Warning - the information (as I've looked into directly, myself in my own research while examining religions of the world) is VERY generalized and vague. This short video speaks on many topics that are not very clearly defined and to cover correctly would take a LOT more time. But essentially, this video is a condensed version of the evolution of many religions. Again, it's a general coverage of many many topics and would take a lot more reading into the histories of ancient religions to truly appreciate the scope of what is covered in this.
After you watch the video this is an interesting article to read.... especially since a couple people are obviously enlightened to the lies and propaganda the Roman empire used during their time...
The video is actually complete bs.
Wiki isn't a good source of info for anything. I would be very careful using it. It's actually an attack on information and is dumbing down the world.
The antichrist as described in the book of Revelation for example. The Bible taught that after the rapture of the church, the antichrist would come on the scene bringing 3 and a half years of peace to the planet. After those 3 and a half years, the tribulation would begin and all of the plagues of revelation would happen, then the return of Christ, then 1000 years of rule by Jesus, then everlasting peace and a new heaven/earth.
The antichrist came in AD 68 (Nero Herod which is what 666 actually means. In other versions of the bible the mark is 616 which translates into Nero Herod in Greek) and here we were are almost 2000 years later with no Jesus, no world peace, and no signs of any of the plagues and shyt discussed in Revelation.
Not to mention the lack of geological evidence for the Great Deluge ever happening.
No more evil than Christianity breh. This is what what those white Christians did to the native Americans:
I've read over your most recent post and you are
way off base. First of all I already went into holocaust/inquisitions/crusades thing before and I did for a reason. Those are things that come from Roman Catholicism and not biblical Christianity. If you insist on arguing about religion in this thread please make the distinction between the two. If you don't know the difference please be fair enough to admit that instead of slandering one belief system due to the crimes of another.
The bible doesn't teach those things done so even if someone claims to be a Christian, that doesn't make the bible wrong if they do them. In reality it just means that the person who did them doesn't believe the very thing they profess to believe. An example would be turning the other cheek. If your girlfriend doesn't want to believe that even though the scriptures tell her to do so, then how can she call herself a Christian? If she goes out and seeks revenge and kills a cop, is Christianity to blame or her? Clearly her. Don't put the mass murder of Indians on the bible or even on Christians based on individuals actions. More than likely it was a holocaust/inquisition/ or crusade.
Lastly the rapture thing and the rest of your last point I quoted are Roman Catholic theories. Google Francisco de Ribera and Robert Bellarmine. You are trying to disprove the bible again by relying on what man has done even though it isn't biblical to begin with. So no, Nero wasn't the antichrist. He may have be a anti-christ, meaning someone who denies that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, but he certainly wasn't the one written about in the book of Revelation. But again, that is apart of Roman Catholicism's theology that came well after the scriptures were written. Only in this time has it been possible for man to buy or sell with a mark IN their right hand or forehead. That prophecy is starting to come pass right before our eyes. Don't be silly and think that it could ever apply to nero.
Anti in Greek has two meaning. In place of and against. Vicar of Christ meaning Vicarious Christi in Greek means anti Christ. It is also a title for the pope. The very fact that they claim to be in place of Christ makes them against Christ.

Now, if you want to believe in what that antichrist system tells you then be my guest. But stop spreading her lies! You guys have gotten away with this slave masters religion talk for way too long. Either take a step back from what you
think you know and do the necessary research or stop speaking on it.