So basically Black people are a couple of court cases and a republican president away from being permanent second class citizens


May 3, 2012
They’ll continue to fall for, believe and repeat the same fed conservative talking points. To complain years down the line,
instead of becoming disillusioned from American nationalism
and US propaganda.

They don’t wanna listen and adopt actual Left-wing political believes and action in a space where right-wing conservatism and centrist liberalism is the norm, design to maintain the status quo at best.

They don’t understand actual Left-wing politics designed to dismantle oppressive systems and don’t like what it looks like.

So American nationalism, conservative standpoints and repeated complaints years down the line it is lol.

Let’s reflect, shall we :sas1:

I keep tryna tell our ppl,
the rabbithole of high-level geopolitics will shock many.

American indoctrination & US propaganda is so wild.

The hostility towards US patriotism, US foreign policy
and anti-immigration policies from the Global South
and their descendants is extremely valid.

is absolutely the villain of the story.

AmeriKKKa never ceases to show its ugly truths to those that pay attention :sas2:

US propaganda still got nikkas in a chokehold - caping for America, when there’s countless cases of The US being the villain.
= The United States of lsrael:ufdup:
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Oct 22, 2017
imo, the only time, in my entire existence, on this earth, that i saw black america strike fear into the hearts of white people was the uprising of 2020.

i don’t know if the same fear was generated by the civil rights protests of the 60s, but i’m skeptical.

2020 showed that we have the numbers to effect change and demand that some of our concerns are addressed when we put our feet to the ground and do more than simply march and preach slogans.



Mar 11, 2022
He failed us, point blank

Dems just refused to hear what our votes meant and now this is the end result. They had a prime opportunity but instead focused on everything but protecting their base. What a waste brehette. :snoop:
Respectfully, no he didn't. Black people made him a president for black people. He never said it. :manny: Folks just have to call things the way they are.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Listen, I might have to give you bell hooks :manny:
Why not Michelle wallace and Elaine brown? In her book "taste of power" Elaine brown explains that she had been having relations with jay kennedy. It was later discovered that he was a CIA agent. Every single black panther member mentioned that Elaine Brown used to sneak out of meetings to meet up with jay kennedy? What's up with that?
Yall mad at Belafonte and Poitier for not dating black women at the time when their fellow black women were doing this:
The black panthers fell in the early 1970s. Tell me why, right after that, white academia pushed Michelle wallce to publish " myth of the black macho" ? This book basically said that black men were white supremacists for fighting back against white men :russ: . Basically a written account whose job was to deligimize the panthers once they had been defeated. Explain that one ?


Mar 11, 2022
Some of us recognized this during Obama's 2nd term.

This country has a certain pattern. Anti black backlash always follows any little upswing, and this wasn't little: they positioned him as a political messiah, the balm America needed after the 'contentious' (ha!) Bush years. We ALL reacted strongly, because we were supposed to. Think back to those nighttime speeches with the spotlights, all the little stagecraft they used. (Similar to the iconic Ground Zero pics and that 'Mission Accomplished shyt they tried to do for Bush. :mjlol:)

I say all that to say, a certain vibe was set. Both Obama haters and lovers were getting dopamine hits everyday. As history informs us, big highs bring big lows. Disillusioned progressives, the more radical portion of Democratic voters, realized that the party would never move away from neo-liberalism, no matter how much power we gave them. They started peeling off. Occupy happened. ADOS made its first fledgling steps. starting with a viral YC vid when she was still on Boyce. Bernie Bros became a thing, again, former mainline Dems.

This all happened before election day 2016. What made conscientious black voters nervous enough to finally start reconsidering our relationship with the party was that, despite all his fancy education, Obama seemed totally unaware of the danger we were in. He enacted no protections, gave us no special favor. (I also think there's an argument to be made that his ascent knocked out a lot of old school black pols, replacing them with his people.) His own friends were harassed by some cracker police and Obama kissed his ass. He left us naked out here with these crackers and then skipped off to Martha's Vineyard. Trayvon, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Mitrice Richardson- say their names.

