it's not a satisfying narrative ending, but what if all the options isayama gave were simply horrible? dude has been pretty consistently writing in the story that the path to diplomacy was almost unreachable
eren didn't have a good plan and just went with genocide as the best option to keep paradis safe but in the end didn't have the heart to go all the way through with it.
--laying down and putting your neck out en masse for slaughter was option 1
--foregoing your human right to procreate and basically saying screw how we feel, the world is better off without us was option 2
--or killing everyone else in existence to make sure you and yours continue to live was option 3
based off the alternate path he showed where eren and mikasa dipped out on responsibility makes me think all paths led to paradis getting invaded at some point in the near future where fighting or laying down were the only outcomes
if your gonna go that bleak with the story though, then how is this all gonna get satisfyingly tied together?
after what just happened why wouldn't the world play nice for 30-50 years while secretly developing weapons of mass destruction to drop on paradis and systematically dna test all citizens in their respective countries and slaughter all with eldian heritage
and yeah
@42 Monks the annie/falco spur of the moment bird transformation was probably the most egregious asspull this arc. isayama had the plane all ready to play a major part until he realized 4-5 people would need to get on/off at multiple points with quick takeoffs

he also hasn't well defined paths and ymir/spine and how it works to the point things that might seem ok with proper explanation just come outta nowhere