Why do people have to exclusively date within any race? If you're attracted to white men more physically, then that's cool, but that's a preference (whether voluntary or involuntary because sometimes you can't help what you like). Comparing and saying that the majority of black men are this and white men are that "so this is why you prefer one over the other" - I think that's where the issue is - it's a generalization. It's not a problem to be "rainbow sexers/lovers" it's the reason behind it - "if black men weren't like this then I'd date them" mentality. If you are dating a man who happens to be white and he's wonderful and makes you happy, that's all that matters. It's the individual that you love, not the characteristics of his entire race - it has little to do with who he is as a person. No need to explain why he makes you happy and why "black men" don't - cause everyone else becomes irrelevant and it doesn't matter - you're happy with this person and that's that. I don't think a person should try to exclusively date any particular race - they should just be with whomever makes the most sense for them at that time. Similarly, I hate to see men generalize women. I've heard "black women are loud" and many other ridiculous statements. Or, "white women are submissive" blah blah. I think the only people who don't always have a negative stigma or stereotype are white men...cause like I said before, society is constructed for the white man to always be on top...and everyone else has to constantly prove themselves against negative and ludicrous false standards.