So basically Black people are a couple of court cases and a republican president away from being permanent second class citizens


Mar 11, 2022
What you mean you already did, you still haven't said anything about him showing that Elaine brown was an agent sleeping with a literal white CIA agent and Michelle Wallace writing that black men are basically wrong for fighting back against white men :skip:

I give you that it's not the main topic of this thread but you're still being disingenuous.
Ok, if all that’s true. I will give you them as well.

I mean, Eldridge Cleaver was talking that talk but was out here r@ping Black and White women. How y’all feel about him? Want to randomly denounce him in this moment?

The fukk. We calling out the fukked up people in both sexes, so why don’t y’all bring up the men who were doing damage?


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
You are a agent provocateur.
You flaug'n and compromised.

Plus a fake militant talking clandestined kuklos.

You fake ass vinyl african medallion nikkaz are flaug'n.

Ol fake ass militant.

Like how are you ever about black revolution.
Yo goof ass never even reviewed it takes a nation by pe.

So where did you get all this revolutionary flaug'n you do.

All you fake militants and fake african medallion kuklos talking ass nikkaz are a lie.

When I never seen you nowhere. You never even reviewed any records. To say you listen to nobody and you never listed not one book in your bullshyt here. Nor reviewed anything revolutionary.
You never even covertly spoke on black books. Nor any authors to seek knowledge from.

So stop flaug'n.

Ayo.. to any and all you nikkaz. With this kuklos clandestined fake woke bullshyt.

You flaug'n.

I never seen you even review one author on nuffin.

So how in the fukk.
did you even get into knowing. about any culture in the first place.

When I open this bytch
plus never even seen a review on some public enemy.

Man stfu.

Nobody in the know is fooled.
by you c00n clandestined kuklos speaking motherfukkers.

nikka named after star wars.

When he never even substantially reviewed not one movie in star wars.
or rated it.
When any uprising was going on.
I never seen none of you actually rant on the issues. Nor post about anything related.

Stop flaug'n

Yousa kuklos clandestined rooted lie.

Yourl and your kind.
are A fake african vinyl medallion.

That you never even found a retro black african medallion.
Plus you never spoke on it ever.

Stop flaug'n.

Nobody in the know is fooled.

Art Barr

Ok bob...:mjlol: me telling the truth about the govt and how they are keeping us at the bottom is making me an agent...:mjlol: ok...


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
Nah call out names so folks know who the real shills and c00ns running game defending white supremacosts around here are.


The same usual c00ns that love to astroturf as militants while doing nothing but running defense for white supremacists, denigrating liberal civil rights laws and policies black people have fought for, passively supporting the systematic abolition of these laws by conservative judges because "noT sPecIfIc tO fBa!! NOt tAnGibLe!", and trying to persuade people into right wing white supremacist agendas with some shallow cac-adjacent nonsense about "immigrants" and "foreigners."

There are legit Republicpon agents on this forum--"fake nikkas" if you will--who deep down loathe black people, loathe being black--which is why some of them so desperately need an "identity" and latch onto bigoted right wing politics that makes them feel superior to other black people--, they loathe diversity and pro-civil rights liberalism as much as their cac counterpart does, they find some honor in being closer to white people and culture than black people. And Yvette Carnell under the direction of John Tanton gave them a playback on how to articulate their house negro c00nery into something that sounds pro-black and militant. Just keep repeating whatever liberals have achieved is not good enough by your militant standards, whatever Republicans do is actually Democrats doing and part of their conspiracy, and mock anyone who questions enabling white supremacists with openly fascist aspirations of taking over our government as a demasculated shill who "worships Dems."

These are deranged folks working against black empowerment and working for right wing conservatism and the Trump movement. They are agents. They use childish school yard tactics to manipulate people. And as we get closer and closer to November these folks are gonna get louder and louder telling people to protest Democrats and leave this election to white folks with their fake pro-black "agenda." People gotta know who they are and not to fall for it.

