Sexual Abstinence


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Apr 30, 2012
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True...I have a girlfriend who wants to have casual sex, but deep down she doesn't cause she can't handle it...she wants a boyfriend and she knows that. So I've told her several times to stop pretending. She's not only lying to the guy (acting as if she's cool just being fukk buddies, when she's not), but she's lying to herself. Some people aren't cut out for be true to yourself and don't conform to current trends or watch what other people around you are doing.

I think women can tell, but some don't want to admit it because they so desire to be loved/wanted that they're ignoring the signs.

Messages on dating sites or followers on Instagram are just that. So many dudes can't even write an original message to you, but copy/paste the same crap from one chick to the next...that doesn't give me a false sense of importance, but some girls just love the attention.

Once you're past a certain age, the scandalous clothes need to go. I can't imagine going to a lounge or dinner somewhere and running into a client or someone I know from work, with my ass hanging out of short shorts or breasts falling into my dinner plate lol I'd actually be cool with my man going to a strip club if it's for a bachelor party or something - I don't get too hung up on that stuff - but spending cash to see other chicks strip for you on the regular? Nah. Go date a stripper then. :comeon:

By the way, these are the best smileys ever haha

Yup, just like I have always stated :lupe:, most women do not want to be labelled as whore. Guys will chatter, word will spread, and your name will be tarnished. And yep most girls want commitment, a man to call there own, but they will mask it with that "independence" , or its just "sex". For the most part the only people who are really cut out for that meaningless sex as a women are (dodges tomatoes) prostitutes, escorts, gold diggers, and women with deep emotional scars (molested or raped) that did not have the proper therapy to deal with their issues, so sex to these type of females is just like a peck on a cheek.

Eh I've seen it when i dabbled on dating sites, women screenshot their inbox liek wow look at me :beli:, 200msgs.
Once the attention goes, women who don't offer anything else about their looks imo will enter into deep depression and despair, I see it now as I'm 28. Girls I grew up with who were hot in their teenage years, early twenties. Now got the few grey hairs, tummy a little bigger, boobs and ass sagging, face looking old, suddenly now it's "hey, hows life going" :heh:

If you want to dress scandalous as a female then you deserve the guys you attract, I never understand how women are ok looking like skanks at a club, having photos taken off them all over these club pages on the internet for ever.


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Apr 30, 2012
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It's been about 2 months and by choice I'm just chillin..I was in a relationship for 5 years and 2 years after I was still seeing my ex :damn: ...It's hard, but it's weird how I let sex control me :lupe:


be righteous girls!!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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Sexless marriages make no sense to me; people start drifting apart, and then wonder why. Sex isn't everything, but it helps with the intimacy between two people (usually).

I understand being tired but hell, I still want sex, even if I am tired. A headache ain't never stopped me from sexing; I just make sure I take an Advil beforehand.

alot of people don't care for sex. I dated a broad and she hated sex but because at that time I was a sex addict we were doing it like every day

Abstinence would be going too far, in my case, but I realized recently, that casual sex doesn't do anything for me, in terms of release or enjoyment, it just makes me feel worse, to be truthful, laying there naked with someone you aren't even really interested in, or in worse scenarios, someone who you have little respect for, or who annoys you, or you consider immature, or whatever. At least be with someone who I am interested in spending time with after, and talking too, and vice versa. I am kind of envious of my friends who pursue it with a relentless and crazed intensity, and it seems to work for them, for now, at least. Sex without intimacy/feelings, on both sides just hasn't really interested me in sometimes, combine that with a definite LACK of a women fits that, who I am sleeping with, and I guess you get a form of abstinence, without the gratification and self righteousness, that may accompany it.


I ain't judging anyone, I would be the last person to. In a 7 month period, i slept with like 15 women, went through 2 miscarriages, 2 abortions, std care, threatened with a pregnancy that thankfully was a false alarm :wheww:

now im like a buddist monk :blessed:


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
Yup, just like I have always stated :lupe:, most women do not want to be labelled as whore. Guys will chatter, word will spread, and your name will be tarnished. And yep most girls want commitment, a man to call there own, but they will mask it with that "independence" , or its just "sex". For the most part the only people who are really cut out for that meaningless sex as a women are (dodges tomatoes) prostitutes, escorts, gold diggers, and women with deep emotional scars (molested or raped) that did not have the proper therapy to deal with their issues, so sex to these type of females is just like a peck on a cheek.

Eh I've seen it when i dabbled on dating sites, women screenshot their inbox liek wow look at me :beli:, 200msgs.
Once the attention goes, women who don't offer anything else about their looks imo will enter into deep depression and despair, I see it now as I'm 28. Girls I grew up with who were hot in their teenage years, early twenties. Now got the few grey hairs, tummy a little bigger, boobs and ass sagging, face looking old, suddenly now it's "hey, hows life going" :heh:

If you want to dress scandalous as a female then you deserve the guys you attract, I never understand how women are ok looking like skanks at a club, having photos taken off them all over these club pages on the internet for ever.

