So obama goes to Africa and talks about same sex rights WOW

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Yeah Republicans/Libertarians have your back huh. :snoop:

I understand why people say this from a practical perspective...but sometimes, you have to make a point.

Blacks, in the long run, would be better off if we sat out a couple of elections. Let the dems actually have to fight for our vote again.

If they weren't such a sissified party, they could actually afford to lose a presidential race or two without letting the republicans run the country into the ground. Look how they have done just controlling the house...yeah, Obama got the odd piece of legislation through, but for the most part, can you honestly say that the last 5 years have REALLY been that bad for conservatives? They have successfully stalled things. Dems can fight and scrap and do the same. Then once they realize that they need more than their faq and beaner friends to win elections, maybe they will start supporting black issues again.

At this point, I'm damn near hoping for the Republicans to win in 2016. Not because I agree with their platform, but because I think it's time a message is sent.

The ONLY thing that bothers me is supreme court picks, but once again, the liberals need to have some fukking guts and tough it out. You know that guys like Scalia and Thomas would NEVER retire under a democratic president. The liberals on the court need to show some gut as well.


May 1, 2012
I understand why people say this from a practical perspective...but sometimes, you have to make a point.

Blacks, in the long run, would be better off if we sat out a couple of elections. Let the dems actually have to fight for our vote again.

If they weren't such a sissified party, they could actually afford to lose a presidential race or two without letting the republicans run the country into the ground. Look how they have done just controlling the house...yeah, Obama got the odd piece of legislation through, but for the most part, can you honestly say that the last 5 years have REALLY been that bad for conservatives? They have successfully stalled things. Dems can fight and scrap and do the same. Then once they realize that they need more than their faq and beaner friends to win elections, maybe they will start supporting black issues again.

At this point, I'm damn near hoping for the Republicans to win in 2016. Not because I agree with their platform, but because I think it's time a message is sent.

The ONLY thing that bothers me is supreme court picks, but once again, the liberals need to have some fukking guts and tough it out. You know that guys like Scalia and Thomas would NEVER retire under a democratic president. The liberals on the court need to show some gut as well.

So what were our hot button issues in the black community? You act as if Obama and the dems created the whole debate on illegal immigration and gay marriage. This is shyt that was put in front of him when he came into office based on severe public outcry. Thats what presidents do, handle these kind of issues. The only issues in the black community that I heard people talking about back when Obama was running was the injustice in the criminal and prison systems. And one of the first things Obama did when he came into office was sign the Fair Sentencing Act. You are acting as if Obama came and trew rallies tryna get Mexicans and Gays to care about these issues. Nooo, they were right in his face and begging for him to respond to.

And threads like this are the reason why people created the "Thanks Obama" meme. Because of how every little bullshyt thing Obama does turns into a reason to hate him. Like seriously, I saw a nikka say this may make Obama the worst president EVER after hearing he said this in Senegal. So during a long ass speech, he mentions human dignity and not threatening to execute people who are homosexuals and it's a bad thing? :wtf: And what the hell is the big deal. I remember when fox made a big deal about the type of mustard the nikka eats. And no one on here even considers how him being the first black president came with the repubs doing ALL they can to block ANYTHING he did and REFUSING to cooperate with him. No we rather pile on the guy as well and expect him to overcome an obstructive opposition party, a fukking huge recession, managing two wars he inherited and being the most unfairly/threatened president in HISTORY.

And another thing is how funny it is that you cats saying Obama is doing nothing for the black community are supposed to be these 6 figure earning, successful, alpha male nikkas. Well if you were then you would not be expecting Obama to come in with a magic wand to create jobs for blacks and make black youth stop killing each other. nikkas need to realize who their real enemy is and it isn't Obama. You mufukkas cozying up with white people and thinking everything is sweet and in the same breathe throwing Obama under the bus like he's the bad guy. Sad shi but as they say "thanks Obama"



Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
@Ronnie Lott do your research man and stop buying into headlines and these crazy nikkas on here bruh. Give that man some credit and then come back to have a reasonable discussion. Don't be like Bill O'reily and the rest of the pundits who hate anything and everything he does before he even does it.

