So Chicago Teachers Going On Strike Starting Today?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
its not impossible based on test either.

and here's why. it depends on the TYPE/STYLE Of testing they do. this is the MAIN problem. the test needs to change so it can actually REFLECT proficiency. all it reflects now is a great memory and ability to regurgitate on the fly.

memory stuff is good for certain subjects, history. but its not good for the reason we are supposed to take history in the first place. its to UNDERSTAND the events that took place, what caused them. good and bad events. so you can learn how to have more GOOD events then BAD ones. thats the real reason for HISTORY. its not just to memorize a bunch of stuff to repeat it at test time. GIVE These youngins a test that proves they UNDERSTAND/COMPREHEND the cause/effect logic behind what they read. then we can put these teachers abilities or lack thereof to the fire. lets see who stands.

a lot of teachers would hate being evaluated on a test like that. that's harder than getting kids to memorize some facts.

they're making a much more difficult standardized test for the students down here. some of the union protected teachers that don't do shyt have decided to retire instead of trying to get their students up to speed.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Steve Perry has had great tweets about the strike going since yesterday.

Dr. Steve Perry (DrStevePerry) on Twitter


But I feel you totally on the fact that teachers who aren't worth a shyt need to be held accountable. The problem is how do you know if it's the teacher or not? You know FAR too many parents think their kids can do no wrong, even if they are the worst disrespectful kids in the class. :snoop:
That's the thing, there's no way to know unless you change the teacher.

You can't change the parents
You can't change their neighborhood
The teachers are the only factor the city can really touch and experiment with them as a variable.

Like, I get what people are saying about the parents being bad/lazy, etc., but that doesn't mean the Chicago system shouldn't even TRY anything. If they were to sit their and do nothing because of the background of the children, they would catch criticism for that too. It's a lose-lose no matter what option they take in the eyes of many.

I think people underestimate the influence of a good teacher though. One who can see your talents/passions and who wants to help you make that into something for you. Teachers who want to stay after school and encourage kids to come to extracurriculars. Let's be real, a lot of the current teachers in the Chicago school system are more than likely jaded as hell with Chicago students at this point given their circumstances. Maybe new people who aren't so downtrodden and comfortable might be the answer.


Jul 15, 2012


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
I think people underestimate the influence of a good teacher though. One who can see your talents/passions and who wants to help you make that into something for you. Teachers who want to stay after school and encourage kids to come to extracurriculars. Let's be real, a lot of the current teachers in the Chicago school system are more than likely jaded as hell with Chicago students at this point given their circumstances. Maybe new people who aren't so downtrodden and comfortable might be the answer.

I don't think is anyone is underestimating the effect a good teacher has on a child we are saying( well I am) that there is no way to evaluate the effect a teacher is having.

Also it's 1 teacher to atleast 20 different kids. No matter how good the teacher is everyone is not going to be affected positively.

Parents> teacher

Why do you think homeschooled kids are so advanced? It's the one on one learning.

Hood kids don't get these lessons they learn from school reinforced at home.

Also, everyone should not lose sight of the fact that the parents came from the very system that these kids are in


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I don't think is anyone is underestimating the effect a good teacher has on a child we are saying( well I am) that there is no way to evaluate the effect a teacher is having.
Also it's 1 teacher to atleast 20 different kids. No matter how good the teacher is everyone is not going to be affected positively.
Parents> teacher
Why do you think homeschooled kids are so advanced? It's the one on one learning.
Hood kids don't get these lessons they learn from school reinforced at home.
Also, everyone should not lose sight of the fact that the parents came from the very system that these kids are in

Unless you think that the Chicago School System should do nothing because the parents are bad or whatever and completely give up efforts at the public level to rectify their educational system then I don't get why you are quoting me.

If the parents suck, do nothing? :mjpls: Every student in the CPS isn't a result of bad parents, and some them actually probably do want to learn, ya know? Y'all like to say I'm being elitist, but you're the ones who are basically giving up on students as a whole in a city because of what you THINK all of their parents are. No.

When people began to take the route of privatizing education and really giving up on the public school system because of parents, you all will be mad. If education became restricted to only children with parents the "care" in your opinion (arbitrary judgment outside of a payment/monetary requirement) y'all would be mad. Let the experts work.


Jul 15, 2012
Well the experts said that VAM should be implemented on a small scale first because depending on the statistical test, teachers could get three different value added scores. Maybe that doesn't make sense to some of you, but it makes sense to more than 100 educational researchers who study evaluation and value added models for a living. Should teachers be evaluated? Absolutely. Should any employee at any organization ensure that their evaluations are valid and reliable? You would be stupid not to. Does this mean they should strike? No.

Researchers blast Chicago teacher evaluation reform - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

In my old school district, they implemented a new teacher evaluation system because of Race to the Top funding and Common Core Implementation. My last year of teaching, we were evaluated under the old and new system because everyone (the district, principals who would do the evaluating, and teachers) needed the entire year just to work out the kinks and figure out how it would work because it was so different than the old one. Everyone had to attend training for the new system and learn about the expectations and what it meant to be a developing vs proficient vs excellent teacher. That was smart and no one could say they didn't know what was going on the next year.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I don't think is anyone is underestimating the effect a good teacher has on a child we are saying( well I am) that there is no way to evaluate the effect a teacher is having.

