so if Jesus is "GOD"


Nov 21, 2013
It's not a white mans religion

I don't even believe in religion
It is a white man's religion. They created it. The truth of the matter though, is that its based off a BLACK way of life that was given originally to Moses. Brehs in the west dont seem to understand that for whatever reason. Yall arent supposed to be following the cac's interpretation of scriptures which leads to a white blue eyed blonde haired "Jesus". Yall are supposed to be following the Torah.

Remember that "Jesus" ship thing? Well yea, its prophesied that the descendants of the Israelites would be sent into slavery on slave ships. Ironic how that happened to blacks and the name of one ship that brought them to this side of the world just so happened to be "Jesus"? Brehs need to open their eyes and see the bigger picture...

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
:beli: Bruh you cant even spell it right...i suppose i would be asking too much to expect some kind of synopsis of what the "debunking" consisted of


you can pretend all you want that something doesnt exist but thats not how reality works

Which is irrelevant since incomplete does NOT equal incorrect
:ufdup: BTW this contradicts your statement above that there is "no evidence" now you say "its incomplete"...which is it?

All i said was you dont understand what youre talking would expect someone making such bold statements to have at the very least a rudimentary grasp of the subject material.

Your arguments so far are completely unsupported by the facts...and the logic is even worse...creationists keep making the mistake of assuming they will win by default

See even if we take every piece of scientific evidence off the table it still doesnt prove that YOUR God created the would still need to prove that case on its own merits

1. As one poster mentioned earlier, instead of dealing with the arguments against neo-Darwinian evolution you name call, ridicule, and throw shade.

2. A typical tactic of evolutionists is to play the semantical game of changing definitions which you have done repeatedly when a pillar of your precious cac evolutionary theory is debunked.

3. You posted F.A.M.E. for your argument for the evidence of evolution, so I will deal with each one.

F. Fossil Record. Repeatedly, because I know you are fully aware of it, the Fossil Record has always been a deathblow to evolutionary theory.
Paleontology — The Fossil Record Lacks Intermediate Fossils: The fossil record’s overall pattern is one of abrupt explosions of new biological forms, and generally lacks plausible candidates for transitional fossils, contradicting the pattern of gradual evolution predicted by Darwinian theory. This non-Darwinian pattern has been recognized by many paleontologists. University of Pittsburgh anthropologist Jeffrey Schwartz states: “We are still in the dark about the origin of most major groups of organisms. They appear in the fossil record as Athena did from the head of Zeus — full-blown and raring to go, in contradiction to Darwin’s depiction of evolution as resulting from the gradual accumulation of countless infinitesimally minute variations.”5 Likewise the great evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr explained that “[n]ew species usually appear in the fossil record suddenly, not connected with their ancestors by a series of intermediates.”6 Similarly, a zoology textbook observes: “Many species remain virtually unchanged for millions of years, then suddenly disappear to be replaced by a quite different, but related, form. Moreover, most major groups of animals appear abruptly in the fossil record, fully formed, and with no fossils yet discovered that form a transition from their parent group.”7 :francis:

A. Anatomical (Structural Body Parts)
Homology - CORRELATION DOES NOT = CAUSATION (circular reasoning)
If homology is defined as similarity due to common descent, then it is circular reasoning to use it as evidence for common descent. Biologists have known for decades that homologous features are not due to similar genes, so the mechanism that produces them remains unknown. :ohhh:

M. Molecular Evidence
Biochemistry — Unguided and Random Processes Cannot Produce Cellular Complexity: Our cells are like miniature factories using machine technology but dwarfing the complexity and efficiency of anything produced by humans. Cells use miniature circuits, motors, feedback loops, encoded language, and even error-checking machinery to decode and repair our DNA. As Bruce Alberts, former president of the U.S. National Academy of Science, observed: “[t]he entire cell can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is composed of a set of large protein machines.”3 Darwinian evolution struggles to explain the origin of this type of integrated complexity. Biochemist Franklin Harold admits in a book published by Oxford University Press: “There are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the evolution of any biochemical or cellular system, only a variety of wishful speculations.”4 :comeon:

E. Embryology
The facts show that the embryos start out looking dissimilar, converge somewhat a few stages later (though not nearly as much as Haeckel depicted) and then diverge again.

