So Chicago Teachers Going On Strike Starting Today?


Jul 15, 2012
No child left Behind. Either you find a way for the poor performing kids to pass or you lose school funding. That's what is happening all over the country, esp in the urban areas.

That shyt that went down in Atlanta with the rampant cheating scandal was hilarious to me, because I knew what the deal was. You better believe the principals told these teachers to find a way for these kids to pass so that the school doesn't lose its funding. My mother in law retired a few years ago from teaching and the changes and power she had as a teacher when she started in the 70s up until she retired in the earlier 2000s was night and day. You got the kids of the kids of the kids she taught completely unruly and not giving a fukk and the parents of course believing the kid. I remember coming up in school and no way in fukking hell would my parents believe me over the teacher.

but nowadays shyt is a joke, you want these teachers to not only pass kids who have no business going on to the next grade just so the school doesn't lose its funding over poor grade performance and you got them being parents to the least respectful, piss poor parented kids ever. I don't idolize teachers having to deal with the bullshyt they have to deal with in this day and age.

That quote is why it is completey laughable that someone could say that just becuase they went to school esp before NCLB that they know or that teachers should truly know what their job will completely be like as a 21st century urban school teacher :stopitslime: Unfortunately, my students' elementary school experience was nothing like mine and as a teacher there really wasn't jack that I could do about it.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
No I haven't. Again, I will wait for you to show me all this stuff that I misread and misinterpreted. You can't because I always address you point by point. Sweetie, I did correct you. I did state things that were right based on all of bs that you stated that was wrong. Sweetie, working conditions are bad across the country for many high poverty teachers (meaning that learning conditions are bad for poor students), but some states are non-union states so they couldn't strike even if they wanted to (not that I would encourage them to do it anyway). Honestly I can only imagine how it is to teach in Chicago just because the city is so horrible in general.

Also, If you think you know everything about being a teacher based on your school experiences years ago, then you keep being misinformed. I graduated from school just after NCLB was enacted which completely changed the education system. I didn't learn from a script that my teacher had to read verbatim. As far as I remember, my teacher did have autonomy. My teacher had planning time everyday (which meant we had specials). Hell I even remember having recess as an elementary school student, but hey that was 20 years ago.

Also, If you want me to stop responding to you. Stop quoting me.

Im not saying they shouldn't be held accountable. Im saying there is no fair way to measure how well a teacher is doing their job.
sure there is. to say there's no way to measure performance even amongst teachers is a cop out.
now i'm not saying the way the district has it setup will work. but there is a way to pull it off. it just needs to be done correctly.

Im saying its impossible.

If the results are based on how well the kids test then its IMPOSSIBLE.


Jun 8, 2012
Im not saying they shouldn't be held accountable. Im saying there is no fair way to measure how well a teacher is doing their job.

Im saying its impossible.

If the results are based on how well the kids test then its IMPOSSIBLE.

its not impossible based on test either.

and here's why. it depends on the TYPE/STYLE Of testing they do. this is the MAIN problem. the test needs to change so it can actually REFLECT proficiency. all it reflects now is a great memory and ability to regurgitate on the fly.

memory stuff is good for certain subjects, history. but its not good for the reason we are supposed to take history in the first place. its to UNDERSTAND the events that took place, what caused them. good and bad events. so you can learn how to have more GOOD events then BAD ones. thats the real reason for HISTORY. its not just to memorize a bunch of stuff to repeat it at test time. GIVE These youngins a test that proves they UNDERSTAND/COMPREHEND the cause/effect logic behind what they read. then we can put these teachers abilities or lack thereof to the fire. lets see who stands.

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
Ummmm...I addressed your post because I hate when people make stupid generalizations about teaching and the teaching profession when they are clearly uninformed. My responses were to specific things you and other people said. Most of all, YOU are the person that kept misquoting me when I asked someone else (not you) a question (that is how this whole back and forth jumped into something without reading the context). You started correcting my QUESTION and telling me what I thought about the situation. Of course I am going to respond to you. Why would I let you tell me what my opinion is when it is not my opinion?