Executive Order -- White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans | The White House

Executive Order -- White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans


- - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, to restore the country to its role as the global leader in education, to strengthen the Nation by improving educational outcomes for African Americans of all ages, and to help ensure that all African Americans receive an education that properly prepares them for college, productive careers, and satisfying lives, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Click the link to read more

LMAO at this fool using Obama's website to prove a point...:bryan:
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Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
And nikkas love some Bill Clinton but hate Obama when they have pretty much the same damn policies and Bill was Newt Gingrich's bytch. Had a nikka on here talkin bout Clinton rode for black people. LOL like nikka how? By going on Arsenio and playing the sax?

nikka get the fukk out of here. Clinton was FAR more helpful to black people and actually appeared to give a damn about African-american issues. First, Clinton had FAR more African-Americans in his inner cabinet, Unlike this house nikka Obama with his nearly all-white male cabinet. Secondly, Clinton actually paid lip service to the national black caucus, and routinely went to conferences put on by black organizations like the NAACP and other organizations fighting for black interests. Thirdly, Bill Clinton was very active in pushing for increased aide to African nations, and he routinely went to African nations in a respectful and deferential manner. Never did you hear about Clinton going to Africa and shytting on its people unnecessarily. Clinton knew how to appeal to the low information voter (like yourself) by appearing on local TV shows, but he also was an excellent diplomatic figure both across the nation and internationally. Clinton makes this nikka Obama look like fukking grand wizard of the KKK!

I'm sorry, but if despite all this pathetic shyt this house nikka Obama has done and you still root for this nikka, then sir you are a fukking idiot. Take Obama's dikk out of your mouth and see the big picture.


May 1, 2012
nikka get the fukk out of here. Clinton was FAR more helpful to black people and actually appeared to give a damn about African-american issues. First, Clinton had FAR more African-Americans in his inner cabinet, Unlike this house nikka Obama with his nearly all-white male cabinet. Secondly, Clinton actually paid lip service to the national black caucus, and routinely went to conferences put on by black organizations like the NAACP and other organizations fighting for black interests. Thirdly, Bill Clinton was very active in pushing for increased aide to African nations, and he routinely went to African nations in a respectful and deferential manner. Never did you hear about Clinton going to Africa and shytting on its people unnecessarily. Clinton knew how to appeal to the low information voter (like yourself) by appearing on local TV shows, but he also was an excellent diplomatic figure both across the nation and internationally. Clinton makes this nikka Obama look like fukking grand wizard of the KKK!

I'm sorry, but if despite all this pathetic shyt this house nikka Obama has done and you still root for this nikka, then sir you are a fukking idiot. Take Obama's dikk out of your mouth and see the big picture.

:dead: @ this Tom nikka happy Clinton talked to black people. Haha, ol massa be coming over here and he's a be talkin ta us here dere colared folks. He's a evens be on I's television show's


Aug 12, 2012
I understand why people say this from a practical perspective...but sometimes, you have to make a point.

Blacks, in the long run, would be better off if we sat out a couple of elections. Let the dems actually have to fight for our vote again.

If they weren't such a sissified party, they could actually afford to lose a presidential race or two without letting the republicans run the country into the ground. Look how they have done just controlling the house...yeah, Obama got the odd piece of legislation through, but for the most part, can you honestly say that the last 5 years have REALLY been that bad for conservatives? They have successfully stalled things. Dems can fight and scrap and do the same. Then once they realize that they need more than their faq and beaner friends to win elections, maybe they will start supporting black issues again.

At this point, I'm damn near hoping for the Republicans to win in 2016. Not because I agree with their platform, but because I think it's time a message is sent.

The ONLY thing that bothers me is supreme court picks, but once again, the liberals need to have some fukking guts and tough it out. You know that guys like Scalia and Thomas would NEVER retire under a democratic president. The liberals on the court need to show some gut as well.