Unfortunately, Haeckel’s depictions are not mere errors. In 1997, a panel of international experts systematically compared Haeckel’s drawings with actual photographs of embryos.[5] Summing up the panel’s findings in an interview with Science, the study’s principal author said of Haeckel’s drawings, “It looks like it’s turning out to be one of the most famous fakes in biology.”[6]:duck:

:umad: It looks like your science god(s) have played you like a 1989 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). :mindblown:

But, I'll COOK some more :feedme:

Genetics — Mutations Cause Harm and Do Not Build Complexity:
Darwinian evolution relies on random mutations that are selected by a blind, unguided process of natural selection. This undirected process has no goals. Being random, it tends to harm organisms and does not improve them or build complexity. As biologist Lynn Margulis, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences until her death in 2011, said: “New mutations don’t create new species; they create offspring that are impaired.”1 Similarly, the past president of the French Academy of Sciences, Pierre-Paul Grasse, contended that “[m]utations have a very limited ‘constructive capacity’” because “[n]o matter how numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution.”2 :russ::mjpls:

Neo-Darwinian Evolution Has Been and Continues to Be Critiqued by Mainstream Scientists: Everyone agrees that microevolution occurs. But mainstream scientific and academic literature is saturated with skepticism about the neo-Darwinian claim that microevolution offers an adequate basis for justifying macroevolutionary claims. Günter Theißen of the Department of Genetics at Friedrich Schiller University in Germany wrote in the journal Theory in Biosciences that “while we already have a quite good understanding of how organisms adapt to the environment, much less is known about the mechanisms behind the origin of evolutionary novelties, a process that is arguably different from adaptation. Despite Darwin’s undeniable merits, explaining how the enormous complexity and diversity of living beings on our planet originated remains one of the greatest challenges of biology.”8 A 2011 paper in Biological Theory stated, “Darwinism in its current scientific incarnation has pretty much reached the end of its rope,”9 and in 2012, the noted atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel argued in an Oxford University Press book that “the materialist neo-Darwinian conception of nature is almost certainly false.”10 :blessed:

David L. Stern, "Perspective: Evolutionary Developmental Biology and the Problem of Variation," Evolution 54 (2000): 1079-1091. "One of the oldest problems in evolutionary biology remains largely unsolved… Historically, the neo-Darwinian synthesizers stressed the predominance of micromutations in evolution, whereas others noted the similarities between some dramatic mutations and evolutionary transitions to argue for macromutationism."

Robert L. Carroll, "Towards a new evolutionary synthesis," Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15 (January, 2000): 27. "Large-scale evolutionary phenomena cannot be understood solely on the basis of extrapolation from processes observed at the level of modern populations and species.”

Andrew M. Simons, "The continuity of microevolution and macroevolution," Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15 (2002): 688-701. "A persistent debate in evolutionary biology is one over the continuity of microevolution and macroevolution -- whether macroevolutionary trends are governed by the principles of microevolution."

It should be noted that all of the scientists quoted above are believers in Darwinian evolution, and that all of them think the controversy will eventually be resolved within the framework of that theory. Stern, for example, believes that new developmental studies of gene function will provide "the current missing link." (p. 1079) The important point here is that the controversy has not yet been resolved, precisely because the evidence needed to resolve it is still lacking. It is important for students to know what the evidence does or does not show -- not just what some scientists hope the evidence will eventually show. Since the controversy over microevolution and macroevolution is at the heart of Darwin's theory, and since evolutionary theory is so influential in modern biology, it is a disservice to students for biology curricula to ignore the controversy entirely. Furthermore, since the scientific evidence needed to settle the controversy is still lacking, it is inaccurate to give students the impression that the controversy has been resolved and that all scientists have reached a consensus on the issue. :russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::russ::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::ufdup::ufdup::ufdup::ufdup::ufdup::ufdup::ooh::ooh::ooh::ooh::umad::umad::umad::camby::sas2:

Now what's that about my so called preacher feeding me lies stupid negro?
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Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
Whats so hard for you to grasp that Peter said ONE NAME not three or multiple names that would branch out to every language there is. The one you call "Jesus" name had a meaning in the Hebrew that is LOST when you translate it to "iesous" then "Jesus". "Jesus" means nothing in english. Iesous, doesnt share the same meaning that the name in Hebrew did. So your "its transliterated" excuse falls flat. Hard to have a personal relationship when you think you can call him whatever it is you want

There is no meaning in the name of Iseous let alone "Jesus". But a pen is a pen in english and boligrafo is a pen in spanish. Yet the meaning of the name in Hebrew, didnt come along with the "transliteration" into Greek, and then English. So again your excuse falls flat..