Look at this clown ass nikka here...:mjlol: he's talking about white supremacists... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE VOTING FOR YOU fukkING CLOWN?!!?:laff: the game is rigged you fool wake up...

CNN's Facts First searchable database - CNN


...The savior of black america y'all!!!! :mjlol:


Sep 23, 2015
Ok, if all that’s true. I will give you them as well.

I mean, Eldridge Cleaver was talking that talk but was out here r@ping Black and White women. How y’all feel about him? Want to randomly denounce him in this moment?

The fukk. We calling out the fukked up people in both sexes, so why don’t y’all bring up the men who were doing damage?
I know about the Elridge Cleaver case and I haven't seen anyone try to protect him or making excuses for that. But see, you can't even talk about black women being agents and c00ning without bringing black men in the same post again. You're not calling out both sides, your bias is obvious. The sisterhood is just embedded too deep into you, I understand.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
It is Obama's fault. He didn't do a damn thing for us and destroyed the black middle class resulting in tens of thousands of foreclosures and by bailing out the banks that sold predatory loans to black people.

It's crazy how y'all don't acknowledge this.

They bought black wealth for pennies, look at the price of a house formerly owned by a black family today.
That second term should have been better for us for sure.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Your home? This is StockHolme syndrome talking. Your ancestors were kidnapped and forced to stay here. Does that sound like home to you? Dont allow the European to limit you to one hemisphere,the earth belonged to the black man once:respect:

:camby:our ancestors were sold NOT kidnapped

:snoop: shyt like this is why ADOS/FBA have no business with being PanAfrican


Aug 26, 2015
I do wish we had more economic power. I think the gripes of some people that are distrusting of the democratic process i.e. voting is valid. Many Black folks grew up in Democratic households, voted that way for decades, and are disgruntled at this point with the process.

The more economic power we hold the more we will have more political influence.

We've been in a quandary for a while.


Aug 26, 2015
Also the disgruntled haven't really been empathized with or understood. Many DO care about Black empowerment and more than themselves. They're just introduced with "shut up and vote" or verbally attacked. I noticed this shift around 2017 and got sick of it.

Kind of childish of them wanting to see democrats lose, but also understandable when they go after fringe issues and we're told to fight for others within our political party and our needs are ignored or met with disdain


Nov 21, 2013
Case in point folks. Like I said, these agents arent slick. Me exercising and expressing my right to vote against all the explicitly white nationalist shyt laid out in OP means I worship the Democrat Party without criticism. It means I think a Democrat Presidency will solve all poverty and all the worlds issues overnight. It means I think black empowerment is voting for a "white political party." It means I'm not aware that corporations and big money has influence over our government.


At no point in this thread or in my post did I or anyone say any political party will solve all of poverty and misfortune in America. Thats you projecting YOUR expectations of political parties--to send you a paycheck and save your life--onto me. This thread is about the explicitly white nationalist agenda of the Trump administration and the conservative legal community, which they are prepared to enact once given power...ESPECIALLY now that their man is a humiliated felon. But this nikka wanna deflect to some bullshyt about money and corporations, as if that's what's important here.


I and all black Ameircans should stay home and just let racist cacs pick our President, representatives, judges and laws because "corporations."


These pro-Trump niccas really think they're smarter than they actually are. I'm voting in November. I'm voting for the liberal candidate and the liberal policy agenda. Im voting to keep Project 2025 and the fascist right wing take over of our justice system the hell away from my life. Im voting to defend existing rights in this country and to enable future causes. I'm voting to make sure every judge that gets a seat in our justice system is one that supports civil rights. I'm filling in that bubble for Joe Biden. Im choosing every black, liberal, pro-civil rights candidates down ballot. And im walking out the door happy. All that childish "eeeew, yoire voting! You're a shill for the Dems" school yard shyt doesn't work on me. I'm not some idiot that needs Yvette Carnell, or Tariq Nasheed or whoever on the internet to tell me how to be pro-black.


