Shannon Sharpe is 90% Nigerian


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy

Please stop. You sound dumb as hell trying to be slick with the condescension. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

You nikkas are just internet weirdos obsessed with other melanated people's origins. I'm sorry your hero Obama was a disappointment since you decided to bring him up.

Im sorry bad people on the internet upset you breh.

Tariq is so mean

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
There have actually been genetic and morphological studies done that show the earliest american skeletons found shared similar genetic traits as the indigenous australians, new guineans, and andamanese islanders (black people) and were completely different than the ones of the modern native americans of today (who are admixed mulattos).

There was actually this Italian explorer from way back in the 1500s named Giovanni Verrazano who talked about running into Indians over in the Carolinas who looked identical to Ethiopians.

Just playing a little devil's advocate.

L $ C

Jan 27, 2015
Who edited the og post? :hhh:

That was one of funniest posts in recent TLR history. reminds of when this place had a sense of humor and not just a bunch of stinkmeaners airing out their perceived grievances.
facts I did , my brother was writting about dongs


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
Nigeria is a colonial creation. There was not such country called Nigeria when his ancestors were there, because the Country of Nigeria was not created until 1960. So that Nigeria result is a score for not only Nigeria, but also for countries around Nigeria. Some of the people in Togo, Benin and Cameroon would also probably come back with Nigerian scores, because many of them are from the same area but when White people cut up the land in smaller countries some people were just in different countries. So the Yoruba people and Hausa people are not only in Nigeria, but they are also in Benin and the other countries around modern day Nigeria.

23andme has something called an ancestry timeline that lets people know the estimated range of birth years that people had an ancestor that was 100% from a specific country. It is guesswork, but Nigeria comes back as one of the significant regions for African Americans for having recent ancestors within the last 150-200 years. The significant thing about that is that the Yoruba people were having a civil war after after Oyo Empire collapsed and the Yoruba began to throw each other into slavery. Dahomey had also began to slave raid in Yorubaland in modern day Benin and in modern day southwestern Nigeria. Additionally the Aro Confederacy (who are Igbos in the Cross River region of Igboland) began slave raids into northern portion of Igboland, which is in southeastern Nigeria. The Aro Confederacy was raiding and kidnapping the Igbos who lived in and around Onitsha, Owerri and Enugu, where they burned down villages and sold captives to American ships that docked down river in the Bight of Biafra. That went on until 1860, which is important because that is when the American Civil War started and it is also important because those people were brought directly to the USA. It is also significant that it was American ships that were purchasing slaves, because it was illegal to import slaves directly into the USA after 1808. The reason for that ban was because the USA had just purchased the Louisiana territory from the French and the new plantations were opening up down river. Virginia planters wanted to sell their slaves to the new planters, but they were selling the slaves at a premium price that the new planters could not afford so the new planters and their Wall Street backers began to smuggle slaves into the USA from West Africa. That went on for period of 52 years from 1808-1860, which why people were still being kidnapped in modern day Nigeria up until 1860 and it only ended when the American Civil War started. If you all are interested in this subject then there is an excellent book that you can read called:


They smuggled so many people into the USA from West Africa after 1808 that they don't even know how many, but some people have estimated over 100,000 people. African Americans high Nigerian DNA results along with their most recent ancestor indicates that is probably true. The dynamics of the American and Nigerians of that period was just crazy and the American government swept all of it under the rug, because many politicians, business people and wealthy people were involved in the smuggling. Here is more information from the Igbo side and where the Aro Confederacy was raiding, which included as far east as Northern Cameroon.
This was the best post in the entire thread, you really know your African history.

You left out that the Aro Confederacy also had maybe the earliest known “prison for profit” scheme involving black people.

They were wrongfully sentencing people to death that were innocent, only to fake their executions and then sell them into slavery. Took the slavery profits and invested in guns and warfare.

The Arochukwu were in position to conquer all of Igboland, but they overstepped boundaries trying to defy the British and got wiped out.

When they tried to unite Igboland against the British, they couldn’t find Allies because they spent the past decades terrorizing the area, plus when people found out the were faking executions that were supposedly the “will of god” their religious power waned.