You still dont understand that the name wasnt "Joshua" nor was it Yehoshua.. :mjlol:

Breh you think because you falsely claim superiority that you're right? :mjlol:

Your just another example of a breh (assuming you're even black that is) who has been taken over by the cac man's religion. Not even understanding that the way of life the cac man's religion was based off of, BELONGED TO YOUR PEOPLE (assuming your black).. Your false intellectual high horse aint fooling no one...

:snoop:If it is a white man's religion how is it that you have Messianic Jews in Israel (Jerusalem) who lived by the Torah as well as the New Testament? How is it that you fail to grasp the basic historical TRUTH that Judaeo-Christianity was in AFRICA hundreds of years before any cac showed up. Your revisionist history teachers recognize they have found another GULLIBLE sheep in you. :ufdup:

:mjlol: Did you fail or even pay attention in your history classes. If you have traveled the world and been overseas to Jerusalem you will see that not one trace of cac influence has been infiltrated in the HOLY LAND. I'm sorry breh, but you do not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. :yeshrug:

P.S. trying to attack the legitimacy of me being black is just another failed attempt of grasping at straws breh. :manny:

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
Whats so hard for you to grasp that Peter said ONE NAME not three or multiple names that would branch out to every language there is. The one you call "Jesus" name had a meaning in the Hebrew that is LOST when you translate it to "iesous" then "Jesus". "Jesus" means nothing in english. Iesous, doesnt share the same meaning that the name in Hebrew did. So your "its transliterated" excuse falls flat. Hard to have a personal relationship when you think you can call him whatever it is you want

There is no meaning in the name of Iseous let alone "Jesus". But a pen is a pen in english and boligrafo is a pen in spanish. Yet the meaning of the name in Hebrew, didnt come along with the "transliteration" into Greek, and then English. So again your excuse falls flat..

You still dont understand that the name wasnt "Joshua" nor was it Yehoshua.. :mjlol:

Breh you think because you falsely claim superiority that you're right? :mjlol:

Your just another example of a breh (assuming you're even black that is) who has been taken over by the cac man's religion. Not even understanding that the way of life the cac man's religion was based off of, BELONGED TO YOUR PEOPLE (assuming your black).. Your false intellectual high horse aint fooling no one...

Well, unfortunately, you are brainwashed into your belief. Debate cannot happen because you remain firm in believing 1+1 = 34. Therefore, a rational discourse is not able to happen. You continue to shout what some idiot has brainwashed you with, but have not provided ONE DOCUMENTED SINGLE SOURCE FOR YOUR NONSENSE...but we're waiting for you to provide some empirical evidence...:feedme::sas2:


Oct 26, 2015
It is a white man's religion. They created it. The truth of the matter though, is that its based off a BLACK way of life that was given originally to Moses. Brehs in the west dont seem to understand that for whatever reason. Yall arent supposed to be following the cac's interpretation of scriptures which leads to a white blue eyed blonde haired "Jesus". Yall are supposed to be following the Torah.

Remember that "Jesus" ship thing? Well yea, its prophesied that the descendants of the Israelites would be sent into slavery on slave ships. Ironic how that happened to blacks and the name of one ship that brought them to this side of the world just so happened to be "Jesus"? Brehs need to open their eyes and see the bigger picture...

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
I disagree with 99% of the shyt you post on this site.

But you have been 100% spot on in this thread.

Evolution is real.

I don't even necessarily identify as an atheist. I hope God exists.

But anyone who can say with 100% certainty that God either DOES or DOESN'T exist is arrogant.

We don't know. We probably won't know till we die.

You seem to be brainwashed too by the masses who like to play semantical word games. You know very well what those who argue against evolution are contending. But, I will post this so you can feel foolish for speaking without gathering the facts.

What Is “Evolution”?
Whenever talking about challenges to “evolution,” it’s vital to carefully define terms, otherwise confusion can result. There are three common usages of the term “evolution”:

  • Evolution #1 — Microevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms.
  • Evolution #2 — Universal Common Descent: The idea that all organisms are related and are descended from a single common ancestor.
  • Evolution #3 — Darwinian Evolution: The view that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism driving the evolution of life.
No one doubts Evolution #1, which is sometimes called “microevolution.” Some scientists doubt Evolution #2. But the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism list only concerns Evolution #3, also called Darwinian evolution or Darwinism. The scientists who have signed the dissent statement say this:

We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.