They want to act like a whore without being labeled a whore. I call men whores too - for me it's not about men or women - it's how you conduct yourself as a human being. If you're happy whoring yourself to different people, then go for it - do what makes you happy, but don't try to convince someone you're not what they think cause they're going to think what you show them (based on how you act).

Me neither...or how they're comfortable with getting wasted every weekend. I've never been "wasted" in my life. I very rarely drink in the first place - if I'm going on an all-inclusive vacation, I'll have pina coladas or whatever other fruity girly shyt they have, but I've pretty much given up alcohol in my every day life cause I don't even like the taste and it's just empty calories. I'm 30 now...I need to think about how this stuff will affect me and my body in the long run. Do I need it? No. I don't miss it at all and I was never really a drinker - never drank to get drunk except at prom - and when I got home, my mom gave me a huge lecture about how ladies need to conduct themselves as ladies and we need to be in control of our actions and alcohol clouds our judgement blah blah lol I learned my lesson. I look at some women, out at the club every weekend...drinking, going home with different men...I don't get it, but I guess that's fun to them...I'd rather chill at home and catch a Lakers game. I don't believe that the progressive, independent woman needs to go to extremes and conduct herself in a way that compromises her core values/morals. We have the option to sleep with whomever we want, to drink, to smoke, to dress provocatively, but I don't think that makes us more independent...sometimes traditional values are best (for guys too - I don't mean to come down on women, but I feel some women take it to an extreme to prove that they can do these things, so they're going to live as destructively as they want to just because they can).


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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They want to act like a whore without being labeled a whore. I call men whores too - for me it's not about men or women - it's how you conduct yourself as a human being. If you're happy whoring yourself to different people, then go for it - do what makes you happy, but don't try to convince someone you're not what they think cause they're going to think what you show them (based on how you act).

Me neither...or how they're comfortable with getting wasted every weekend. I've never been "wasted" in my life. I very rarely drink in the first place - if I'm going on an all-inclusive vacation, I'll have pina coladas or whatever other fruity girly shyt they have, but I've pretty much given up alcohol in my every day life cause I don't even like the taste and it's just empty calories. I'm 30 now...I need to think about how this stuff will affect me and my body in the long run. Do I need it? No. I don't miss it at all and I was never really a drinker - never drank to get drunk except at prom - and when I got home, my mom gave me a huge lecture about how ladies need to conduct themselves as ladies and we need to be in control of our actions and alcohol clouds our judgement blah blah lol I learned my lesson. I look at some women, out at the club every weekend...drinking, going home with different men...I don't get it, but I guess that's fun to them...I'd rather chill at home and catch a Lakers game. I don't believe that the progressive, independent woman needs to go to extremes and conduct herself in a way that compromises her core values/morals. We have the option to sleep with whomever we want, to drink, to smoke, to dress provocatively, but I don't think that makes us more independent...sometimes traditional values are best (for guys too - I don't mean to come down on women, but I feel some women take it to an extreme to prove that they can do these things, so they're going to live as destructively as they want to just because they can).

that is true, if you want to whore then whore, but no one but porn stars want to be labelled as such, if they were proud of it women wouldn't lie about their sexual partners count.

I've only drank 4 times in my life and that was when I went to cuba, never again. #sobriertymovement

Alcohol does cloud judgment that was my first time ever totally wasted and I'm a introvert yet i was blabbering out loud, couldn't even walk straight, was taking pictures of random folks just a mess. But at least I was a male.

Sad thing is alot of women don't get it, they don't realize what they are doing to themselves till they get raped, end up in a abusive relationship wiht a alcoholic, get knocked up and become a single mom, or when they "had their fun, want to settle down" and find a nice guy or whatever is the newest cliche for single women who ratched it up in the past that it's not going to happen.

I always get chided for bringing up stats, but stats show that 1/3 women will be sexual assaulted at one point in their life, people take precautions to not get cancer or diabetes by watching what they eat etc., but they will get drunk on a saturday and go home with different men.

Or the fact that the more sexual partners you have the least likely you will last in a long term relationship or marriage

but hey blame the messenger.


