A woman would never under any circumstances be forced to have an abortion (in this scenario)
Women with multiple abortions are minority, but they are definitely not a small percentage. In 2019 and 2020 55 percent of aborters were first time aborters, the other 45 percent had already done it before.
So if you believe a woman shouldn’t be forced to have an abortion in that scenario, what about in cases where she gets pregnant after using contraception and doesn’t want the child but lives in a state where it is now illegal for her to get one? She is being forced to be a mother to a child she was taking precautions not to have.
Not having the ability to have an abortion doesn’t just impact woman. Now men in these states, who don’t want her to keep the baby just as much as she doesn’t want the baby herself, will be forced to pay child support for a child they don’t want. And the women is forced to be a parent to a child she doesn’t want.
I’m pro choice but I’m a mom, a single mom, so that’s let you know where I stand—I wouldn’t abort a baby.
That being said, if a woman elsewhere aborts a 10 week fetus(The fetus isn’t a baby yet) it has no impact on anyone but her. if she does it multiple times to multiple fetuses, that’s
her reproductive system being destroyed—and it has no affect on you, or anyone,
just her.
But if she is now forced to carry a fetus she doesn’t want, or can’t afford, when that fetus becomes a baby and then is born to an irresponsible mother, that no longer only affects the mom. It affects what is now a fully formed child. It affects the system who must step in to help take care of the child because of her irresponsibility…
So if she continuously aborts fetuses because she’s irresponsible, isn’t that a better alternative.
In an ideal world, yes they would learn after the first time and exercise responsibility or not get pregnant and need an abortion to begin with… but if someone is so irresponsible that they keep doing it, why do people believe that forcing that irresponsible person to take care of a child they don’t want makes sense. Just let them abort and keep it going. If we’re pro choice then we care about giving them the choice to make, even if it’s a choice we don’t agree with. Some of y’all say you’re pro choice but then you want to examine the conditions of the choice she makes… depending on how often or why she makes it. If it’s about freedom of choice, then who cares why or how, or how often, it’s their choice to make.
It also feels like some of you want to punish the mom for being irresponsible or force her into responsibility, yet y’all don’t see how in the end the child who she is forced to have ends up being punished too?