So Many Questions Vol 1: What da hell is a Hollywood Ritual?


Feb 12, 2015
I got into studying some of this stuff back in's been a minute but I remember that being a difficult time because a lot of what I was reading was absolutely sickening. It was stuff so disgusting, my mind wanted to believe it was likely all fiction...but the longer I live and the more I see, I see truth is stranger than fiction and a lot of it may have been truth.

There was a book I got ahold of - Thanks for the Memories, I think it was called. It was by a lady who chronicled her experiences since childhood in being groomed to be a sex slave for US presidents, a human computer for Henry Kissinger and some kind of slave for Hollywood celebrities. She wrote how she personally witnessed the members of the Jackson 5 each get raped prior to going out to perform on one of those shows which used to go on back in the day (i.e. like Bob Hope or Johnny Carson).

I think there was another lady named Cathy O'Brien who was used similarly...said the first memory she ever had was of her own father replacing her bottle with his...well, you know. Her parents sold her into this network. Ritualistic sexual abuse is apparently a big part of this network because, for the purposes she was used for, this sort of abuse helps to "shatter" the brain and make the "pieces" available for reprogramming; there is apparently some connection also between anal rape and awakening certain occult forces within the body, and this is why this act was a standard in their programming as well. Essentially, she was walking around with different personalities that could be called forth for different purposes by her handler (think the movie The Manchurian Candidate).

She and others talked about the pedophilia and abuse amongst Washington politicians, and she named names including RFK, Ford, both Bushes, Cheney and both Clintons. She, or maybe it was the first lady I mentioned, explained how Disneyworld in Florida is a totally different beast after hours, used as a site where much of this child abuse and programming takes place. She said some of the training took place in broad daylight in the mist of visitors, describing how they used some of the rides to trigger certain states of mind and program the kids.

All this shyt was 100% sick and I ultimately stopped reading it because, besides being aware, there is nothing it adds to your mental health. I know you asked about Hollywood, but I included this because what the books suggested is there is a connection between Hollywood, the government and, in cases, the church.
:damn: The links between the government and the occult is where shyt gets REALLY weird to me. I think most people can’t deny certain government programs and attempts at mind control. Hell even if you DID want to deny it, government documents literally confirm the “research”. God only knows what else went down.

Project MKUltra - Wikipedia
History TV

So that shyt is confirmed. Even the hardcore skeptics gotta go :dahell:.

But the intersections of governmental attempts at mass mind control, and occult rituals, and the idea that ur favorite star might be getting sexually tortured behind the scenes...there’s just so much to unpack.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
when they try to leave they get labelled crazy... martin lawrence, britney spears.. they dismiss celebrity deaths as drug overdose.



I’ve spoken about this.

The blood is usually bottled, packed in coolers and shipped out quick. If you’ve ever nicked your tongue or tasted your own blood..imagine that copper taste amplified and seemingly infused with strong black pepper.


Feb 12, 2015
Listen to me and engage your brain for a second ...

99% of sex parties in Hollywood are a bunch of rich and famous people sticking their dikks into each others wives and doing gay shyt , end of

That other stuff you talk about is 1%

And thats why I have a problem with people like you , because you arent telling lies , what you are saying does happen ... but you NEVER put things in perspective and its a common ruse used by lawyers and politicians , everything you say while being true is not a true representation of facts
Okay so most you believe most of this is just hogwash. No bigger agendas or anything?
I personally disagree. I think something is going on. I don’t know all the ends and outs but too much shyt keeps going down for all of it to be a coincidence.


Feb 12, 2015
Naw, I’m not doing that.

I love talking openly about these things because I enjoy the disbelief. I can be openly truthful without repercussions because most of you are asleep to the truth and I accept that so I get the ridicule but I laugh behind my screen. Lies easy to digest in ignorance but the truth and finding it forces folks to be responsible, it makes them accountable and not too many people want to be responsible so you get folks who downplay the inherent evil nature of men... Most folks like to be titillated and that’s fine..I don’t care but I do hope some of my ranting provoke an earnest desire in some to separate the lie from truth.
Lol! This is why I ask questions. I have zero answers. But something is going on!


Feb 12, 2015
when they try to leave they get labelled crazy... martin lawrence, britney spears.. they dismiss celebrity deaths as drug overdose.


That is by far the creepiest shyt I’ve ever heard of.
This is why a large part of me doesn’t like pulling back these kinds of curtains. We got so many missing children in the world.

The more answers I get, the more questions I have.