So @chris.b....lets discuss your fraudulent behavior


Apr 15, 2013
Not everyone's going to like one another - I don't have a problem with him personally because I don't know him...just like I don't know anyone else on this site (except for one person who I'm cool with off here).

I don't defend stuff he says that you might deem offensive...I've never said that I agree with everything he says or vice versa.

I can't believe I'm on a site with grown adults who are actually questioning why someone doesn't ostracize a person just because "everyone else doesn't like him." That is really on some high school shyt "don't sit at the nerd table because no one likes them so you can't be seen around them."

The only difference is that I don't even take Chris.B seriously - and he doesn't take me seriously. I don't take a lot of people seriously on here unless they're really showing their emotional side. You think we have some sort of relationship because we quote/dap SOME of each other's posts? Does that even make sense to you...really? Cause I'm quoting you right now so that means I must either hate or love you? Nah - we're just responding to one another.

At the end of the day, if someone is mature enough not to call ME out of MY name, I don't have a problem with that person. I don't relate to people that have a hate for any group of people because I don't feel that sentiment...but that's THEIR personal sentiment to have and has nothing to do with how they treat me...I let people have their own opinions whether I feel the same way or not and am not going to hate or ignore someone because of it.

Just because I dap him when he's talking to ME DIRECTLY automatically means that I share his views relating to everything else in the world? :stopitslime:

1. I know not everyone isn't going to like everyone else. That's not the point. It's that you like to act coy. Like how you have your little side bar derailments whenever someone's calling either one of you out. It's facetious of you. It's egotistical of you. You like it when Chris B. jumps into a random thread to cape for you because "haters are jealous of you" or (implying) "Black female poster is jealous of you." You may not take Chris's anti-Black comments at face value but obviously other members do. And the fact that you are willingly aiding him, albeit in a slick way, of his anti-Black propaganda is a legitimate reason enough to "call you out your name":rudy:

2. Everybody doesn't like him because he constantly assaults Black people on a predominately Black forum. Is this not a good reason to not like him? Besides like I said all your interactions with him reek of phoniness. You ham it up because you know you're rubbing people the wrong way.

3. What semantic bullshyt is this.:comeon: You should know damn well what I meant by relationship. Not all relationships are romantic.

4. It's not that you dap him. It's that you purposely derail threads with him. It's that you troll with him. And then act all woe is me when people go at you for it.

You are an egomaniac. I think you came to this forum and when you didn't get the reaction you hoped. You latched on to Chris B. as some kind of passive aggressive "revenge"


Jul 5, 2012
Not everyone's going to like one another - I don't have a problem with him personally because I don't know him...just like I don't know anyone else on this site (except for one person who I'm cool with off here).

I don't defend stuff he says that you might deem offensive...I've never said that I agree with everything he says or vice versa.

I can't believe I'm on a site with grown adults who are actually questioning why someone doesn't ostracize a person just because "everyone else doesn't like him." That is really on some high school shyt "don't sit at the nerd table because no one likes them so you can't be seen around them."

The only difference is that I don't even take Chris.B seriously - and he doesn't take me seriously. I don't take a lot of people seriously on here unless they're really showing their emotional side. You think we have some sort of relationship because we quote/dap SOME of each other's posts? Does that even make sense to you...really? Cause I'm quoting you right now so that means I must either hate or love you? Nah - we're just responding to one another.

At the end of the day, if someone is mature enough not to call ME out of MY name, I don't have a problem with that person. I don't relate to people that have a hate for any group of people because I don't feel that sentiment...but that's THEIR personal sentiment to have and has nothing to do with how they treat me...I let people have their own opinions whether I feel the same way or not and am not going to hate or ignore someone because of it.

Just because I dap him when he's talking to ME DIRECTLY automatically means that I share his views relating to everything else in the world? :stopitslime:
white people have an indecent/anything goes/who am i to judge disposition and black people sure you arent disgusted or offended by anything that is posted here and that is fine...others are having a hard time relating to you and you to them but it is understandable...

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Why are you so shocked? :pachaha:

I just feel so....old.

:patrice: I'd consider you more of a 90s kid since alot of your youth was spent in the 90s (you were 14 when it ended). :aptrice:

But what I consider a 90s baby was one that grew up in the 2000s. They were still a toddler/really young when the 90s ended but were mostly raised in the 2000s. :ehh:

Though it all depends on your personal definition. If you consider yourself a 90s baby then that's all right as well because you might have identified with the 2000s more than the 90s. :manny:

Yeah I was more of a 90s kid, that's why I be obsessed with 90s hip hop cause I mostly remember when all that shyt was released. Hip hop was a soap opera back in the day. :pachaha:


Jun 19, 2012
I just feel so....old.