We started first, just settling on the proper language to describe the changing political landscape. Because it's a modern movement, it's internet based, and so whatever natural hiccups were magnified and disseminated thousand-fold. Then, the people we were advocating for, good black Dems, were informed that we were bots, by Joy Ann Reid, sole negro left standing at MSNBC. And silly nikkas started repeating it, leading to a good eight years of those same good black Dems fighting US instead of fighting the Democratic party. I pointed this out the other day. Any political discussion had in TLR is immediately thwarted by re-directing the rightful wrath of voters to the people who are trying to advocate for them. Slick.

TLdr: ... So here we are, de-fanged and just as naked as we were in 2008, political landscape completely feral. We been seen this coming, that's why we was pressing them so hard.

Meanwhile, watch all these good Dem nikkas in this thread act brand new, like they wasn't just telling us to shut up and vote. I hate fake nikkas. :mjlol:
Honestly I think them fake nikkas only be doing what they do cause it’s a coping mechanism for the country we live in and the people we share the country with

So called politically knowledgeable people will blame black people for not voting, even though black people have been the most consistent base for dems, while ignoring majority of white Americans is voting for the other side plus you add what dems have done or allowed to happen after getting the black vote and now we been on this repeating cycle of shaming instead of looking at things for what it is, people ignore the reality of are situation


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Respectfully, no he didn't. Black people made him a president for black people. He never said it. :manny: Folks just have to call things the way they are.

again breh, if your base is Black people and you are Black yourself in the US, it's your job to know what the history of this country is about and prepare your voting blocks accordingly. The Dems have refused to do this for their main voting base and now we are all at risk.


May 6, 2012
All this court case suing shyt really had me in the shower like :dahell:

These judges have basically decided that anything designed to help Black people after being disenfranchised for years is "racist." Okay.

So now dudes are talking about working on zipcodes and shyt. But the same cracker ass cracker judges can just say that disproportionately helps Black people and is therefore "racist" as well, can't they? :dahell:

"That's unconstitutional" you might say. So then we sue. And then it goes to... the white supremacist Supreme Court that Trump picked, and gets shot down in another 6-3 decision :dahell:

So basically all these judges that trump picked are set up to rewrite the rules so that we can't be helped and that everything is "standard." But "standard" in a majority white country favors... white people. What we gonna do? They can literally say its constitutional in a 6-3 decision :dahell:

The only recourse is that they might be moving slow and playing cute right now because we have a democratic president. But if they get a republican, really, what the fukk are you gonna do? Violent unrest? The republican president calls down the national guard.:dahell: Play the legal game? 6-3 nikka :dahell:

If we really be real we already lost in 2016 and now we're holding on by a hair. We need Dems in the oval office until one of the older supreme justices (ideally two) die so shyt can be saved and we can back on track. otherwise that's a wrap for decades, maybe centuries

The Trump presidency was hella damaging.


Jul 25, 2018
I am trying to figure out how you are trying to turn this thread into an anti-Obama thread. Your arguments against Obama are fair and definitely something to be discussed but why are you moving the attention from what conservatives are actually doing, back to what Obama did years ago? If you want to make the argument that Hilary shouldn't have been the candidate, and we should have run someone else with the direction of Obama, then fair. But you aren't making that argument. You are talking sour grapes as some sort of "gotcha moment" when Obama had 8 years in office and was popular amongst black voters up until the day he left office. My question is why are you deflecting from the true subject of this thread and not providing anything constructive about moving forward?

You know why. @HarlemHottie is a disingenuous, role-playing revolutionary Republic00n. She literally has no scope of politics beyond blaming and disparaging Democrats for everything, as you can observe in every politics thread here. A Republican governor in the south can introduce legislation to reinstate slavery, and her fake militant ass will shout "well what are Dems gonna do about it! This is why we should stop blindly supporting the Democrats! This wouldn't be happening if xxx was only for ADOS!!!" But let a Democrat so much as advocate for immigrant rights and shes got a mouthful of deranged rants about how liberals are rooting for the downfall of black Americans.

Talmbout she hates "fake nikkas" tho. Jesus, the narcissistic projection is just amazing. She gets very defensive when she sees people criticizing Trump, Republicans, or their white supremacist agenda which she foolishly thinks will be inclusive of her and "her people," but she--as well as the rest of the acronym American, both sides Trumpset nikkas--cover it up with this tired FAKE persona of being a black militant reparations advocate. Which of course a bunch of simps fall for. She don't give a shyt about black people and in fact despises liberalism and works very hard to help advance white supremacist political ideas and agendas. Just another Republic00n.