I defined Evolution #1 by equating it with “microevolution” — small-scale changes in a population of organisms. Collectively, Evolution #2 and #3 might be termed macroevolution, which is defined as follows:

Macroevolution: Large-scale changes in populations of organisms, including the evolution of fundamentally new biological features. Typically this term also means that all life forms descended from a single common ancestor through unguided natural processes.

Unfortunately, evolutionists sometimes PURPOSEFULLY confuse these definitions, hoping you won’t notice that they have overstated their case. They will take evidence for microevolution (Evolution #1), and then over-extrapolate the evidence and claim it supports macroevolution (Evolution #2 or Evolution #3). Indeed, sometimes evolution advocates will equate microevolution and macroevolution, the idea being that macroevolution is just repeated rounds of microevolution added up. (Such inaccurate claims are addressed at The Scientific Controversy Over Whether Microevolution Can Account For Macroevolution.)

Please do not make me have to make you look just as foolish and uniformed as A.L.I.A.S.

Stop half truth telling :ufdup:
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May 19, 2014
You seem to be brainwashed too by the masses who like to play semantical word games. You know very well what those who argue against evolution are contending. But, I will post this so you can feel foolish for speaking without gathering the facts.

What Is “Evolution”?
Whenever talking about challenges to “evolution,” it’s vital to carefully define terms, otherwise confusion can result. There are three common usages of the term “evolution”:

  • Evolution #1 — Microevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms.
  • Evolution #2 — Universal Common Descent: The idea that all organisms are related and are descended from a single common ancestor.
  • Evolution #3 — Darwinian Evolution: The view that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism driving the evolution of life.
No one doubts Evolution #1, which is sometimes called “microevolution.” Some scientists doubt Evolution #2. But the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism list only concerns Evolution #3, also called Darwinian evolution or Darwinism. The scientists who have signed the dissent statement say this:

We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.

I defined Evolution #1 by equating it with “microevolution” — small-scale changes in a population of organisms. Collectively, Evolution #2 and #3 might be termed macroevolution, which is defined as follows:

Macroevolution: Large-scale changes in populations of organisms, including the evolution of fundamentally new biological features. Typically this term also means that all life forms descended from a single common ancestor through unguided natural processes.

Unfortunately, evolutionists sometimes purposefully confuse these definitions, hoping you won’t notice that they have overstated their case. They will take evidence for microevolution (Evolution #1), and then over-extrapolate the evidence and claim it supports macroevolution (Evolution #2 or Evolution #3). Indeed, sometimes evolution advocates will equate microevolution and macroevolution, the idea being that macroevolution is just repeated rounds of microevolution added up. (Such inaccurate claims are addressed at The Scientific Controversy Over Whether Microevolution Can Account For Macroevolution.)

Please do not make me have to make you looks just as foolish and uniformed as A.L.I.A.S.

You nikkas really need to stop with this half-truth game playing...that's how nikkas get GOT in the streets...:ufdup:

How old is planet earth?

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
How old is planet earth?
1. Asking me how old planet earth is is your attempt to DEFLECT and not deal with the arguments I made in reply to your post.

Bait and switch tactics won't work. I expected you to be better than A.L.I.A.S.


May 19, 2014
1. Asking me how old planet earth is is your attempt to DEFLECT and not deal with the arguments I made in reply to your post.

Bait and switch tactics won't work. I expected you to be better than A.L.I.A.S.

It's a simple question.

Besides, nothing you say can persuade me to believe something based in faith over something based in science. no matter how "flimsy" the science is.

And this is not an attack on religion. I'm sure aspects of the Bible can be interpreted in many ways. But evolution is not for debate.

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
It's a simple question.

Besides, nothing you say can persuade me to believe something based in faith over something based in science. no matter how "flimsy" the science is.

And this is not an attack on religion. I'm sure aspects of the Bible can be interpreted in many ways. But evolution is not for debate.

If it is not up for debate then you have validated my statements. Thanks!


Nov 18, 2016
Religion is just straight up nonsense. There is no point trying to apply logic and common sense to it.

When I look back at the stuff I used to believe in when I was a Christian I get embarrassed.