Only hope we have is of the extreme conservatives on the court like Uncle Thomas dying unexpectedly.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Only hope we have is of the extreme conservatives on the court like Uncle Thomas dying unexpectedly.

Real shyt.

Thomas knows that he has the "black seat" and that he is likely to be replaced by a brother. This dude probably gets cold sweats just thinking about a liberal, Van Jones type of cat having his seat on the Supreme Court.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
nikka get the fukk out of here. Clinton was FAR more helpful to black people and actually appeared to give a damn about African-american issues. First, Clinton had FAR more African-Americans in his inner cabinet, Unlike this house nikka Obama with his nearly all-white male cabinet. Secondly, Clinton actually paid lip service to the national black caucus, and routinely went to conferences put on by black organizations like the NAACP and other organizations fighting for black interests. Thirdly, Bill Clinton was very active in pushing for increased aide to African nations, and he routinely went to African nations in a respectful and deferential manner. Never did you hear about Clinton going to Africa and shytting on its people unnecessarily. Clinton knew how to appeal to the low information voter (like yourself) by appearing on local TV shows, but he also was an excellent diplomatic figure both across the nation and internationally. Clinton makes this nikka Obama look like fukking grand wizard of the KKK!

I'm sorry, but if despite all this pathetic shyt this house nikka Obama has done and you still root for this nikka, then sir you are a fukking idiot. Take Obama's dikk out of your mouth and see the big picture.

While I'm with you on criticism of Obama, lets not go too far with the Clinton praise :

Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ This shyt was foul. Nobody ever talks about it anymore....

Not to mention "Black Hawk Down"....


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
:dead: @ this Tom nikka happy Clinton talked to black people. Haha, ol massa be coming over here and he's a be talkin ta us here dere colared folks. He's a evens be on I's television show's

You've proven your intellectual inferiority repeatedly with your inability to argue a point without referring to ad hominem attacks, so I'll end this back and forth here. I always suspected you of having some fruity tendencies with that avatar of yours, but your recent posts show your simply in love with this nikka Obama. Hopefully he pays you and your people some attention for all the irrational support morons like yourself continue to give him despite him repeatedly shytting on you.

Good day.


All Star
May 29, 2012
And for people that claim Obama has done nothing for "black people," some of the people that can benefit the most under the "Obamacare" health insurance subsidies are poorer blacks. The stimulus package funded numerous programs for inner city youths. I think Obama has also helped increase access to Pell Grants, which benefit black college students. People should actually look into these issues before talking.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
nikka get the fukk out of here. Clinton was FAR more helpful to black people and actually appeared to give a damn about African-american issues. First, Clinton had FAR more African-Americans in his inner cabinet, Unlike this house nikka Obama with his nearly all-white male cabinet. Secondly, Clinton actually paid lip service to the national black caucus, and routinely went to conferences put on by black organizations like the NAACP and other organizations fighting for black interests. Thirdly, Bill Clinton was very active in pushing for increased aide to African nations, and he routinely went to African nations in a respectful and deferential manner. Never did you hear about Clinton going to Africa and shytting on its people unnecessarily. Clinton knew how to appeal to the low information voter (like yourself) by appearing on local TV shows, but he also was an excellent diplomatic figure both across the nation and internationally. Clinton makes this nikka Obama look like fukking grand wizard of the KKK!

I'm sorry, but if despite all this pathetic shyt this house nikka Obama has done and you still root for this nikka, then sir you are a fukking idiot. Take Obama's dikk out of your mouth and see the big picture.

If you REALLY want to go there, Bush actually had a strong affinity for Africa and african causes.

the next guy

May 2, 2012
:dead: @ this Tom nikka happy Clinton talked to black people. Haha, ol massa be coming over here and he's a be talkin ta us here dere colared folks. He's a evens be on I's television show's

Clinton had a lot of black friends from childhood, because he liked them as people. This is real disrespectful breh.