OVERALL, I had to state my opinion (debate you) because you kept TELLING ME WHAT I WAS SAYING when my post had NEVER addressed any of the things you were talking about. Go back and read your posts. You were infering things from my post that I never said. OF COURSE, I will debate you and tell you that you are misreading my posts and then state my accurate opinion. Again all of this could have been avoided had you read and stop trying to tell me what I think. Do you get it now?

Also the only reason my phd kept coming up was because I clearly stated I was no longer a teacher, yet your misreading self kept talking about me being a teacher in the present tense. Most of my posts have been unbiased. I said that not all teacher are good (yet you told me I said that). I also said that not all teacher are bad. I said both sides need to compromise. I said most teachers work longer than they are suppose to. I said the strike would hurt the children (although you told me I suppor the strike while quoting the post that said what I really thought about the strike). I said charter teachers have more autonomy (which is key to overall job satisfaction as a teacher).

How long were you a teacher?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
pay structure for teachers needs to be changed, base salaries shouldn't be 100% based on years of experience. how do you give a teacher with an art degree the same salary as someone with a physics degree?

unions are way too powerful. they get rid of good new teachers when they do budget cuts because they cant get rid of old teachers protected by the unions

there are a lot of teachers who don't even know the material they're responsible for teaching.......some of these people need 4 or 5 tries to pass the teaching certification exam for their subject area :dead:

too much emphasis on bad teachers and not enough emphasis on bad parents

None of you guys know what your talking about.

They are striking over a new law where the teachers have to get evaluated.

statistics from standardized tests are not a good way to evaluate teachers though


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
My school is currently in a no Child Left Behind Program, program was enacted in my county while I was still in school, also now a Title 1 school (which goes against the charter of the school and caused a lot of controversy).

When people say that their child doesn't succeed excuse of the parents, because of the conditions of the school, etc. I have to laugh. My school I graduated from got turned from predominantly upper middle class, to overcrowded low income students who are bussed out of their neighborhood (the worst in East Atlanta) beli: Guess what, still one of the highest passing rates for standardized test. Y'all are essentially trying to doom these kids because of their parents and that shyt is not right nor fair to them. Everyone knows that certain schools in a county get the shyt teachers and it's not fair to the students. It is good that Chicago is trying to check these teachers. Many of them have surely gotten lazy and laxed. Asking them to be good teachers is not a bad thing. I've seen really bad students turn into really good students with the right person. Chicago public school system shouldn't further doom of they can at least try something.

Ummmm...I addressed your post because I hate when people make stupid generalizations about teaching and the teaching profession when they are clearly uninformed. My responses were to specific things you and other people said. Most of all, YOU are the person that kept misquoting me when I asked someone else (not you) a question (that is how this whole back and forth jumped into something without reading the context). You started correcting my QUESTION and telling me what I thought about the situation. Of course I am going to respond to you. Why would I let you tell me what my opinion is when it is not my opinion?

OVERALL, I had to state my opinion (debate you) because you kept TELLING ME WHAT I WAS SAYING when my post had NEVER addressed any of the things you were talking about. Go back and read your posts. You were infering things from my post that I never said. OF COURSE, I will debate you and tell you that you are misreading my posts and then state my accurate opinion. Again all of this could have been avoided had you read and stop trying to tell me what I think. Do you get it now?

Also the only reason my phd kept coming up was because I clearly stated I was no longer a teacher, yet your misreading self kept talking about me being a teacher in the present tense. Most of my posts have been unbiased. I said that not all teacher are good (yet you told me I said that). I also said that not all teacher are bad. I said both sides need to compromise. I said most teachers work longer than they are suppose to. I said the strike would hurt the children (although you told me I suppor the strike while quoting the post that said what I really thought about the strike). I said charter teachers have more autonomy (which is key to overall job satisfaction as a teacher).

From what I remember you first quoted me. If we weren't talking about the same thing, then I dont see why you quoted me in the first place. The funny thing is, I was gonna say something to you when you first quoted me cause you were trying the switch the scope of my post, but I lazily entertaining you in the most apathetic way possible truthfully because I didn't get why you quoted me in the first place.

Listen chick, I'm not going to clarify every thing every time. In my mind, somethings can be inferred without me having to restate them over and over again.

