Shannon Sharpe is 90% Nigerian

Dec 19, 2017
You can't be 90% Nigerian... Nigeria is a country.

Nigeria is organized in a way that allows you to tract what ethnic group you are from.

What ethnic group is Shannon from? Because Yorubans are also in Ghana and other parts of west Africa.

Probably the 23andme test.

My guess is that 90% of his ancestors over the last 500 years, descend from areas that are part of modern day Nigeria.

Problem with that is that he's black American, so we are a mix of different West/Central African ethnicities. Yoruba, Igbo, Akan, Mende, Hausa..etc.

My test said "37% Nigerian" which really just means over 1/3 of my ancestors came from that general area. The next biggest region on my DNA was like Ghana/Sierra Leone/Liberia I think...which encompasses A LOT of different ethnicities.

I think what Shay Shay really meant was that his African % was at 90%....then the rest is probably some mix of European and Native American. It's doubtful that 90% of his ancestors all came from the area that is Nigeria...but him being 90% black overall is believable.


Sep 24, 2013
Probably the 23andme test.

My guess is that 90% of his ancestors over the last 500 years, descend from areas that are part of modern day Nigeria.

Problem with that is that he's black American, so we are a mix of different West/Central African ethnicities. Yoruba, Igbo, Akan, Mende, Hausa..etc.

My test said "37% Nigerian" which really just means over 1/3 of my ancestors came from that general area. The next biggest region on my DNA was like Ghana/Sierra Leone/Liberia I think...which encompasses A LOT of different ethnicities.

I think what Shay Shay really meant was that his African % was at 90%....then the rest is probably some mix of European and Native American. It's doubtful that 90% of his ancestors all came from the area that is Nigeria...but him being 90% black overall is believable.
That would make a lot of freaking sense. I was trying to understand how it was even possible yesterday and kept coming up short. Now, I will say that it wouldn't shock me if the lowcountry/gullah gechee region had a very homogenous group of black people, but Shannon isn't even from around there. I wrongly assumed he might be because he attended Savannah State.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Shannon's numbers seem to add up, even though they aren't common.

How many AAs here are products of the Great Migration? Meaning that your parents are from different cities/states/migration patterns? Your two grandmothers or your four great grands are NOT from the same place?

Had DNA tests been available before the 19teens, when vast majority of Blacks lived in the South, I think there would be a greater % of folks with those kinds of numbers. It appears that his people, and their neighbors stayed in the same section of the country after 1865. His great grands being from the same area. He proudly says that he's from rural South Georgia all the time.
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The First Men
Jan 3, 2015
The Original Man and the First Gods
Shannon's numbers seem to add up, even though they aren't common.

How many AAs here are products of the Great Migration? Meaning that your parents are from different cities/states/migration patterns? Your two grandmothers or your four great grands are NOT from the same place?

Had DNA tests been available before the 19teens, when vast majority of Blacks lived in the South, I think there would be a greater % of folks with those kinds of numbers. It appears that his people, and their neighbors stayed in the same section of the country after 1865. His great grands being from the same area. He proudly says that he's from rural South Georgia all the time.
It's the 90% of ONE nationality that gets me. Impossible or infeasible? No. Improbable? Maybe.
Dec 19, 2017
Shannon's numbers seem to add up, even though they aren't common.

How many AAs here are products of the Great Migration? Meaning that your parents are from different cities/states/migration patterns? Your two grandmothers or your four great grands are NOT from the same place?

Had DNA tests been available before the 19teens, when vast majority of Blacks lived in the South, I think there would be a greater % of folks with those kinds of numbers. It appears that his people, and their neighbors stayed in the same section of the country after 1865. His great grands being from the same area. He proudly says that he's from rural South Georgia all the time.

My family is huge and various branches went to California....but those closest to me (still a lot of people) stayed in Texas.

Looks like we started in Georgia and South Carolina and then somehow ended up Louisiana and Texas between 1830 and 1850.

