So Many Questions Vol 1: What da hell is a Hollywood Ritual?


May 7, 2012
The truth could also be we are trapped here to suffer for whatever reason
Reincarnation ensures that
For me the reason why Gnosticism appeals to me is because it explains the current structure of the world and why something like an Illuminati, basically a Satanic Mafia that worship what the Gnostics describe as the Demiurge, makes sense
However, it doesn't have all the answers and leaves a lot more questions than answers
Even when we die, we might still be deceived
I agree with you this is a hell dimension
i read going towards the light is a trap? .. keeps you trapped in material realm, reincarnation.


Aug 3, 2013
I read a conspiracy theory article about a case involving a Belgian pedophile named Marc Dutroux and his involvement in a large elite pedophile network that involves members of elite society
Later on I discovered the author (some Dutch CAC) is racist
I discovered this after visiting his site one day and noticing he posted a racist article about black people, the first time I saw him posting about race on his website
Before that, he only posted about world events and geopolitics on his website and his website, from all the ones I discovered, was the most well researched and most convincing conspiracy theory website I ever came across
His articles were so well researched, documented, and put together I considered them the gold standard for conspiracy theory research
Haven't been back since
I only mention this because otherwise I would link the article and the website which is amazing but is ruined by the fact it's run by a racist
However, objectively, that article was the most convincing, well-documented, well-researched conspiracy article I ever read in my life
What was described in that article, what these Illuminati "people" do, was disgusting pure evil to children
I'm talking murder, torture, involving animals(monkeys, snakes, etc.),, cannabilism, black masses (dark Satanic ritual) where dogs eat children alive for example, elite hunting games where children are hunted and brutally raped/torturted/killed when they're eventually caught etc.
These are the descriptions of the horrors victims called the X's (X Dossiers, a different reading and author), which a large part of the article builds from
One of the victims was a cop on the case who ended up quitting I think
She remembered being a victim of an elite pedophile ring the other X's were describing
She even helps corroborate some of the victims' testimonies
Blackmail and Satanism (a special ancient form that some members of the elite follow) was prevalent
If you research into this, you will become depressed because you will learn about the demonic child abuse
Child abuse you didn't know was possible
The evil in this world is overwhelming and goes far and beyond the average person's imagination
Can you pm me the link to that article?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I got into studying some of this stuff back in's been a minute but I remember that being a difficult time because a lot of what I was reading was absolutely sickening. It was stuff so disgusting, my mind wanted to believe it was likely all fiction...but the longer I live and the more I see, I see truth is stranger than fiction and a lot of it may have been truth.

There was a book I got ahold of - Thanks for the Memories, I think it was called. It was by a lady who chronicled her experiences since childhood in being groomed to be a sex slave for US presidents, a human computer for Henry Kissinger and some kind of slave for Hollywood celebrities. She wrote how she personally witnessed the members of the Jackson 5 each get raped prior to going out to perform on one of those shows which used to go on back in the day (i.e. like Bob Hope or Johnny Carson).

I think there was another lady named Cathy O'Brien who was used similarly...said the first memory she ever had was of her own father replacing her bottle with his...well, you know. Her parents sold her into this network. Ritualistic sexual abuse is apparently a big part of this network because, for the purposes she was used for, this sort of abuse helps to "shatter" the brain and make the "pieces" available for reprogramming; there is apparently some connection also between anal rape and awakening certain occult forces within the body, and this is why this act was a standard in their programming as well. Essentially, she was walking around with different personalities that could be called forth for different purposes by her handler (think the movie The Manchurian Candidate).

She and others talked about the pedophilia and abuse amongst Washington politicians, and she named names including RFK, Ford, both Bushes, Cheney and both Clintons. She, or maybe it was the first lady I mentioned, explained how Disneyworld in Florida is a totally different beast after hours, used as a site where much of this child abuse and programming takes place. She said some of the training took place in broad daylight in the mist of visitors, describing how they used some of the rides to trigger certain states of mind and program the kids.

All this shyt was 100% sick and I ultimately stopped reading it because, besides being aware, there is nothing it adds to your mental health. I know you asked about Hollywood, but I included this because what the books suggested is there is a connection between Hollywood, the government and, in cases, the church.



Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Look, in the era of everyone having a smart phone with a camera I'm gonna need to see actual footage of something like this going down like that Eyes Wide Shut shyt.. you don't think some kid could sneak in a compound somewhere and record shyt and upload it to the internet in an instant?

I'm not saying it don't exist but everyone has a camera now..

Well, think about how many locations in the world would be heavily protected? Area 51 for example. There's a pretty good chance that all the real cool stuff like aliens and such wouldn't be in there. But that doesn't mean you can just waltz right in, does it? Same with the White House. You can't be like "You know what, I think I'm gonna go kick it at the WH for a bit, see what's good with the staff members. :ehh:" Secret Service would be on that ass in no time flat. These are locations you know about. Could you then imagine what they'd have when it comes to the locations we don't know about? I don't think they'd do their dirt in somewhere easy to walk in on, that's asking for trouble. Logically speaking, it'd probably be in a location that's already heavily-guarded, and those secret locations have even more security than above.

Another example, some celebrities make their intimate partners or groupies sign a non-disclosure agreement and even take their phones away. If that person violates it, they're in trouble. Now, if we're talking about a society that's comprised of only the elites, it'd make sense if they had way more serious consequences violating confidentiality and whatnot. That's for people actually in said group and willingly exposed the secrets. Theoretically speaking though, if someone just so happened to sneak in and film something (which if I were to guess, would be next to impossible, because why would you not have an extreme-level of security if you're doing all kinds of shyt like this??), they're not making it out alive. If they do, they probably won't be alive for long, they'd have to live their whole life on the run. Especially if these are actual world leaders and elites being caught on camera doing all kinds of crazy things. You'd be a goner.

This is all under the assumption that all these kinds of wicked deeds are really going on. Me personally, I don't know, I'm not convinced.

Mensch Fontana

Jul 13, 2012

Watch eyes wide shut. It got kubrik killed


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
once people get to a certain level in their career , they will meet people. they will be invited to partys and gatherings to test them. if they pass they will receive an offer to be initiated into thelema. alex crowley is the "founder" and its based on ancient african/egyptian gods and goddedess. Its is a pretty version of what thou wilt is the whole of the law. sex magic is the basis. it gets darker from there


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
once people get to a certain level in their career , they will meet people. they will be invited to partys and gatherings to test them. if they pass they will receive an offer to be initiated into thelema. alex crowley is the "founder" and its based on ancient african/egyptian gods and goddedess. Its is a pretty version of what thou wilt is the whole of the law. sex magic is the basis. it gets darker from there
Drop some more info if u would