Smh at Biden saying he was gonna have a black running mate only to pick a technicality black person


May 17, 2014
If it must be a woman it should be Warren. She's the only one that could hold her own in debates and actually brings people that are enthused with her. Kamala had no support and it's not gonna be a good look that Biden's anti crime, segregationists friendly past is supported by a harsh prosecutor VP. Biden has enough issues

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
If it must be a woman it should be Warren. She's the only one that could hold her own in debates and actually brings people that are enthused with her. Kamala had no support and it's not gonna be a good look that Biden's anti crime, segregationists friendly past is supported by a harsh prosecutor VP. Biden has enough issues
I wonder, do you follow politics at all? Biden thinks that reparations for ADOS/ FBA can only come with "Indians" in the package, of which he subliminally refers to the 5 dollar Indian. Warren is a pretendian. Do you not see the severe consequences this has?


May 17, 2014
I wonder, do you follow politics at all? Biden thinks that reparations for ADOS/ FBA can only come with "Indians" in the package, of which he subliminally refers to the 5 dollar Indian. Warren is a pretendian. Do you not see the severe consequences this has?
The only people that care about the pocahontas shyt are Trump supporters. Kamala's past is legitimately an issue and was one of the reasons she failed.

I dont care abput reparations. It wont happen

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
The only people that care about the pocahontas shyt are Trump supporters. Kamala's past is legitimately an issue and was one of the reasons she failed.

I dont care abput reparations. It wont happen

You don't care about reparations? That's interesting. Are you native Black American (ADOS/FBA)? How do you explain the racial wealth gap?

What was legitimate about Kamala's past? What has she done for the Black community when she was in the position to do something?

If Trump supporters are the only people who care about pocahontas shyt, why is it Biden wanted to put Indians in a Black Reparation stimulus pack, while Indians receive billions each year already? Why is it Biden did propose a stimulus pack for illegal immigrants and the LBTQ+ and specifically for these groups?

Why do you feel Reparations for Black Americans (ADOS/ FBA) won't happen? And why is it that "pocahontas" did receive stimulus money from a Reparations pack?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You're just a fukking idiot. I'm convinced now.

You should write all this stuff down so you can remember it next time. Making up rules on the fly is difficult and it leads to breaks in thought like the ones you displayed above. :handshake:

He couldn't follow the "rules" in the Mahomes thread either. Just making shyt up as he goes. :snoop:

Now he has people "becoming Black" based off who they marrying but there are potential voids placed in on a case-by-case basis. :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Obvious response to Black Lives Matter putting CopMala in there tells white folks he's not gonna do much law enforcement reform.

I don't have any confidence in Biden, but who dafukk are these White people who you are giving all this credit?

Kamala has said all sorts of shyt in the last six months that could scare the average White person, you'll saying that racist White folk will look past all that AND the color of her skin because of her work history years ago?

Imagine some random White person was down with Black causes years ago, but then when they became a senator they started caping for White folk and White causes. You're telling me you would trust them and assume they were on your side cause of their previous work history?


Feb 16, 2017
I don't have any confidence in Biden, but who dafukk are these White people who you are giving all this credit?

Kamala has said all sorts of shyt in the last six months that could scare the average White person, you'll saying that racist White folk will look past all that AND the color of her skin because of her work history years ago?

Imagine some random White person was down with Black causes years ago, but then when they became a senator they started caping for White folk and White causes. You're telling me you would trust them and assume they were on your side cause of their previous work history?
The democratic machine is a powerful one, It can shape the candidates opinion in the minds of most low information voters.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
The democratic machine is a powerful one, It can shape the candidates opinion in the minds of most low information voters.
Also known as propaganda.

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
– Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963).

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Why hasn't the thread title been changed since people told you that he never said he was going to pick someone black?

Also, someone being considered more or less black based on who they marry is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. I know black men from school who is in tune with black culture and music to the max who are dating and married to white chicks. You would never think they would be with a white chick looking at them. Likewise I also know a black dude who don't listen to black music at all, isn't in touch with black culture at all and acts like a straight white boy, yet somehow only dates black chicks.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Why hasn't the thread title been changed since people told you that he never said he was going to pick someone black?

Also, someone being considered more or less black based on who they marry is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. I know black men from school who is in tune with black culture and music to the max who are dating and married to white chicks. You would never think they would be with a white chick looking at them. Likewise I also know a black dude who don't listen to black music at all, isn't in touch with black culture at all and acts like a straight white boy, yet somehow only dates black chicks.
What the fukk are you talking about?


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The democratic machine is a powerful one, It can shape the candidates opinion in the minds of most low information voters.
But the Democratic machine is going to push the opposite message of what you claimed. They're gonna play it like Kamala is a BLM warrior, not "one of the safe ones".

