Should men be forced to pay child support if they let the woman know in advance that they don’t want the child?


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Nah I actually agree with your answer in terms of how men should live their lives because that is the way that the laws are set up. There is no get out of jail free card for irresponsible men like there is for irresponsible women

That’s just not a logical explanation for why a woman can have a fetus vacuumed out of her and move on with her life cuz she’s not ready for a kid but a man is stuck with 18 years of child support if he tells her he isn’t ready at the 3 month pregnancy mark
There isn’t one that will suit you. Accept it and protect yourself accordingly


May 9, 2012
@Houston911 Just give up breh, they'll never admit it.

Both sides should take responsibility. One side has an out, the other does not. Double standard. According to y'all, only men should take responsibility, yet we're supposed to be equal.

Y'all nikkas make me sick, can't admit this one thing the OP is asking. That's why the top 10% of men are winning, and y'all losing. :francis:

It's so difficult to find logical people out here.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
There is, if one actually exists

All these outliers y’all bringing up don’t cut it, I said focus on the main reasons
You are a dog chasing your tail at this point. A search for an answer to an equality question that can be avoided yet you keep digging.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
@Houston911 Just give up breh, they'll never admit it.

Both sides should take responsibility. One side has an out, the other does not. Double standard. According to y'all, only men should take responsibility, yet we're supposed to be equal.

Y'all nikkas make me sick, can't admit this one thing the OP is asking. That's why the top 10% of men are winning, and y'all losing. :francis:

It's so difficult to find logical people out here.

I’m guessing these boys think they will get some online coochie from a woman who is upset about this or something :mjlol:


Jun 1, 2012
@Houston911 Just give up breh, they'll never admit it.

Both sides should take responsibility. One side has an out, the other does not. Double standard. According to y'all, only men should take responsibility, yet we're supposed to be equal.

Y'all nikkas make me sick, can't admit this one thing the OP is asking. That's why the top 10% of men are winning, and y'all losing. :francis:

It's so difficult to find logical people out here.
One of the most responsible, logical things a man can do is recognize he doesn't have the same same outs that women do. Do you get mad about kids eating free at IHOP?

Nikkas only want to be "logical" to win arguments, when it could be better applied to dodging those same double standards you complain about

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
To be clear

The answer I'm going with for this question:

"Should men be forced to pay child support if they let the woman know in advance that they don’t want the child?"​


Yes, because someone needs to assist with the financial burden if the women needs help, and the biological father should carry that burden before the government has to.

A civilized society and good functioning government provides a safety net. If someone needs financial assistance should someone else in their life carry that burden so the government doesnt have to give them food stamps?

Guess what? That ain't never happening either chief.


Unfortunately what should be isnt what is likely to be. I hear you


Sep 24, 2013
The question is not flawed at all and is pretty damn basic and What you just said is a false equivalence to what Houston said :russ:
Houston did not compare womens rights TO AN abortion he compared the REASONING WHY Women get abortions to the Reasoning why Men would want to opt out on paying child support and caring for the child and the answer is to absolve responsibility for whatever reason. and he said how one is ok and the other is not which is a question on fairness and the answer is pretty simple it is unfair BUT you could make an argument similar to @Reflected which was a good answer as to maybe why men should pay for child support for the better upbringing of a child but alot nikkas in here want to keep juelzing and be obtuse:mjlol:.
:unimpressed: The question is absurd and I suspect had the site's head moderator not been the one to pose it the thread responses would be a lot less charitable. You can't frame this as a matter of fairness when nothing about childbearing is "equitable". You should've learned this in middle school. Air your grievance with whatever God you pray to.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Honestly im conflicted. In an ideal word I’d say no. But we aren’t in an ideal world. There is also no way for us to verify if he really said that beforehand or not. it’s his word against hers. In long term relationships and stable relationships where these discussions are likely to happen before the pregnancy occurs, usually both know where they stand.

But when people are talking about cases of irresponsibility where a woman gets pregnant by a short term partner, that’s when these kind of discussions aren’t happening until the pregnancy is already there.

If we say men shouldn’t be forced to pay for a child they don’t want if they make it known beforehand, then what’s to stop the opposite argument? if a man wants a child and he makes it known to the woman beforehand, is she therefore forced to have a child she doesn’t want if she gets pregnant and doesn’t want the baby?

What happens if he says he doesn’t want a child, and she’s cool with that but also lets him know that while she doesn’t want a baby right then either she can’t morally see herself getting an abortion if she were to get pregnant. They both know where each other stands and still have sex and use condoms or birth control to prevent the pregnancy from happening.

But the birth control fails. What should be the outcome?

Is the woman forced to have an abortion because the man doesn’t want the child, or is the man forced to pay for a child he doesn’t want?

I know that wasn’t your question but it opens up a can of worms. I know a lot of women who’ve had abortions. And in only some of the cases were they not using any method of birth control and ended up pregnant. And in all of those cases those discussions didn’t happen until the pregnancy was already here.

I know cases where abortions have happened when they were using birth control or condoms but the method failed.
Is it fair for those woman who did have safe sex but still got pregnant to be lumped in as irresponsible for wanting abortion?

Do those surveys describing the reasons why women get abortions also share if the woman was engaging in safe sex or unprotected sex at the time of her pregnancy? Because I’ve never seen anything tracking that information, yet it’s assumed that the majority of these abortions are happening from women who are having raw sex. Or it’s assumed that the women who get the abortions have multiple abortions when that’s a small percentage.

maybe there needs to be a forced contract people have to fill out prior to every sexual encounter where they state where they stand. All I know is that our government doesn’t offer much support for the child after the pregnancy, and even during the pregnancy and labor.

The child support is about taking care of the child who didn’t ask to be here. It’s not the child’s fault that they were born and they still need food, shelter, care, education and parenting. Should the child be punished or go through hardship for their existence when they didn’t ask to be born? Who will provide for the child who didn’t ask to be born, when both the father and our society doesn’t want to? And now some of the same groups (men and republicans) are saying if she lives in a certain location she can’t get rid of the pregnancy?

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
Then why can a woman kill that fetus?
Because once your seed leaves your sack, it grows in her body

You own the jit for 15 minutes, she does for 9 months and if everything goes well, both of y'all share responsibility for 18+ years

It's her call to make once that womb is full, seems fair to me :yeshrug:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Honestly im conflicted. In an ideal word I’d say no. But we aren’t in an ideal world. There is also no way for us to verify if he really said that beforehand or not. it’s his word against hers. In long term relationships and stable relationships where these discussions are likely to happen before the pregnancy occurs, usually both know where they stand.

But when people are talking about cases of irresponsibility where a woman gets pregnant by a short term partner, that’s when these kind of discussions aren’t happening until the pregnancy is already there.

If we say men shouldn’t be forced to pay for a child they don’t want if they make it known beforehand, then what’s to stop the opposite argument? if a man wants a child and he makes it known to the woman beforehand, is she therefore forced to have a child she doesn’t want if she gets pregnant and doesn’t want the baby?

What happens if he says he doesn’t want a child, and she’s cool with that but also lets him know that while she doesn’t want a baby right then either she can’t morally see herself getting an abortion if she were to get pregnant. They both know where each other stands and still have sex and use condoms or birth control to prevent the pregnancy from happening.

But the birth control fails. What should be the outcome?

Is the woman forced to have an abortion because the man doesn’t want the child, or is the man forced to pay for a child he doesn’t want?

I know that wasn’t your question but it opens up a can of worms. I know a lot of women who’ve had abortions. And in only some of the cases were they not using any method of birth control and ended up pregnant. And in all of those cases those discussions didn’t happen until the pregnancy was already here.

I know cases where abortions have happened when they were using birth control or condoms but the method failed.
Is it fair for those woman who did have safe sex but still got pregnant to be lumped in as irresponsible for wanting abortion?

Do those surveys describing the reasons why women get abortions also share if the woman was engaging in safe sex or unprotected sex at the time of her pregnancy? Because I’ve never seen anything tracking that information, yet it’s assumed that the majority of these abortions are happening from women who are having raw sex. Or it’s assumed that the women who get the abortions have multiple abortions when that’s a small percentage.

maybe there needs to be a forced contract people have to fill out prior to every sexual encounter where they state where they stand. All I know is that our government doesn’t offer much support for the child after the pregnancy, and even during the pregnancy and labor.

The child support is about taking care of the child who didn’t ask to be here. It’s not the child’s fault that they were born and they still need food, shelter, care, education and parenting. Should the child be punished or go through hardship for their existence when they didn’t ask to be born? Who will provide for the child who didn’t ask to be born, when both the father and our society doesn’t want to? And now some of the same groups (men and republicans) are saying if she lives in a certain location she can’t get rid of the pregnancy?

A woman would never under any circumstances be forced to have an abortion (in this scenario)

Women with multiple abortions are minority, but they are definitely not a small percentage. In 2019 and 2020 55 percent of aborters were first time aborters, the other 45 percent had already done it before.