Snoop says fukk ROOTS, calls for boycott of show


- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
May 18, 2015
yeah, I'm the agent for pointing out the irony in Snoop being upset about Black people being depicted as slaves when he's built an entire career on peddling destructive music to Black people.


Other than a couple of Albums, all of which are nearly from 20 Years ago. Albums and Songs that typically had a back story to them..... What exactly are you talking about? And why are you overlooking everything else that Snoop has done and still does?

Do you even know who Snoop Dogg is?


Oct 31, 2014
Yeah, the irony.

Not like there's a new generation coming up that needs to know where they came from.

Keep believing this is a post-racial society..

This is that bs I don't understand. There already is a Roots a Roots series, as a matter of fact they often show it during holidays, likewise there are other slavery themed movies that came out prior to 12 Years a Slave. So my thing is why can't this younger generation watch that? Why does a new slave movie to come out every year? It makes it seem that this new generation can't watch movies more than 5 minutes old. The original series came out over a decade before I was born and I've seen it plenty of times. It was part of my school curriculum in middle school. I first saw it in elementary school. What are they teaching in schools now a days and more importantly where are the parents to teach this?
I try not to even blame these young kids, it is becoming more apparent to me that it's their parents who failed them.


Oct 31, 2014
Of course that's whites and new blacks excuse for positive black movies. They don't want us to have a positive image of ourselves and new blacks love white saviors. The turn out for Hidden Colors was amazing and shows that not everyone is asleep and is seeking knowledge.

I hope Snoop is making moves to be the change he is talking about, he actually has the funds and platform to make these positive black movies.


- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
May 18, 2015
This is that bs I don't understand. There already is a Roots a Roots series, as a matter of fact they often show it during holidays, likewise there are other slavery themed movies that came out prior to 12 Years a Slave. So my thing is why can't this younger generation watch that? Why does a new slave movie to come out every year? It makes it seem that this new generation can't watch movies more than 5 minutes old. The original series came out over a decade before I was born and I've seen it plenty of times. It was part of my school curriculum in middle school. I first saw it in elementary school. What are they teaching in schools now a days and more importantly where are the parents to teach this?
I try not to even blame these young kids, it is becoming more apparent to me that it's their parents who failed them.

The issue is that this is all that's being Produced.

Don't have Selective-listening


aka bx_representer
Apr 30, 2012
My Pops Forever RIP
...we would.

The cacs behind Hollywood have been saying this (black films don't make money!) for decades to justify only putting out movies with white leads and mostly-white casts. The success of the Hidden Colors documentary series (every screening sold out and it's currently the number six overall DVD on Amazon, with 0 major studio backing) has proven that yes, there is indeed a thirst for positive black stories that don't involve white saviors.

Red Tails flopped four years ago and was poorly promoted regardless; using it to justify an alleged lack of a market for movies with positive portrayals of black people is a weak excuse given that we have seen the demand for our stories firsthand.

Just look at the response black audiences gave to Black Panther in Civil War; Twitter is full of young blacks who changed their name to T'challa simply because they got to see a black character kicking ass, not getting saved by white characters and not just throwing in one-liners from the background.

Just wondering because I know you've mentioned you're Dominican, do you consider yourself black?

Black /Hispanic, yeah.

Black Panther is a character, part of a huge comic book monster company with a huge built-in fanbase. The interest in it is great, but that's gonna sell itself, and it's not one of those biographical stories you're talking about or that I'm referring to. With comic book movies or pretty much any movie you're allowed some sort of creative license. We don't like that shyt because creative license = bending the truth. Look at Straight Outta Compton. Reading the stuff here and some other spots, the entertainment value of the movie was secondary to whether they told the story correctly. So with a lot of the historical stories that may interest us, making them riveting without using creative license is a task and a half.

Look at Concussion with Will Smith. Movie got good reviews. He got good reviews. He's a Nigerian doctor who figures out CTE yet all I heard was bytching and clowning of Will Smith's accent and in turn, no one watched.