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
Religion is just straight up nonsense. There is no point trying to apply logic and common sense to it.

When I look back at the stuff I used to believe in when I was a Christian I get embarrassed.

1. Yes, most religions if not all, aside from Christianity are nonsense. This is why it is important to have an experience with Christ the risen saviour.

2. The foundation of logic is that something cannot be true and false at the same time. So unless you are able to demonstrably provide evidence that Jesus Christ is not who he said he is, and that he did not perform the miracles he performed, and rose from the dead your entire argument is invalid.

3. It amazes me how some of you brehs go at length to come across as intelligent, or highly enlightened and the claims being made are demonstrating non critical thinking skills. Y'all really need to stop it.:ufdup:


Nov 18, 2016
1. Yes, most religions if not all, aside from Christianity are nonsense. This is why it is important to have an experience with Christ the risen saviour.

2. The foundation of logic is that something cannot be true and false at the same time. So unless you are able to demonstrably provide evidence that Jesus Christ is not who he said he is, and that he did not perform the miracles he performed, and rose from the dead your entire argument is invalid.

3. It amazes me how some of you brehs go at length to come across as intelligent, or highly enlightened and the claims being made are demonstrating non critical thinking skills. Y'all really need to stop it.:ufdup:
What makes Christianity less nonsense than other religions? The only reason you are a Christian is because you were raised in a majority Christian nation not because you had an experience with jesus:mjlol:. If you were born and raised in Saudi Arabia, you'd be a Muslim, if you were born in India you would most likely be Hindu.

By the way how come all these miracles Jesus performed were only documented in the bible, I would imagine such significant events would been documented in other texts? Also why don't we see the miracles that Jesus performed happening today, its like miracles stopped happening after the invention of cameras?

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
What makes Christianity less nonsense than other religions? The only reason you are a Christian is because you were raised in a majority Christian nation not because you had an experience with jesus:mjlol:. If you were born and raised in Saudi Arabia, you'd be a Muslim, if you were born in India you would most likely be Hindu.

By the way how come all these miracles Jesus performed were only documented in the bible, I would imagine such significant events would been documented in other texts? Also why don't we see the miracles that Jesus performed happening today, its like miracles stopped happening after the invention of cameras?

1. Fallacy number 1, just because I was raised in the west has nothing to do with me believing in Christianity. There are many individuals in the west that are non religious. Additionally, there are Christians in Iran, Saudi Arabi, Syria etc, heavily populated Muslim countries. So the point you just made is false. Try again.

2. Please provide objectivly how you can validate my objective experience with Christ? In order for you to do that you would have to posses all knowledge which you definitely do not posses. So that claim you made is not only arrogant, but again false.

3. There are many miracles that happen. Just because you choose to invalidate them does not mean they do not exist, or have not happened. Your third argument is false and invalid.

4. You have an ignorant understanding of the Bible. The Bible, namely the New Testament is a collection, yea that's right, a collection of ancient documents written by multiple authors in different locations over different periods of time ranging from the 1st to 5th century.

5. It would do you well to TRULY educate yourself on the matter, or you will just come across as ignorant and uniformed.

You keep digging yourself a bigger hole breh.


Nov 18, 2016
1. Fallacy number 1, just because I was raised in the west has nothing to do with me believing in Christianity. There are many individuals in the west that are non religious. Additionally, there are Christians in Iran, Saudi Arabi, Syria etc, heavily populated Muslim countries. So the point you just made is false. Try again.

2. Please provide objectivly how you can validate my objective experience with Christ? In order for you to do that you would have to posses all knowledge which you definitely do not posses. So that claim you made is not only arrogant, but again false.

3. There are many miracles that happen. Just because you choose to invalidate them does not mean they do not exist, or have not happened. Your third argument is false and invalid.

4. You have an ignorant understanding of the Bible. The Bible, namely the New Testament is a collection, yea that's right, a collection of ancient documents written by multiple authors in different locations over different periods of time ranging from the 1st to 5th century.

5. It would do you well to TRULY educate yourself on the matter, or you will just come across as ignorant and uniformed.

You keep digging yourself a bigger hole breh.
There are literally thousands of religions i do not see how yours is more legitimate than others. You are not gonna convince me that Christianity is real and i am not gonna change your mind about your belief. There really is no point in continuing with this discussion because we will just end up going back and forth.