Tribal Outkast
I literally get excited when I get new socks, underwear, and tees. I’m going to assume that’s a
thing because I didn’t really care as much as a youngster/young adult. Wifey keep me laced. I’m never going to run out again 

And white chin hairs. My girl says I'm turning into Geralt from The Witcher. I noted he was a cac. She said "I know" and then proceeded to laugh at me for a good 5 minutes.Gray nose hairs
YO them shyts be rogue as FUK too just appear and make your life hell til u pluck that bytch. Mfs strong too in there like super glueGray nose hairs
if I dont stretch my legs/knees before and after exercise my knees start giving me issues
up till now I never had to stretch