Suck a dikk with the pseudo intellectual, both sides garbage.


Can't wait to watch you both sides Trump supporters cry and eat dirt in November.
All these words and this guy still wont address how a private entity controlling the money supply of the country doesn’t put the country in their hands. A private entity that cant even be audited by the govt.

And I never said anyone shouldn’t vote either. Your stan wars between right and left tho? Irrelevant. And while you bottom of the totem democrats fight the bottom of the totem pole republicans, the federal reserve is plundering the cheerleaders of #bothsides, creating more and more of a wealth gap everyday.

People like you are pathetic. Big business fails and they get bailouts with your money while also giving themselves bonuses on top of that. You fail? Tough luck lil nikka. Homelessness and hunger here in America? No money to solve it. Israel? Gets billions of your dollars a year for decades. Neither side is against it and neither side points out the lunacy of giving control of a country’s currency to private people you can’t vote in or out of the position and who also can’t be audited. Which leaves the country to the whims of men who most people don’t even know exist. Men who hide behind the curtains. And while we talk about that we could also talk about how most media is controlled by a handful or so companies. Which would mean what the general public sees thru media is controlled by a handful of companies. Your reply?

“but.. but… butt the boogeyman (white supremacists)are gonna get us if we don’t empower other white supremacists (democrats) into office”

Pathetic. Like she said y’all nikkas are fake. Politicians sold the public out a long time ago and you’re too stupid to see it.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
She disappeared again :skip: @Gloxina always does this when you prove she's wrong on her "black men started it" schtick.
A lot of the issues we face today goes back to those intersectionalain the 1970s basically creating a framework that was later used to justify not inventing in black boys. Literally laid the ground work for "the black boys are violent, they don't need help" framework in academia. In typical fashion I laid out the facts and she disappeared. You know what's funny about Elaine Brown? During the 2020 protests white folks pushed her front and center with her fake pro blackness. Her and angela davis are unironically some of thr few panthers who were allowed to live and have comfortable lives in California. How sway?

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Ok, if all that’s true. I will give you them as well.

I mean, Eldridge Cleaver was talking that talk but was out here r@ping Black and White women. How y’all feel about him? Want to randomly denounce him in this moment?

The fukk. We calling out the fukked up people in both sexes, so why don’t y’all bring up the men who were doing damage?
There is no "if" it's true. You can go read Michelle Wallace book. The entire book is how the panthers are white nationalists and chauvinism for fighting back against white men. Book phblished right after the panthers fell. Same with Elaine Brown go read the book she wrote called "taste of power" where she described her relationship with agent jay kennedy. So Elaine brown and Michelle wallace did not write their own books?


Jun 11, 2012
All this court case suing shyt really had me in the shower like :dahell:

These judges have basically decided that anything designed to help Black people after being disenfranchised for years is "racist." Okay.

So now dudes are talking about working on zipcodes and shyt. But the same cracker ass cracker judges can just say that disproportionately helps Black people and is therefore "racist" as well, can't they? :dahell:

"That's unconstitutional" you might say. So then we sue. And then it goes to... the white supremacist Supreme Court that Trump picked, and gets shot down in another 6-3 decision :dahell:

So basically all these judges that trump picked are set up to rewrite the rules so that we can't be helped and that everything is "standard." But "standard" in a majority white country favors... white people. What we gonna do? They can literally say its constitutional in a 6-3 decision :dahell:

The only recourse is that they might be moving slow and playing cute right now because we have a democratic president. But if they get a republican, really, what the fukk are you gonna do? Violent unrest? The republican president calls down the national guard.:dahell: Play the legal game? 6-3 nikka :dahell:

If we really be real we already lost in 2016 and now we're holding on by a hair. We need Dems in the oval office until one of the older supreme justices (ideally two) die so shyt can be saved and we can back on track. otherwise that's a wrap for decades, maybe centuries

Shut the fukk up.