off the field, you don't know shyt about him other than he has a white girlfriend and isn't from the hood.
And neither does Parker. That's why he asked the question. Not as much is known about guys who are new to the league (vs veterans like Favre or PManning).
Hell, Rg3 just reached adulthood. He is still becoming the man he will be. He is still deciding what roles he will assume off-field. People do a lot of growing up during their 20s. Perhaps the inquiry was premature.
Sure, there are self-hating blacks, Jews, Asians, whites, native Americans, etc. Sure, ESPN may have prepped the round-table to have a discussion concluding with an agreement not to classify QBs by race.
But NObody at that table was instructed by ESPN to call RG3 an oreo. Can't broadcast a racial witch-hunt. No1 wants a defamation/slander lawsuit on their hands.
Moderator Champion was jumpy as all hell.
" *freeze* o_0 WHAT do you mean by that?"
cuz Parker had gone rogue! ~~~~(/^-^)/