My mom is not that dark (like Will Smith or Queen Latifah sorta brown) and she's 90% West/Central African. My whole family is pretty much 85 - 90% African except for the mixed people...all of them were born after 1975 and mostly look Puerto Rican or Dominican...none could pass as anything but black or maybe Afro Latino.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Even if they were, I'd imagine somebody would mingle with a black person with longer history and more of a mix. To me that much purity represents insulation and older roots not recent ones.
How accurate are these things anway? How is any of this verified/proven

Nigeria is a colonial creation. There was not such country called Nigeria when his ancestors were there, because the Country of Nigeria was not created until 1960. So that Nigeria result is a score for not only Nigeria, but also for countries around Nigeria. Some of the people in Togo, Benin and Cameroon would also probably come back with Nigerian scores, because many of them are from the same area but when White people cut up the land in smaller countries some people were just in different countries. So the Yoruba people and Hausa people are not only in Nigeria, but they are also in Benin and the other countries around modern day Nigeria.

23andme has something called an ancestry timeline that lets people know the estimated range of birth years that people had an ancestor that was 100% from a specific country. It is guesswork, but Nigeria comes back as one of the significant regions for African Americans for having recent ancestors within the last 150-200 years. The significant thing about that is that the Yoruba people were having a civil war after after Oyo Empire collapsed and the Yoruba began to throw each other into slavery. Dahomey had also began to slave raid in Yorubaland in modern day Benin and in modern day southwestern Nigeria. Additionally the Aro Confederacy (who are Igbos in the Cross River region of Igboland) began slave raids into northern portion of Igboland, which is in southeastern Nigeria. The Aro Confederacy was raiding and kidnapping the Igbos who lived in and around Onitsha, Owerri and Enugu, where they burned down villages and sold captives to American ships that docked down river in the Bight of Biafra. That went on until 1860, which is important because that is when the American Civil War started and it is also important because those people were brought directly to the USA. It is also significant that it was American ships that were purchasing slaves, because it was illegal to import slaves directly into the USA after 1808. The reason for that ban was because the USA had just purchased the Louisiana territory from the French and the new plantations were opening up down river. Virginia planters wanted to sell their slaves to the new planters, but they were selling the slaves at a premium price that the new planters could not afford so the new planters and their Wall Street backers began to smuggle slaves into the USA from West Africa. That went on for period of 52 years from 1808-1860, which why people were still being kidnapped in modern day Nigeria up until 1860 and it only ended when the American Civil War started. If you all are interested in this subject then there is an excellent book that you can read called:


They smuggled so many people into the USA from West Africa after 1808 that they don't even know how many, but some people have estimated over 100,000 people. African Americans high Nigerian DNA results along with their most recent ancestor indicates that is probably true. The dynamics of the American and Nigerians of that period was just crazy and the American government swept all of it under the rug, because many politicians, business people and wealthy people were involved in the smuggling. Here is more information from the Igbo side and where the Aro Confederacy was raiding, which included as far east as Northern Cameroon.
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Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Meh, those test are wacky, he's from Georgia. I expect a lot more Upper Guinea Coast(Sierra Leone, Guinea, Bissau, Liberia, Senegambia)in his DNA

They never indicate the ethnic groups in those autosomal tests and on 23andme they lump Sierra Leone and Liberia with Ivory Coast and Ghana. So he might actually be Mende, Mandingo, Bambara, Temne, Limba, Kru or what ever on his direct maternal or paternal line.

That is why you have to see DNA tests as regional scores rather than Country specific. You also have to take the tests with a grain of salt, because people have moved over time. A good example is that a Fulani person in Nigeria usually doesn't show up as being from Nigeria. They normally show up as being from Senegal and Guinea which reflects the fact that they are recent immigrants (last 200-500 years) to what is now Nigeria.


May 19, 2013
It's the 90% of ONE nationality that gets me. Impossible or infeasible? No. Improbable? Maybe.

nationality is just a placeholder or modern day container, so that container has several different ancient items, those items represent different ethnicities.

so 90 percent of him fits into that modern container, the items/ethnicities can be broken down into sections of the 90%container. The 10% container is made up of other non African items/ethnicities...


May 7, 2012
I never took one of those tests because if I see 1% European I'll be very mad at myself.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I never took one of those tests because if I see 1% European I'll be very mad at myself.

Why would you focus on that 1%, rather than on that 99%? That 1% should prove to you what you already know. The White slaveowners were a bunch of rapists so modern day White people don't have any moral high ground to be walking around talking about law and order because your DNA proves that they are descended from lawless people.