Also it's 1 teacher to atleast 20 different kids. No matter how good the teacher is everyone is not going to be affected positively.

Parents> teacher

Why do you think homeschooled kids are so advanced? It's the one on one learning.

Hood kids don't get these lessons they learn from school reinforced at home.

Also, everyone should not lose sight of the fact that the parents came from the very system that these kids are in

There are teachers who can impact all 20 kids, there just arent enough of those teachers to go around.


Jul 15, 2012
There are teachers who can impact all 20 kids, there just arent enough of those teachers to go around.

I completely agree. Low income schools are also not very good at recruiting and retaining those types of teachers. The best teachers with the most experience and education typically go to the suburbs or predominantly white schools where they don't have to deal with some of the things that you do in low income schools.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I completely agree. Low income schools are also not very good at recruiting and retaining those types of teachers. The best teachers with the most experience and education typically go to the suburbs or predominantly white schools where they don't have to deal with some of the things that you do in low income schools.


And if those suburban teachers had to deal with the issues that a lot of these low income scjools deal with, theyd be considered bad teachers. Its easy to teach when all you have tp dp is teach the curriculum.


All Star
May 15, 2012
:comeon: Are we really saying teachers are overpaid and lazy now? You losers runnning around having kids and want the teachers and schools to raise them but you dont want to pay them?

Teachers making 60k now is too much for them?

Are you fukking losers serious? Sure these bad teachers but theirs also plenty of good ones.

We really saying that other working class people make too much. No wonder they got you fakkits working for 11 bucks an hour. Your quick to do their dirty work and say other people are making to much. You wonder why you sit comfy in and A/C room eating doughnuts and using a pc at your shytty "IT job" cuz anytime you ask anyone here what they do for a living all they say is "IT" . You fakkits stay thinking your part of the inner circle of wealth :snoop: Dudes with money wouldnt spit on you if you was on fire.

You dont see rich muthafucckers getting up and saying other rich cats are making too much.

But you dudes are quick to turn on your own people. You want them to break unions?? Unions are the reason these fakkits dont have you sitting in a giant room with no windows or A/C and not working 16 hour days. Their the reason you get paid holidays and O/T and benefits. The reason you dont work 7 days a week, every week.

You think rich fukks woulda just gave you all that out of the kindness of their heart?

They take all our work out of this country cuz its too expensive, make the shyt overseas and still sell it back to us at the same fukking price? They making shyt for pennies on the dollar, but the price of the product dont drop?? :pacspit:

I dont see you fakkits calling out these rich millionaires giving them self huge bonuses every year while raping,deceiving and destroying normal peoples lives every day.


Jul 15, 2012
@DrChezareWarren and @chrisemdin (both professors) have provided balanced and less inflammatory tweets about the strike than some other "education experts". Additionally, they (or at least Dr. Warren) has countered some of the propaganda that was perpetuated in this very thread (such as the 4 or 5 hour formal work day). Check them out on Twitter.

Ezigbo Nwanyi

From the East
May 20, 2012
Home of Dr. Michael Okpara & GeneralAguiyi-Ironsi
:comeon: Are we really saying teachers are overpaid and lazy now? You losers runnning around having kids and want the teachers and schools to raise them but you dont want to pay them?

Teachers making 60k now is too much for them?

Are you fukking losers serious? Sure these bad teachers but theirs also plenty of good ones.

We really saying that other working class people make too much. No wonder they got you fakkits working for 11 bucks an hour. Your quick to do their dirty work and say other people are making to much. You wonder why you sit comfy in and A/C room eating doughnuts and using a pc at your shytty "IT job" cuz anytime you ask anyone here what they do for a living all they say is "IT" . You fakkits stay thinking your part of the inner circle of wealth :snoop: Dudes with money wouldnt spit on you if you was on fire.

You dont see rich muthafucckers getting up and saying other rich cats are making too much.

But you dudes are quick to turn on your own people. You want them to break unions?? Unions are the reason these fakkits dont have you sitting in a giant room with no windows or A/C and not working 16 hour days. Their the reason you get paid holidays and O/T and benefits. The reason you dont work 7 days a week, every week.

You think rich fukks woulda just gave you all that out of the kindness of their heart?

They take all our work out of this country cuz its too expensive, make the shyt overseas and still sell it back to us at the same fukking price? They making shyt for pennies on the dollar, but the price of the product dont drop?? :pacspit:

I dont see you fakkits calling out these rich millionaires giving them self huge bonuses every year while raping,deceiving and destroying normal peoples lives every day.

Quoted for emphasis


May 2, 2012
I'll never understand the logic behind wanting to spend as cheaply as possible for the people who are to share 40 hours a week with your children.