So Natureboy got all them hoes pregnant at the same time


Mar 11, 2015
People watching and looking to learn whatever he's attempting to teach will learn because they are open and ready

People who are watching for entertainment dont really care about what he's trying to teach...

Which is the overwhelming majority of us, and the nikkas a degenerate breh if we keeping it 100. He's doing what he's doing because he wants to keep funding his lifestyle. This nikka talks about himself like he's God and he flies women out to fukk, it ain't any deeper than that. Maybe it was in the past, but rn it ain't.

I disagree,even though yall don't care,subconsciouslly you are taking it in. All that will happen is that yall will start to regurgitate the message in your own way so that you don't have to say you got it from Natureboy. This will all happen subconciously,the seed has been planted. And thats only for those of you who the message resonates with because you are chosen,but you just can't take it in because you don't like the messenger. For the rest of you its just not meant for you,and your access to the kingdom of god has been denied by a higher power as you are out of touch,europeanized and off frequency.

Also he says we are all god,he is just the modern day Jesus. I dont agree with not wearing condoms as that brings babies,but if Umi wanted it:manny:. You all need to realize that many of your mothers,sisters,auntees have been "passed around" just as much as yall claim the women of Carbonation have. And these were random Babylon nikkas,not friends:snoop:
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Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
I disagree,even though yall don't care,subconsciouslly you are taking it in. All that will happen is that yall will start to regurgitate the message in your own way so that you don't have to say you got it from Natureboy. This will all happen subconciously,the seed has been planted. And thats only for those of you who the message resonates with because you are chosen,but you just can't take it in because you don't like the messenger. For the rest of you its just not meant for you,and your access to the kingdom of god has been denied by a higher power as you are out of touch,europeanized and off frequency.

Also he says we are all god,he is just the modern day Jesus. I dont agree with not wearing condoms as that brings babies,but if Umi wanted it:manny:. You all need to realize that many of your mothers,sisters,auntees have been "passed around" just as much as yall claim the women of Carbonation have. And these were random Babylon nikkas,not friends:snoop:

You wilding breh


But I admire your dedication



At peace
Nov 19, 2016
He still messy

He’s pretending like he’s over her and okay with her leaving but he’s hurting and salty. idk he might have loved her. He’s angry now and lashing out at her. I didn’t even watch that video they made to her, but I know he was behind it.

I’m glad she’s gone from there.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
He’s pretending like he’s over her and okay with her leaving but he’s hurting and salty. idk he might have loved her. He’s angry now and lashing out at her. I didn’t even watch that video they made to her, but I know he was behind it.

I’m glad she’s gone from there.

Oh yeah his ego took the hugest bruise from this one. But that's how whorish men do. They want to have one or two who they keep for themselves while running through the rest. The want to deny the 1 or 2 the opportunity to have a fulfilling relationship and call it love.


Mar 11, 2015
If he was taking it well he wouldn't be posting shyt like this.

Obviously its only so well that you can take having your spouse and child ripped away from you unexpectedly. But he officially released her the other day. Just asked that people stop sending him videos and talking about her in the comments and to let him move on. Even said he is Team Velmek because he is Velvet and Olmek. I don't think you would be able to do this if you were in this same situation,I know I couldn't and wouldn't. But what can be said,there is little respect for black fathers in this country when it comes to our women. Black women have been reassured that they always have a fall back father figure in the system and the European. Hopefully my righteous attachement has been completely deprogrammed of this:respect:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Obviously its only so well that you can take having your spouse and child ripped away from you unexpectedly. But he officially released her the other day. Just asked that people stop sending him videos and talking about her in the comments and to let him move on. Even said he is Team Velmek because he is Velvet and Olmek. I don't think you would be able to do this if you were in this same situation,I know I couldn't and wouldn't. But what can be said,there is little respect for black fathers in this country when it comes to our women. Black women have been reassured that they always have a fall back father figure in the system and the European. Hopefully my righteous attachement has been completely deprogrammed of this:respect:

He cares so much about spouses but yet when she left he dumped the other 2 and now broke up Ufuru or whatever the hell her name is and her dude so he can smash.

And there was nothing unexpected about her leaving breh. She's had one foot out the door since the baby was born.


I know ya'll love the idea that women will just let you run through them and have no feelings about it but even you can't seriously think he is the blameless victim.



Mar 11, 2015
He cares so much about spouses but yet when she left he dumped the other 2 and now broke up Ufuru or whatever the hell her name is and her dude so he can smash.

And there was nothing unexpected about her leaving breh. She's had one foot out the door since the baby was born.


I know ya'll love the idea that women will just let you run through them and have no feelings about it but even you can't seriously think he is the blameless victim.


Caliber dropped Efuru before and she becames Chiefs wife.Not sure how it happened this time,but i believe she dropped him. The women at Carbonation will always be the ones to blame if jealousy of other women is the issue. She came in knowing he was a polygamist and then had a baby under false pretenses that she was cool with that lifestyle,how is he not the victim in this scenario? The others are questionable imo. You could blame him for not properly vetting before getting her pregnant.But hes the one portrayed as the deadbeat after she took the kids.But i guess thats what it means to be a black man in todays society.Following behind your baby mother when she decides to leave and cuts off contact,or be labeled deadbeat:respect: