Should African tribes/ethnic groups who sold blacks to the Arabs/Europeans be held accountable?

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
AA's GDP is larger than any African country. But that's nothing compared to what we should have seeing as that our labor is responsible for the success of this country. Why in the world aren't there Ghanaian gas stations on every corner in AA hoods? Why haven't Africans made a connection with our money yet? Be a poor country and not take advantage of DNA connection to 1.1 trilly :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:
I know a couple Ethiopian owned gas stations in my area. I see way more african owned businesses in these parts than aa owned businesses


May 6, 2012
I know a couple Ethiopian owned gas stations in my area. I see way more african owned businesses in these parts than aa owned businesses
The overall number isn't even comparable. AA's have far more businesses then African immigrants. Africans only have more businesses in areas that they have majority numbers. I don't know if i can name one in my area.
May 5, 2012
Considering that most black slaves who were sold to the slave markets in the Americas and the Arab world were captured and sold by other Africans, should we start holding these ethnic groups accountable like we do whites? Should these people be made to apologise and acknowledge the crimes of their forefathers.
That's the narrative that we were "sold" but how is that documented, why are you taking that for truth

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
This makes no sense. The point I am making is the expectation that a country with less than 50 years of autonomy would even be close in scale to that with more than 100, 200 in America's case, is absurd.
You can't be this mentally challenged can you?:snoop:

Look, no one is denying what you're saying, but the fact is in most African countries IT IS THE ELITE who not only have most of the wealth and do not distribute it evenly due to corruption. This has nothing to do with GDP... But just plain o'le corruption. Haiti has been independent far longer than any African country and yet it is the elite who control all of the wealth due to corruption.

The statistics I pointed to prove such. No different than people who expect black people to 'just work harder' or 'do better' here with no substantive framework for economic success. My comparison has always been between BLACK America and 3rd world countries anyway. You're the one who brought up gdp and America as a can bring up America as a whole all you want. Fact is the state of black America, statistically, within America isn't much better than some 3rd world countries.

No... Me and @Poitier brought up "corruption". Corruption=/=GDP. I only brought up GDP per capita to highlight the unfair wealth distribution in some African countries.

And as for your other points, you clearly forgot this part of the article...Which is GDP per capita...

Now is Russia and China third world countries? Like I said you use "3rd world" in a very broad sense. What type of third world country??? Because "Black America" is definietly not on par with say Zimbabwe.

And also(which you seem to be forgetting), AA population is larger than some African countries(like Ghana), so of course their GDP per capita would be low just like with China and Nigeria. But so you don't think I am flip flopping, again my original point(and still is) was CORRUPTION with African nations.


All Star
Nov 19, 2014
You can't be this mentally challenged can you?:snoop:

Look, no one is denying what you're saying, but the fact is in most African countries IT IS THE ELITE who not only have most of the wealth and do not distribute it evenly due to corruption. This has nothing to do with GDP... But just plain o'le corruption. Haiti has been independent far longer than any African country and yet it is the elite who control all of the wealth due to corruption.

No... Me and @Poitier brought up "corruption". Corruption=/=GDP. I only brought up GDP per capita to highlight the unfair wealth distribution in some African countries.

And as for your other points, you clearly forgot this part of the article...Which is GDP per capita...

Now is Russia and China third world countries? Like I said you use "3rd world" in a very broad sense. What type of third world country??? Because "Black America" is definietly not on par with say Zimbabwe.

And also(which you seem to be forgetting), AA population is larger than some African countries(like Ghana), so of course their GDP per capita would be low just like with China and Nigeria. But so you don't think I am flip flopping, again my original point(and still is) was CORRUPTION with African nations.

You cannot talk about the elite holding all the wealth when America is no different. One percent own 99 percent of the wealth. Argue all you want about 'distribution' but the fact remains. Lol America is 4th in the world in income inequity. The 2008 financial scandal was pure corruption. How many wall streeters went to prison for essentially colluding to destroyed the economy? Wake up man.

The U.S Ranks 4th in Income Inequality

Yes, Haiti has been free longer but on a fundamental level, do you expect a tiny island with no major natural resources to compete economically with the US?

Corruption is a lovely buzzword in the western world, but the vast majority of the most egregious offenses are committed by western companies. You referenced nigeria. Shell oil has single handely destroyed the nigerian economy through its bribery schemes and playing tribalism. Don't forget they'll kill you if you don't conform either. Would you turn down hundreds of millions of dollars? I dont think so. Lol people on wall street didn't when they knew they were giving out loans to people who would default. Come on you can't possibly be this dense.

Even the GDP you point to for black American's, which if u go back and read my posts I never personally referenced, is somewhat misleading. Lol the article states, the statistic cannot truly be measured for black america. Therefore it is not completely accurate, rather it is conjecture. READ. Part of the reason i never referenced it. Another reason I did not include that statistic is because it's rooted in the participation, although limited, in one of the world's richest economies. You dont think latino americans, asian americans etc have a higher per capita gdp than their counterparts in their home countries? Of course they do. It's part of the reason people come to america. If you take every immigrant group and compare their GDP in the us to what it would be in their home country, it will be higher in the us. Thats part of participating in a 1st world economy. I will say it again, black American is comparable, statistically, to third world countries in unemployment, violence, poverty, social mobility and few other categories. The statistics are there.

You should read before you post. I've been saying this since our conversation started bro.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
The overall number isn't even comparable. AA's have far more businesses then African immigrants. Africans only have more businesses in areas that they have majority numbers. I don't know if i can name one in my area.

Why do people even entertain this stuff lol. AAs outnumber Africans by a large amount in America so of course there are more AA businesses and wealth. MY thing is what stats do people look at when there is no data (outside of someone conducting an indy study) when you apply for business loans to check off if you are AA, African, West Indian, etc, they count everyone as black.

This stuff boggles my mind, how a people have have nothing globally want to spend all their time debating idiotic things. Ok Lets hold Nigeria and Benin accountable since they sold the most slaves, now what?

All this stuff is idiotic, if you aren't discussing building infrastructure. This is no diff then those Sa Neter TV cats who want to talk about all this irrelevant stuff, but when you ask well how do we build infrastructure they do the buzz word "well group economics :troll: hotep"

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Why do people even entertain this stuff lol. AAs outnumber Africans by a large amount in America so of course there are more AA businesses and wealth. MY thing is what stats do people look at when there is no data (outside of someone conducting an indy study) when you apply for business loans to check off if you are AA, African, West Indian, etc, they count everyone as black.

This stuff boggles my mind, how a people have have nothing globally want to spend all their time debating idiotic things. Ok Lets hold Nigeria and Benin accountable since they sold the most slaves, now what?

All this stuff is idiotic, if you aren't discussing building infrastructure. This is no diff then those Sa Neter TV cats who want to talk about all this irrelevant stuff, but when you ask well how do we build infrastructure they do the buzz word "well group economics :troll: hotep"

whats ur answer for that?:jbhmm:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
whats ur answer for that?:jbhmm:
I never claimed to have the answer. We better off making threads searching for that answer, than all these dumb ass threads about who to blame for Blacks being the worlds toilet bowl. Cats is scared to talk about that because that requires actual action.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
I never claimed to have the answer. We better off making threads searching for that answer, than all these dumb ass threads about who to blame for Blacks being the worlds toilet bowl. Cats is scared to talk about that because that requires actual action.

true, but we need to know why our empire fell so we don't make the mistake .

but i agree with you.


May 6, 2012
Why do people even entertain this stuff lol. AAs outnumber Africans by a large amount in America so of course there are more AA businesses and wealth. MY thing is what stats do people look at when there is no data (outside of someone conducting an indy study) when you apply for business loans to check off if you are AA, African, West Indian, etc, they count everyone as black.

This stuff boggles my mind, how a people have have nothing globally want to spend all their time debating idiotic things. Ok Lets hold Nigeria and Benin accountable since they sold the most slaves, now what?

All this stuff is idiotic, if you aren't discussing building infrastructure. This is no diff then those Sa Neter TV cats who want to talk about all this irrelevant stuff, but when you ask well how do we build infrastructure they do the buzz word "well group economics :troll: hotep"
nikkas are scared. We don't have resources so we don't want to use our little bit we do to get shyt poppin and the cycle continues. Not to mention if we keep it 100 AA's have zero connection to Africans.(obviously some do or I wouldn't be alive, but most don't we just a culture box to them like every other people) They don't give a shyt about us and no one else in the world does. We are by ourselves. We need to be opening businesses in our hoods that sell shyt we already buy a lot of and go from there. Your right as fukk. All these convos are pointless unless afterwards we go outside and start creating our own reality. What since does it make to complain about nikkas lining up for Jordan's but not opening a shoes store? It's silly shyt that be having me like :mindblown:.

nikkas don't wanna culture build. There is nothing stopping a group of 5-6 black men who see a community as a food desert to rent a space and get a bunch of healthy shyt in there and hold health classes and vendors to build some damn culture. We be playing these games with our lives, man.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
true, but we need to know why our empire fell so we don't make the mistake .

but i agree with you.
What empire? The issue at hand IMO, when Areas of Africa started to hear of what Europeans were trying to pull they should have formed Unions to exterminate these cats just for the purpose of self preservation. The issue at hand is Africa is a huge continent, of diverse people, people were only worried about their own, because the concept of being Black did not exist then, you were only of your Kingdom/ethnic group ( or as they b*stardized it now to be tribe). There are a ton of variables in slavery so it is not cut and dry what so ever, if you have POWs and someone says "Hey I`ll buy them from you", you aren't thinking no Pro Black mess when being black is not even a concept, it would be no diff than selling a Chinese person, you only know this person isn't part of your gang. At the end of the day people could not see the future to know the terrible outcome. Like I said there were a ton of different variables in play and case by case situations, so its tough to make a blanket statement. At the end of the day we are all globally screwed, and the simple looking at the common denominator that black everywhere are screwed and need to do something to change this is the only lesson we need to take action.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
nikkas are scared. We don't have resources so we don't want to use our little bit we do to get shyt poppin and the cycle continues. Not to mention if we keep it 100 AA's have zero connection to Africans.(obviously some do or I wouldn't be alive, but most don't we just a culture box to them like every other people) They don't give a shyt about us and no one else in the world does. We are by ourselves. We need to be opening businesses in our hoods that sell shyt we already buy a lot of and go from there. Your right as fukk. All these convos are pointless unless afterwards we go outside and start creating our own reality. What since does it make to complain about nikkas lining up for Jordan's but not opening a shoes store? It's silly shyt that be having me like :mindblown:.

nikkas don't wanna culture build. There is nothing stopping a group of 5-6 black men who see a community as a food desert to rent a space and get a bunch of healthy shyt in there and hold health classes and vendors to build some damn culture. We be playing these games with our lives, man.

The thing is, you gotta build to protect your home, chances are during building you come across like minded people and you link with them. Yea the numbers will be low, but at the end of the day everyone isn't gonna be cut out to lead and create the path. Black folks are literally creating help wanted ads and begging people to care about their futures, screw that. If it ends up that only 1-10k Blacks globally want to build something then so be it, we will do what we do. The days are over trying to convince people to do for self because nobody will do anything for them, so debates pointing fingers are useless. I`m down for random threads about history and news, but stuff like this is useless. Ok We hold a tribe accountable, now what? Ask for reparations? lol lets see where that goes.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
What empire? The issue at hand IMO, when Areas of Africa started to hear of what Europeans were trying to pull they should have formed Unions to exterminate these cats just for the purpose of self preservation. The issue at hand is Africa is a huge continent, of diverse people, people were only worried about their own, because the concept of being Black did not exist then, you were only of your Kingdom/ethnic group ( or as they b*stardized it now to be tribe). There are a ton of variables in slavery so it is not cut and dry what so ever, if you have POWs and someone says "Hey I`ll buy them from you", you aren't thinking no Pro Black mess when being black is not even a concept, it would be no diff than selling a Chinese person, you only know this person isn't part of your gang. At the end of the day people could not see the future to know the terrible outcome. Like I said there were a ton of different variables in play and case by case situations, so its tough to make a blanket statement. At the end of the day we are all globally screwed, and the simple looking at the common denominator that black everywhere are screwed and need to do something to change this is the only lesson we need to take action.

1.i get that but thats a problem and you agreed. thats is all.

2.true, i agree. that is all.