Also known as propaganda.

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
– Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963).

LBJ was definitely racist, but that quote was made up by some random white guy in 1995 and has never been verified by anyone else, ever, including those two governors.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
But the Democratic machine is going to push the opposite message of what you claimed. They're gonna play it like Kamala is a BLM warrior, not "one of the safe ones".

I claimed neither of what you state here. But she was indeed propped up as a BLM warrior. Dancing on Cardi B, supposedly listened to rap music. Music by Tupac and Snoop, when Tupac and Snoop wasn't even out yet. The list goes on with the lies. She was asked what she's was going to do for Black people as a group, she said nothing. Only to later say that she was going to xyz for other communities, with no questions asked.


LBJ was definitely racist, but that quote was made up by some random white guy in 1995 and has never been verified by anyone else, ever, including those two governors.
Interesting. Do you have sources on this?

There’s no question that Lyndon Johnson, despite championing the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and signing it into law, was also a sometime racist and notorious vulgarian who rarely shied away from using the N-word in private. For example, he reportedly referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as the “****** bill” in more than one private phone conversation with Senate colleagues. And he reportedly said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.”
FACT CHECK: Did LBJ Say 'I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years'?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I claimed neither of what you state here. But she was indeed propped up as a BLM warrior.

Check the quote, that response was to @Wiseborn, not you.

Same link as yours. That link shows LBJ was clearly racist, and he would also tailor his message depending on who was listening, but that there wasn't one word about this supposed quote until 1995 and it was only said by one completely nobody and never verified by anyone else.

Also, if you actually think about it, the quote makes zero sense because LBJ would have been concerned about hanging on to the vote of racist White folk WAY more then he would have cared about Black votes. What good were Black voters to him when most of them were in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, etc. where they were going to always be outnumbered by the racist White voters?

There’s no question that Lyndon Johnson, despite championing the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and signing it into law, was also a sometime racist and notorious vulgarian who rarely shied away from using the N-word in private. For example, he reportedly referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as the “****** bill” in more than one private phone conversation with Senate colleagues. And he reportedly said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.”
To be fair, historians point out that sometimes — as in the case above, presumably — Johnson’s more bigotry-laden statements were calculated to achieve a specific end, such as convincing his pro-segregation Dixiecrat colleagues that it was in their best interests to support civil rights legislation. MSNBC reporter Adam Serwer writes:

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”
The quote appeared for the first time anywhere on page 33 of Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful Institution, published in 1995:
LBJ’s comment about black people voting Democrat was supposedly uttered to two unnamed governors traveling with the president on Air Force One, but we only have one source — MacMillan, who claimed he overheard the exchange — and no corroboration from anyone else. And then there’s MacMillan’s editorializing: “It was strictly a political ploy for the Democratic party. He was phony from the word go.” And: “This was the attitude of these people who were championing civil rights.”

It’s not just that MacMillan gives the appearance of being a biased witness, but also that his cynical portrait is at odds with historical evidence showing that by the time Johnson took office after JFK’s assassination, he was fully committed to Kennedy’s civil rights legislation. Some of this evidence can be found in LBJ’s oval office recordings, in which he can be heard fighting for its passage. Eric Foner writes in the New York Times Book Review:

One example of genuine idealism that does come through in these volumes is Johnson’s commitment to civil rights. When he took office, nobody expected that he would identify himself with the black movement more passionately than any previous president. But from his first days in office he urged black leaders, labor officials and businessmen to lobby Congress for passage of the stalled civil rights bill. He asked Robert Anderson, a member of Eisenhower’s cabinet, to work on Republicans: “You’re either the party of Lincoln or you ain’t…. By God, put up or shut up!”
Lastly, the historical evidence suggests that far from being concerned about securing future generations of black votes, one of Johnson’s main worries — which, to his credit, didn’t prevent him from pushing for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — was losing the votes of white Southerners. His former press secretary, Bill Moyers, recounted this scene in his 2004 book Moyers on America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come,” he said.

Think about it. You're talking fukking 1964. 80% of the country is White and 80% of those White people are racist. Just 15% of the country is Black and the vast majority of them are in the South, where racist Whites keep them from voting and even if they did vote, the racist Whites will outnumber them every time.

You seriously think LBJ cared more about the votes of the 15% of America that was Black, most of whom couldn't even get to the polls and wouldn't never swing a Southern election if they did get there, more than he cared about the votes of the 65% of America that was racist Whites and whose votes determined literally every election?


Jan 5, 2017
Biden said he would pick a black woman for either Supreme court or vice presidency.