Jun 23, 2013
:yawn: dumb bytch just like what the fukk I said and normally I dont call women bytches but I made a special case cause of your ignorance, .Like what I said you think that shyt is green until the word N*gger pops out by mistake and it probably done have already, I wouldnt put it pass c00ns like you let shyt like that slide on a daily bases. How the fukk you only gonna date a person cause of their skin color? Know how many times black women done got on my nerves and call me out of my name? Name calling, slaps, punch etc all of the crazy shyt. I have dated white women a couple of times and I wont front it was less of a hassle but did I abandon yall black women? I could have pull a coli male poster and only praise white women and shyt on black women on a daily bases. I would have been within my right to do so, yall are crazy but still I stayed with yall and I wont abandon just for a lesser headache. I love my black women and for me to pull the shyt you did and abandon a whole race just based off of a couple bad encounters wouldnt us any good but hey thats just me. Also I was raised in a two parent home with my mother and father as if that should fukking matter, I have seen men and women from single parent home surpass most kids with two parents in education, morality, money and in life so you so called jab is invalid. Now go run off to them white knights so yall can play yes masta under the sheet.

Dumb c00n ass bytch

Ummm if you were respectful u wouldn't of used that word period regardless, they're other ways to express your disagreement with someone. The black women obviously don't respect u, if you consider them bytches. No your aren't respectful and you obviously aren't a catch. Well your mother and father fukked up miserably about teaching you about valuing and respecting women. Men who grew up fatherless are 80% more likely to be fukks then boys from 2 parents can google the stats. I'm glad my parents didd a wonderful job raising my brothers, i have never heard or seen them disrespect a woman. They have never been womanizers either, they're all married with kids. IF I ACTUALLY SEEN OR ENCOUNTERED MORE BLACK MEN LIKE MY BROTHERS OR FATHER INSTEAD OF IN OTHER RACES OF MEN, THEN YALL WOULD OF BEEN INCLUDED IN MY TYPE!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Ummm if you were respectful u wouldn't of used that word period regardless, they're other ways to express your disagreement with someone. The black women obviously don't respect u, if you consider them bytches. No your aren't respectful and you obviously aren't a catch. Well your mother and father fukked up miserably about teaching you about valuing and respecting women. Men who grew up fatherless are 80% more likely to be fukks then boys from 2 parents can google the stats. I'm glad my parents didd a wonderful job raising my brothers, i have never heard or seen them disrespect a woman. They have never been womanizers either, they're all married with kids. IF I ACTUALLY SEEN OR ENCOUNTERED MORE BLACK MEN LIKE MY BROTHERS OR FATHER INSTEAD OF IN OTHER RACES OF MEN, THEN YALL WOULD OF BEEN INCLUDED IN MY TYPE!

1. it's the internet most people hurl words they would not say in real life.
2. Just because you never heard or seen them disrespect a woman does not mean they never did. I was a sex addict but in the eyes of my sister i was still an angel who was pure.


Jun 23, 2013
I don't like how some sistas get on like white men are so great. They are no better than black men...the only difference is you give them a pass. I see sistas with some bummy asss, useless white dudes and know for a fact they would not date the equivalent black male. Sistas who date white men give them a lot more slack than they do black men...then got the audacity to down if they would give them the time of day. I see it all the time. Sistas with good for nothing white men but would not even look at a better quality black man. In many cases these white dudes do not see a future withyou beyond some wild sex or fulfilling some sort of no need to have your nose in the air. At the end of the day, you end up looking dumb.

Bummy? Those must be those rats who date those types. I need someone to compliment me just like I compliment them. Iwalk out the house like I'm fresh off the runway and only wear designer clothes, he has to be fly also. He has to have his.own and from a stable upbringing.


Jun 9, 2013
Dang, what's going on in here?
May 1, 2012
Dang, what's going on in here?

you gotta a woman in here proclaiming her love of white men...and some cat upset about it....

bruh...let them have her...theres plenty of quality sistas out here that still check for black men...

be a man on top of your stuff and women of any color wont be a all

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
I had to re-read this to make sure u said what you said.

and ur missing out. I just hit a undeniable young bish like last week. undeniable even for someone like u. granted she was mixed, but basically ur missing out.

I smash white girls, i live around them... I really don't get the big deal with them. The best black women put up a challenge. Even the very best top of the line white women are no challenge at all. and they say stupid shyt all the time. You probably laugh at that stupid shyt. smh

Put up a challenge for one guy but they'll be bussin wide open for another nikka without hesitation:mjpls:

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Man with all the high STD/Aids rates and of course unwanted pregnancy I cant even knock an abstinent person. People got to watch who you share your spirit with. More you let them urges take control of you,more people you sleep with and more chance of you getting something.Shoot if you got to do damn near background checks on person you dating,imagine who they slept with. I use to work in a convenient store and Morning After Pill flew off the shelves everyday,people use to panic when they didnt see them on the shelf :heh: "When is the next shipment?" That right there speaks volumes....


Jun 23, 2013
white bo

white boys don't like black women for anything but sex, I had a white co-worker confess that to nothing but a c00n

One white boy really? If u want to go there, majority of black men just want to fukk. I have 4 homegirls whom are married to white men and 3 of them have kids by them. My boyfriend definitely not like that, we've together for 2 years and I know his whole family and friends.