This question is asked with the assumption that people upset about the ruling would be upset at one versus the other. Which ironically is non-logical and possibly emotional.
But yeah. Women should be allowed to abort fetuses and Men should be able to forfeit parental rights as well. And in choosing to forfeit said rights should be exempt from child support. I think it's only fair if this decision is made before the birth tho.
This is how it would be in a fair and just world.
But the insinuation I'm getting from the opening post is that women losing the right to abortion in over half the U.S. is ok but Men didn't have the option? If that's the case once again that seems very illogical and emotional to me as it would be more just to afford Men additional rights instead of removing women's rights as now not only are men still in the same position of being at risk of being "trapped" paying child support for decades but now women are going to be potentially "trapped" with kids they don't want.
@Houston911 is a good poster and as far as I can tell man so deserves the benefit of the doubt so I don't mean to offend. I also literally just read the op and responded before reading any other comments so I apologize if you already clarified anything I was wrong about in the long ass thread.
In abortions, no parent has a financial obligation to the child. Many of you here are in favor of one of the parents being able to opt out of raising a child leaving the other with 100% of the burden and suggesting that this is somehow at parity with a woman aborting the child.