Yeah I was more of a 90s kid, that's why I be obsessed with 90s hip hop cause I mostly remember when all that shyt was released. Hip hop was a soap opera back in the day. :pachaha:

I still have some fond memories of the 90s. :ehh:
So you're 6 years away from old age? :ehh:

I know breh. These last few years have gone by so fast. :damn:

When I sit back and realize that I'm gonna be 20 years old next year, I just go :mindblown:

And now I just realized this my last year of being a teenager! :damn:


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
better yet, why :umad: ????


Yes. I'm furious I have a tranny lover and his gay alias stalking me on a message board. We already established that. Now let's get to your obesity and yellow teeth. What's really good w that?

Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
1. I know not everyone isn't going to like everyone else. That's not the point. It's that you like to act coy. Like how you have your little side bar derailments whenever someone's calling either one of you out. It's facetious of you. It's egotistical of you. You like it when Chris B. jumps into a random thread to cape for you because "haters are jealous of you" or (implying) "Black female poster is jealous of you." You may not take Chris's anti-Black comments at face value but obviously other members do. And the fact that you are willingly aiding him, albeit in a slick way, of his anti-Black propaganda is a legitimate reason enough to "call you out your name":rudy:

2. Everybody doesn't like him because he constantly assaults Black people on a predominately Black forum. Is this not a good reason to not like him? Besides like I said all your interactions with him reek of phoniness. You ham it up because you know you're rubbing people the wrong way.

3. What semantic bullshyt is this.:comeon: You should know damn well what I meant by relationship. Not all relationships are romantic.

4. It's not that you dap him. It's that you purposely derail threads with him. It's that you troll with him. And then act all woe is me when people go at you for it.

You are an egomaniac. I think you came to this forum and when you didn't get the reaction you hoped. You latched on to Chris B. as some kind of passive aggressive "revenge"
don't waste your breath.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
1. I know not everyone isn't going to like everyone else. That's not the point. It's that you like to act coy. Like how you have your little side bar derailments whenever someone's calling either one of you out. It's facetious of you. It's egotistical of you. You like it when Chris B. jumps into a random thread to cape for you because "haters are jealous of you" or (implying) "Black female poster is jealous of you." You may not take Chris's anti-Black comments at face value but obviously other members do. And the fact that you are willingly aiding him, albeit in a slick way, of his anti-Black propaganda is a legitimate reason enough to "call you out your name":rudy:

Calling us out for what though? That's what I'm not understanding...we're joking back/forth - there is nothing to call out. I don't think anyone is jealous of me and you're right, maybe that's the difference...I don't take his (and many other people's) comments at face value...cause one day, one person's in your inbox caking you the next they're calling you out of your name in a thread for a couple of LOL's - that's how some people are.

2. Everybody doesn't like him because he constantly assaults Black people on a predominately Black forum. Is this not a good reason to not like him? Besides like I said all your interactions with him reek of phoniness. You ham it up because you know you're rubbing people the wrong way.

I'm not telling you that YOU should like him. If you feel wronged or insulted by him, then by all means, that's your right. Of course our interactions are "phony" - we don't KNOW one another at all aside from in the threads...

3. What semantic bullshyt is this.:comeon: You should know damn well what I meant by relationship. Not all relationships are romantic.
I wasn't referring to a romantic relationship either - just that we're cool / not cool on ALL levels because we may/may not agree on others.

4. It's not that you dap him. It's that you purposely derail threads with him. It's that you troll with him. And then act all woe is me when people go at you for it.

You don't think other people get on here and derail threads? I just keep it light on here - that's all.

You are an egomaniac. I think you came to this forum and when you didn't get the reaction you hoped. You latched on to Chris B. as some kind of passive aggressive "revenge"

That's a bold statement to make. Have you ever tried to have a real conversation with me to determine this or you're basing it on threads alone? I didn't want any kind of reaction. My sole purpose is to have something to do when work is slow/I'm bored at home...all the while, maybe I'll make an e-friend or two with people who enjoy my personality/vice versa. Revenge from what and who? No one's "after me" - I just speak my opinion openly and people can agree or disagree with it...I've never been on here to try and impress anyone.