, he mentions human dignity and not threatening to execute people who are homosexuals and it's a bad thing? :wtf: And what the hell is the big deal. I remember when fox made a big deal about the type of mustard the nikka eats. And no one on here even considers how him being the first black president came with the repubs doing ALL they can to block ANYTHING he did and REFUSING to cooperate with him. No we rather pile on the guy as well and expect him to overcome an obstructive opposition party, a fukking huge recession, managing two wars he inherited and being the most unfairly/threatened president in HISTORY.

And another thing is how funny it is that you cats saying Obama is doing nothing for the black community are supposed to be these 6 figure earning, successful, alpha male nikkas. Well if you were then you would not be expecting Obama to come in with a magic wand to create jobs for blacks and make black youth stop killing each other. nikkas need to realize who their real enemy is and it isn't Obama. You mufukkas cozying up with white people and thinking everything is sweet and in the same breathe throwing Obama under the bus like he's the bad guy. Sad shi but as they say "thanks Obama"


:obama: has no standards but what president is all about the money...the :wrist: mafia bought the presidency...the ramifications of his alliance with this madness will be catastrophic...Romerica here we come :to:


May 1, 2012
Yeah so Obama should fight Congress who won't budge on shyt for him and gives no fukk about progress and get nothing done. But he will prove he isn't a "p*ssy" to guys like you. You know if the so called black posters spent as much time trying to start movements and create hot button issues then maybe we could make some progress. Naw they rather complain because Obama filled out a March Madness bracket or made a short comment about human rights for gays in Senegal. nikkas want Obama to create the hot button issues, motivate people to fight for them and then also fight for the legislation. He isn't King Obama, he is President Obama. This isn't North Korea.

As opposed to getting nothing done while not fighting Congress? Across the board on many issues Obama has folded to backlash from conservatives. Despite this opposition he has pushed through good legislation, but much of it could have been BETTER had republicans not fought tooth and nail to water them down, and he folded to it. I agree, choose your battles wisely, but I feel like he is just being pushed over far too much from the conservative side. He is in a lose lose situation either way, show some fight. And starting movements is exactly what I said we should be doing. Re-read my post. He can't do it all himself, but its absurd to say that there isnt any universal positions for which blacks should fight for. Not saying you said it, but just something i noticed. Black people as a whole have to become a more dominant force so our issues are taken more seriously. At this point in time we are just fraction segments of the American populace. Voting for Obama was the last time we truly unified to do anything. And many people feel like he hasn't re payed their loyalty. I dont see how you can fault them for that thinking.


May 1, 2012
:obama: has no standards but what president is all about the money...the :wrist: mafia bought the presidency...the ramifications of his alliance with this madness will be catastrophic...Romerica here we come :to:
So the gay marriage issue wasn't allll over the media and a HUGE hot button issue? Did Obama throw rally's to get people to fight for gay marriage or was it something placed in his face and mentioned every damn day by the media? Should he just ignore the outcry and say fukk your movement? :wtf: Ya'll have to be smarter than this man.
As opposed to getting nothing done while not fighting Congress? Across the board on many issues Obama has folded to backlash from conservatives. Despite this opposition he has pushed through good legislation, but much of it could have been BETTER had republicans not fought tooth and nail to water them down, and he folded to it. I agree, choose your battles wisely, but I feel like he is just being pushed over far too much from the conservative side. He is in a lose lose situation either way, show some fight. And starting movements is exactly what I said we should be doing. Re-read my post. He can't do it all himself, but its absurd to say that there isnt any universal positions for which blacks should fight for. Not saying you said it, but just something i noticed. Black people as a whole have to become a more dominant force so our issues are taken more seriously. At this point in time we are just fraction segments of the American populace. Voting for Obama was the last time we truly unified to do anything. And many people feel like he hasn't re payed their loyalty. I dont see how you can fault them for that thinking.

How could he repay the loyalty? Are black people not facing the recession? Do we all have good health care? Do we not have blacks who are gay? Do we not have black soliders fighting these wars? I've heard people ask Obama to fight to get their relatives out of a murder conviction. I've heard people go to healthcare clinics and say they have Obama care so everything should be free. Just because someone is ignorant in their beliefs doesn't mean we should give them validity and say we understand. This country wasn't ready for a black president. For one, you have the racist white people and secondly you have the crab in a barrel black folks who have no issue killing each other, selling each other drugs and tearing down their fellow brother or sister but then smiling and nodding at white people in fear.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Its one thing to not be happy with Obama has done, but its another to assume he hasn't done ANYTHING for the black community.

10 years ago, its was illegal for gays to technically have sex in like 13 states.

You can't make racism illegal, but you can do a lot to provide for the welfare of people.


May 1, 2012
Its one thing to not be happy with Obama has done, but its another to assume he hasn't done ANYTHING for the black community.

10 years ago, its was illegal for gays to technically have sex in like 13 states.

You can't make racism illegal, but you can do a lot to provide for the welfare of people.

Bruh, Obama could spit his gum out in public and you'd have nikkas on here calling him a polluter and saying how he is the worst president ever in history. Sad that so many of our so called black posters have joined sides with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.