So ESPN has suspended the cornball brotha


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Funny cuz they didn't suspend "Martin Luther c00n Jr." Mike Greenberg.....
What he say?
If this is the full context, I don't see what RGIII said wrong

I'm with @CHICAGO, they sent Rob Park up for that one

And I'm glad Screamin' A. started off "I'm uncomfortable,"

I'm happy race doesn't get ignored on First Take, but, before I stopped watchin', they were gettin' ridiculous with it

Skip playin' the cut: ":troll: What does his braids say to you?"

This "black enough" issue will continue to pop up, in society, until black ppl, we, stop lookin' at ourselves as a monolith

Half the stuff considered "black" (what we're supposed to eat, how we're supposed to talk, who we're supposed to hang with, our political affiliation, etc.) makes a brotha' like me, not wanna be considered "black"
How you not wanna be considered black, but your name Easy E :mindblown:
I have a feeling he is fired.

the suspension is indefinite. They may just pay dude the rest of his contract and then tell him to kick rocks.

This doesnt solve the race baiting of that show, but its made white people happy.
Thats why he WONT be fired. Because this isn't the first time they used Rob in this capacity, and it wont be the last. He just won't be asked to touch that subject on ESPN anymore if they can help it...
you two are sad and ignorant. Thats all I will say. If you both walk around thinking like this, then... man just good luck. One day you will grow up.
I can tell you where this is coming from. His name has Texas in it
To be honest, I never looked at RG3 as a Sell-out Cornball brotha :pachaha:
Basically, he articulates himself so well. But doesn't sound extra Honky Dory aka Tiger Woods
He sounds like a regular suburban nikka :yeshrug:
And when asked questions about black fans, blackness in general? He's answered in a way that would make Martin Luther King proud (I'm being dead serious too)
He's basically echoing the exact same message Martin Luther King echoed.
One Day... Black and White can sit together at the table of equality and... and, well, I'm paraphrasing but yeah. I'm also 100% on point
But the guy you was replying to, he's upset he's stuck with Phony Homo
Anybody who has a team that isn't the Redskins (fans here) will hate on RG3
Just like I have hated on Cam Newton. Now some of it is deserved, but if he didn't say the dumb shyt he has said? I'd still hate on Cam mostly cuz he's not a Redskin. I feel that is what fueled that response more so than he really just felt that way. Cuz RG3 hasn't given anybody a reason to feel that way...
Rob Parker has been trolling for 20 years

Dude really asked the Lions coach
"You wish your daughter would have married a better defensive coordinator." :troll:
Yeah, I peep'd his Wiki page and he's had some famous run ins. That issue in Detroit was a big deal at the time too :pachaha: Because he asked that question right after the Lion's went 0-15 in 2008 I think?
Here's a vid [ame][/ame]
Rob claimed he was said it jokingly, but after just watching it again?
What a funny fakkit :laff:

Rob is from Jamaica Queens tho, he was there when 50 got shot :birdman:
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Nov 23, 2012
Shut up h0mo . I wish you put half the effort into looking for a better mattress for the kids and a new phone, so you can get rid of me. Filthy human got the kids sleeping in filth . They don't even have clean draws dam. That's my owner :to:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I'm speaking on the stereotypes we have ( and take seriously) amongst overselves

I knew what you was getting at, but your name is Easy E: Leader of nikkaz wit attitude. I quoted you sayin you didn't wanna be associated with black but your named after nikkaz with attitude
Maybe in 2012 we can say there are nikkaz of all colors
But not back when Easy came out... it was just ironic :pachaha:


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
I knew what you was getting at, but your name is Easy E: Leader of nikkaz wit attitude. I quoted you sayin you didn't wanna be associated with black but your named after nikkaz with attitude
Maybe in 2012 we can say there are nikkaz of all colors
But not back when Easy came out... it was just ironic :pachaha:

Sterotypez, bruh, black sterotypes