General point: Teachers in Chicago have it good and have been offered a good deal. They are mad because people expect their children to succeed in high school and now they are failing. They have been offered a deal that is very reasonable. If you agree so, good. If you don't, I have to wonder. If the strike is not what you're talking about, idk why you're here or ever began dialogue with me.


Jul 15, 2012
My school is currently in a no Child Left Behind Program, program was enacted in my county while I was still in school, also now a Title 1 school (which goes against the charter of the school and caused a lot of controversy).

When people say that their child doesn't succeed excuse of the parents, because of the conditions of the school, etc. I have to laugh. My school I graduated from got turned from predominantly upper middle class, to overcrowded low income students who are bussed out of their neighborhood (the worst in East Atlanta) beli: Guess what, still one of the highest passing rates for standardized test. Y'all are essentially trying to doom these kids because of their parents and that shyt is not right nor fair to them. Everyone knows that certain schools in a county get the shyt teachers and it's not fair to the students. It is good that Chicago is trying to check these teachers. Many of them have surely gotten lazy and laxed. Asking them to be good teachers is not a bad thing. I've seen really bad students turn into really good students with the right person. Chicago public school system shouldn't further doom of they can at least try something.

From what I remember you first quoted me. If we weren't talking about the same thing, then I dont see why you quoted me in the first place. The funny thing is, I was gonna say something to you when you first quoted me cause you were trying the switch the scope of my post, but I lazily entertaining you in the most apathetic way possible truthfully because I didn't get why you quoted me in the first place.

Listen chick, I'm not going to clarify every thing every time. In my mind, somethings can be inferred without me having to restate them over and over again.

General point: Teachers in Chicago have it good and have been offered a good deal. They are mad because people expect their children to succeed in high school and now they are failing. They have been offered a deal that is very reasonable. If you agree so, good. If you don't, I have to wonder. If the strike is not what you're talking about, idk why you're here or ever began dialogue with me.

Interesting. Do you mind sharing this Atlanta school name (my research is primarily on APS schools)? I know them like the back of my hand. Small world.

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Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Interesting. Do you mind sharing this Atlanta school name (my research is primarily on APS schools)? I know them like the back of my hand. Small world.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
My high school school is not in APS. It's Dekalb County, a couple of the schools in the Atlanta area and some neighborhoods considered "East Atlanta" fall into the county though.


May 1, 2012
too much emphasis on bad teachers and not enough emphasis on bad parents

That's the primary source IMO. In your "good" schools, the parents MORE than a give a fukk. in the struggling schools, it's the opposite. I know it's not necessarily that they don't care, but many don't have the time quote/unquote due to working, etc. My thing is, you decided to have a child, you need to MAKE TIME to ensure they are doing well in school and shyt.

Unfortunately, school is now glorified daycare now, esp in those struggling schools.

I know one thing, if either of my sons are struggling in school and don't know shyt, I"ll have their mufukkin asses repeating the same grade whether they like it or not. my wife has a friend to kept putting her son in different schools because she felt the teacher was picking on her son so that is why he was doing bad in school. Sooner or later you gotta realize that the common denominator is your child, and not EVERY teacher is picking on him. Maybe it's HIM and ultimately YOU.



May 1, 2012
When people say that their child doesn't succeed excuse of the parents, because of the conditions of the school, etc. I have to laugh. My school I graduated from got turned from predominantly upper middle class, to overcrowded low income students who are bussed out of their neighborhood (the worst in East Atlanta) beli: Guess what, still one of the highest passing rates for standardized test. Y'all are essentially trying to doom these kids because of their parents and that shyt is not right nor fair to them. Everyone knows that certain schools in a county get the shyt teachers and it's not fair to the students. .

The one thing I totally agree with you on is the fact that if you surround students with other students who come from a background where education is stressed, they'll do better. The problem in low income areas is that there are FAR too many ratchet parents and their kids who affect the others who really are there to get an education.

shyt still starts at home though. I got ratchet ass homeboys that I grew up with, but I knew I couldn't fukk up in school (esp before high school), or that would be my ass. :to:

But I feel you totally on the fact that teachers who aren't worth a shyt need to be held accountable. The problem is how do you know if it's the teacher or not? You know FAR too many parents think their kids can do no wrong, even if they are the worst disrespectful kids in the class. :snoop: