Should men be forced to pay child support if they let the woman know in advance that they don’t want the child?


Apr 15, 2013
In abortions, no parent has a financial obligation to the child. Many of you here are in favor of one of the parents being able to opt out of raising a child leaving the other with 100% of the burden and suggesting that this is somehow at parity with a woman aborting the child.


I'm not saying it's completely equal. But I do believe it's just.

I'm pro-choice. I'm actually borderline pro-abortion but thats a slightly different topic.

The mother should have choice and autonomy over her body. That means the Father doesn't have control over her body and what she chooses to do with it. In my proposal in cases where abortions are legal and the Mother has final say, the Father opting out of parenthood before the birth of the child would mean the Mother would choose and consent to shouldering %100 of the burden.

This is morally just to me.
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Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Up until the day before yesterday, if a woman decided (for whatever reason) that she wasn’t ready to bring a child into the world, then she was allowed to hit the restart button.

If a man made a poor choice and got a woman pregnant, he has to pay child support for 18 years even if he lets the woman know that he’s not ready to bring a child into the world and he doesn’t want her to have the baby

Can a LOGICAL and NON EMOTIONAL person who is upset about roe v wade being overturned please explain how one is ok and the other is not? Let’s not focus on the outliers(rape/incest/medical issues) - we are trying to keep it logical.

I’m pro choice, I’m just confused why the only person with a choice AFTER the mistake has been made is the woman

my lil cousin was in this situation... dikk dine a broad on prom night last yr...he called me panicking...i sent him the money for morning after...n i told him to keep the reciept ...then i said nah fukk that give it to me...

the girl wasnt ready... he wasnt ready.. but they was ready to fukk .. raw

the logic...:francis:

i kept the text messages between me n him ...n screen shots he sent between him and her.. where she is sayin she wasnt ready and they agreed on the plan b...

he plays football.. she runnin track..

she sent him a text between her parents n her ... about finding the plan b ..n they insisted she take it ..etc...n she even said she wasnt ready for a child to them because of her future...

week later she ghosted him... in march

august he in college now..

.he get a text with pregnancy test n 4 months of ultrasounds

n he said he thought they agreed it was best to plan b it... she talked to her bestfriend and sister about it ...and changed her mind...she said fukk college working at a call center..

nikka was mad so he called me... i got em in touch with my lawyer who deal with family shyt...

he showed her the text the receipts... etc ...when she saw the text between ol girl and parents...she immediately said she lookin to be sponsored...

he had moved on to another chick.. hell ol girl ghosted him...

he was callin her parents everyday and the parents would always say she was studying etc not knowin their daughter was scheming..

lawyer got him to go for one of the check ups.. n asked for a determine if its was so...

the day she gave birth.. he had the chick served...

he terminated his rights...

her parents came to court with her...they felt some type of way at first because how she was served lol

but that shyt changed once they saw how shiesty she was

they saw how he got the plan b the night after.. n the conversation they had..that same day..

the conversation they had with her...

how she popped out the blue with photos...n the conversation she had with him about not taking the test and who she talked too

n how she isnt in school..but workin at a call center with one of her friends who helped her make the decision ...her parents had they sendin her money every two weeks...thinking shes at tsu.. but she in clearlake

he was 90 steps ahead of anything she was planning...i asked him..if she would have done everything different would he have accepted the child ...he said yeah...

but her ghosting him not talkin to him returnin calls etc..he moved on... charged it to the game..

popping up out the blue ..was all kinds of fukked...up a dude has options...shyt happens.. so if it does.. it can be challenging.. find out the process of terminating your parental rights....pretty sure most nikkas will be texting a female about not wantin the baby n goin back n forth about it.. keep those text messages...regardless what is said..long as u are consistant with how u feel after u nut ...

alot can come in play with it too.. i know in texas...its straight forward... all a dude have to do is ...
  • Voluntarily abandoned the mother while she was pregnant with the child, if the father knew the mother was pregnant

which was funny to me because the chick my cousin was dealing with ....did that on her own.. then popped up like it was kosher..

because what she thought she could disappear.. pop back up thinkin he was gone help her.. hoping he didnt.. baby born she puts him child support...

it ways both sides can deal with it...she dont want the baby n he does...she disappear.. then pops up... she can sign her rights over to him..

neither want it .. they both can terminate their rights n put the baby up for adoption...or let a family member have custody


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
she talked to her bestfriend and sister about it ...and changed her mind...she said fukk college working at a call center..

Dirty shyt like this is how women contributed to our rights being taken away. Dancing and drinking on tiktok cuz your appt is tomorrow. Disgusting, and then wanna act confused when society decides you clearly need new boundaries. Welp.


Apr 15, 2013
Anyone saying “the man should be able to sign away their rights and not pay child support”

Should also be talking about advocating more tax money go to childhood development.

Fact is, in a society, somebody’s gonna have to foot the bill.

Child support isn’t a “punishment” for men. It’s the government getting some reimbursement for raising the kid.

It’s not an issue of morality or what’s right or wrong or “fair”. It’s an economic issue. GOV. ain’t bout to be raising a bunch of kids for free.

You have any data or receipts in general to back this up? Why isn't child support hard capped if it's just to cover the expenses of "the govt. raising the child" (huh?) Although now that I think of it I can picture the government claiming something like that. But if the dad was dirt poor but still in a relationship with the mom the family would still quality for most govt. programs anyway.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
A woman can't stop you from nutting inside them if y'all going raw. Whenever you are going bareback you have to realize the risk of pregnancy so strap up. Don't fukk without protection if you aren't okay with having a child with the woman you're smashing.
You also said this
Not fukking is a whole other thing, breh.
Most of us fukk for enjoyment and even go raw because it feels better for both. But also just because [B][SIZE=7]yall agree to go raw doesn't mean she wants to be squirted in.[/SIZE][/B]
So if these two people can agree to forgo a condom but the man busts in her despite her not agreeing to this, what is he doing?

Let me guess, you're going to tell me that if she didn't specifically mention "pull out of me", the responsibility is his right? While somehow proving that the man ejaculating in her without consent doesn't fit the bill of violating what was or wasn't agreed on?

This is what happens when minutae gets used to attempt to state something. Just go ahead and say in male-female relations you expect the man to be the leading decision maker for both parties.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
and what is this then?

"Only way a man has an out is if the girl don't know his name and number. And that's even an out, it's just lying and gaming the system."


I don't understand why you're making this so difficult. You aren't dumb.

Name a legal out a man has. Legal meaning he won't get in trouble with the law or courts. I'm pretty damn sure a man will owe back child support if the law catches him. You can't tell a man to just run, it doesn't work like that. He risks being thrown in jail, losing his driver's license, and owing thousands in CS essentially making him worthless.

So please cut the bullshyt because running isn't a viable solution nor argument.
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Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Dirty shyt like this is how women contributed to our rights being taken away. Dancing and drinking on tiktok cuz your appt is tomorrow. Disgusting, and then wanna act confused when society decides you clearly need new boundaries. Welp.
yeah the chick was cool... and everything.. he dont call me for shyt unless its dealing cars 3technique n stuff.. but he knew i had baby momma issues be4 lol..... so he needed my expertise...

she was the square in her circle.. she was the only one who got with an athlete...well her n my cousin were together since 7th grade...

the moves she was making wasnt her.....she was the only one in that circle who had a literal meal ticket.. dad retired from boeing.. n mom is under sheila jackson lee

so the shyt she was doin.. fukked it up everything they had planned be4 the skeet session
Jan 24, 2016
I don't understand why you're making this so difficult. You aren't dumb.

Name a legal out a man has. Legal meaning he won't get in trouble with the law or courts. I'm pretty damn sure a man will owe child support if he's found running.

google child support statistics or "how many fathers pay child support". i know you aren't dumb either so i'll spoon feed you the search terms but i'm not going to carry the one for you lol

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
google child support statistics or "how many fathers pay child support". i know you aren't dumb either so i'll spoon feed you the search terms but i'm not going to carry the one for you lol

Name a legal out a man has. Legal meaning he won't get in trouble with the law or courts. I'm pretty damn sure a man will owe back child support if the law catches him. You can't tell a man to just run, it doesn't work like that.:wtf::what: He risks being thrown in jail, his career, losing his driver's license, and owing thousands in CS essentially making him worthless.

So please cut the bullshyt because running isn't a viable solution nor argument as a way out of taking care of a baby
Jan 24, 2016
Name a legal out a man has. Legal meaning he won't get in trouble with the law or courts. I'm pretty damn sure a man will owe back child support if the law catches him. You can't tell a man to just run, it doesn't work like that.:wtf::what: He risks being thrown in jail, losing his driver's license, and owing thousands in CS essentially making him worthless.

So please cut the bullshyt because running isn't a viable solution nor argument.

you doing a lot of if and buts and hypotheticals. ifs lie, buts lie... numbers don't lie. google the stats lol

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
you doing a lot of if and buts. if lie buts lie... numbers don't lie. google the stats lol

I'm not doing any if and buts. I'm specifically saying running from a baby isn't a viable solution. It's too risky

We are talking about legal ways a guy can leave a child behind with no risk to losing his freedom and assets.


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
You have any data or receipts in general to back this up? Why isn't child support hard capped if it's just to cover the expenses of "the govt. raising the child" (huh?) Although now that I think of it I can picture the government claiming something like that. But if the dad was dirt poor but still in a relationship with the mom the family would still quality for most govt. programs anyway.
In texas child support is example..Chris Bosh, long as he still has his house in desoto.. he will continue to pay 2600-3000 dollars a month forgot what it was...

she fought like hell to get miami courts involved because she was goin thru chapter 13 n had 200k debt owed

n since he had just signed a 109million dollar deal...she thought she cash out..

chris been fighting to get custody of his kid.. but the mom is too much of a stew head.. n make it seem like chris should be obligated to help her get on her feet since she is the mother of her child..

judge in texas asked her.. why not give him temporary custody ...until she gets on her feet...

but in stubborn fashion..she said no ... because of chris new chick

judge tried to do whats best

because at first.. she wasnt doin shyt...except eatin off the left overs of what he left her..... he left... now she dont have shyt...

she asked for a stupid amount... judge was like why would i have him give you that and you not doing anything ..he will be funding your lifestyle and not supporting your child..he has all the insurance and school taken care off why would have to pay 500k..... she had to get a job or chris will get custody until she did..

she got a part time job...thinking the judge was gone up the payments...nah...

fukk texas lets take this to miami...

but judge i dont live in miami

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
You also said this

So if these two people can agree to forgo a condom but the man busts in her despite her not agreeing to this, what is he doing?

Let me guess, you're going to tell me that if she didn't specifically mention "pull out of me", the responsibility is his right? While somehow proving that the man ejaculating in her without consent doesn't fit the bill of violating what was or wasn't agreed on?

This is what happens when minutae gets used to attempt to state something. Just go ahead and say in male-female relations you expect the man to be the leading decision maker for both parties.
Technically she can't stop a man from nutting in her if they are fukking raw. She can't feel when you are about to nut. I'm not talking about consent or no consent just how our bodies work.

The second part I am talking about consent. You are adding things that I didn't mentioned. What I typed is what I meant :yeshrug:. All that extra stuff you are going on about is all based on your bias.